DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the characters used in this story, all are property of The Bill. Any unrecognised characters however, do belong to me.

This is going to be a departure from the usual Huxon fluffiness that you guys are used to reading from me but I hope you'll enjoy it all the same.

This story is solely dedicated to Laura AKA (SaMaNdPhiL4eVeR), without her encouragement and motivation, I don't think I'd have got this started. Thankx hun!

Btw, I changed my pen-name, as you may have noticed.

Plz R&R, luv ya all Gemz xx

Living with a Broken Heart

Summary: When something breaks you can usually fix it. Can the same be said for a broken heart when the one you love leaves you behind? Will you ever forget the one that walked away?

Chapter 1- Putting on A Brave Face

'Did they tell you about my injury?' Phil asked Sam as they stood in the back yard.

'Uh, uh…yes, the err…the fact that you didn't break your ankle when you were chasing a maniac, like you told everyone here,'

Phil sighed as he looked back at Sam, 'I did it vaulting over a pub table…'

Sam smirked, '…They told me not to do it and they were right you know,' Phil continued as he gazed into Sam's eyes. 'You'd have been proud of me though. I nearly, you know, I nearly made it.'

'You'll fit in very nicely over there,' Sam said as she turned around and began to walk away.

She walked down the slope and then a thought occurred to her, she turned around again to face Phil. 'And umm…Don't worry, I've given you a glowing reference, I had to lie a bit but…'

'Listen, I'm gonna miss you,' Phil called.

Sam stopped at the bottom of the slope. She was torn between ignoring him and walking away and just turning round to see his face one last time. She turned around and exchanged a smile with Phil.

'I'm gonna miss you too Phil,' Sam said.

It was all she could do to stop herself from running back up that slope and throwing herself into Phil's arms. He was leaving, a declaration of love from her wasn't going to stop him from going, he'd made his decision. She couldn't change that, she just had to live with it.

Sam really wanted to say something about how she felt to Phil but once she'd plucked up the courage, he told her that he was leaving. She'd fallen in love with him, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Sam turned the corner and soon, she was out of sight. Phil sighed deeply, wondering how deeply his departure was affecting her. 'Do you fancy going to the pub Phil?' she asked as she poked her head around the corner.

'What for?' Phil replied.

Sam shrugged her shoulders, 'farewell drink,' she said.

Phil thought about this for a moment, 'yeah OK,' he replied.

'Just give me a minute and I'll give you a lift,' Sam said as she disappeared back around the corner.

She began to walk towards her car and as she did so, she got her phone out and called Jo's mobile. It rang a couple of times before Jo answered, 'hello?' she said.

'Jo, it's me. He's taken the bait. I'm bringing him now,' Sam replied.

'Nice one,' Jo said as she hung up.

She turned to the rest of the relief, who, with her, were in the Seven Bells. 'We're on,' Jo announced.

Everyone around her cheered and high-fived each other. 'I can't believe he thought that we'd forget,' Mickey said.

'How could we?' Jo asked as Will and Smithy put the finishing touches to the banner that had been put up which said: Goodbye Phil and good luck. We'll miss you! A simple statement that said so much.

Sam pulled up outside The Seven Bells a few minutes later. She locked the car up as Phil went towards the pub door and when he opened it, he was confronted by the relief shouting: 'SURPRISE!'

'I thought you'd all forgotten,' Phil said as the pub door opened once more.

'How could we forget Phil? You've been a great asset to this department and I think I speak for everyone when I say that we're all going to miss you,' Sam said as she closed the pub door behind her as the relief fell silent.

She knew she was speaking the truth and in a way, that had been the hardest thing she had ever had to say. It was difficult for Sam, to stand there, so close to the one she loved and not be able to tell Phil how she felt about him. She wished she'd had the courage to tell him how she felt sooner, maybe while they were still together but she hadn't and now, Sam felt sure that she was going to live to regret it.

Phil turned around to face Sam, 'you organized this?' he asked.

'Well, I can't take all the credit, everyone chipped in,'

Phil looked around at his old colleagues; he had had a lump in his throat ever since that conversation with Sam, when they'd both said they'd miss each other. The reality of what he was doing finally hit him; he was moving on. Sun Hill had been like a second home to him over the last 5years and he'd experienced some really good times there but he felt it was time for him to move on and explore new challenges. 'You certainly kept that quiet,' he remarked. 'I guess the first's round's on me.'

The entire relief clapped and cheered at this as Phil made his way over to the bar. Sam went through the crowds and sat herself down on a barstool beside Jo. They got their drinks and proposed a toast to Phil and his new job at Special Projects. Even though it was a sad day for everyone at Sun Hill, they were all enjoying themselves, all except one person…

Sam was still sat on the barstool, staring, glassy-eyed into the bottom of her finished wine glass. She was upset that Phil was going, she'd tried to disguise when he told her but she didn't think it worked very well. Jo came back over to Sam and sat down beside her, 'what's up Sam?' she asked.

'Nothing Jo,' she lied.

'Well, whatever it is, you're not gonna find the answer at the bottom of a glass,' Jo joked. 'I'll get you another drink.'

'Thanks Jo,' Sam attempted a smile but it didn't really work.

She caught sight of Phil stood at the opposite end of the bar talking to Neil. Tears began to well up in her eyes but she blinked them away, determined to keep the façade going. Jo passed Sam another glass of wine, 'cheers Jo,' she said.

About half an hour later, Sam finished her third glass of wine and left Jo talking to Mickey. She went off to find Phil, who was still talking to Neil at the opposite end of the bar. Neil saw Sam coming and turned to Phil, 'I'll leave you to it,' he said as he left Phil and Sam on their own.

'I can't believe you're going Phil,' Sam said.

'I'm sure we'll work together again sometime,' Phil replied.

'I meant what I said earlier, I really am going to miss you,'

Phil smiled at her, 'come here Sam,' he said.

Sam walked towards him and Phil wrapped his arms around Sam's petite frame. She sighed quietly as she felt his strong arms envelope her in a hug. This may be the last time that Sam would have Phil this close to her and she was determined to remember this moment forever. She wrapped her arms around Phil's neck and closed her eyes, as though trying to cement this moment in her mind. Phil pulled away and gazed into Sam's eyes, 'keep in touch yeah Phil?' Sam said.

'Course I will Sam,' Phil replied.

'I'm gonna go now, enjoy yourself at Special Projects,'

Sam pressed a light kiss against Phil's cheek before waking towards the pub door and opening it. Phil watched until the pub door closed once more, signalling Sam's departure from the pub. Phil walked over to the bar and sighed quietly, he always knew that he was going to miss Sam, until now, he had no idea how much.

Well, what do you think? You know what to do. Press the purple button and review. 4reviews before I post the nxt chapter, luv ya all Gemz xx