Akamaru, nin dog extraordinaire, did not chase leaves, balls, or small creatures

Disclaimer: I don't own jack, not even a car. All characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto . I promise to put them back when I'm done…

Special note: I just want to thank everyone for being soooo patient waiting for this chapter. And thank you again for just taking the time to read the story and comment. Also, I know a few of you were concerned that I wasn't going to continue the story but let me assure you I have no intention of stopping it. Real life just gets in the way at times. So thanks for all the support :D

Special thanks goes to:

My super sexy beta Katsuyo

And DominicShade and Minako-chan for giving me various feedback. I really do appreciate it.

Things said in 'single quotations' indicate Akamaru's speech. Only Inuzuka clan members can understand the large fluff ball. X3

Italics mean private thoughts


Akamaru, nin dog extraordinaire, did not chase leaves, balls, or small creatures.

He also didn't play with annoying puppies with uncontrollable urges to chew on everything, including his tail.

No, Akamaru was mature, loyal, steadfast, obedient, calm-

'SQUIRREL!' Akamaru barked and charged towards the small animal.

Petrified, the squirrel turned around and scrambled up the nearest tree. Akamaru glared when Mai dodged through his legs and rushed ahead of him.

Her small paws stretched out along the trunk while she jumped and barked happily.

'I saw him first,' Akamaru grumbled and sulked behind her, sitting on his haunches.

'So? I smelled him first,' Mai said and gave him a lopsided grin, her tongue hanging out.

'Impossible!' Akamaru snorted, 'You can't even distinguish between an animal and its crap, let alone a squirrel's scent downwind.'

'Yes, I can,' Mai barked and continued to paw at the tree.

Akamaru scratched his right ear with his hind leg, 'No. You can't.'

'Can too!' Mai turned around and glared.

Akamaru took one look at Mai's squared shoulders, puffed out chest and raised tail before laughing.

'You look like a fluffy rabbit!'

Mai growled, 'You look like… a… ah… stupid.'

'A stupid?' Akamaru blinked.

Mai let out a frustrated huff, 'Why are you so mean?'

'I'm not mean,' he said nonchalantly.

'Yes! You are! Yesterday you ate my lunch and today you call me a-'

'BUNNY!' Akamaru woofed.

Mai barely had time to think before the older dog barreled over her towards the brown hare.

'I smelled him first!' Mai yipped and chased after him.

'No you didn't!' Akamaru snapped as he peeked under the bush the hare was hiding.

Honestly, this kid was getting annoying…

'Yes I did!' Mai barked back and ran up besides him.



Akamaru picked up a paw and brought it down on Mai's head pinning her to the ground.


'Ow!' Mia whined, 'Oniisaaaan…'

Shoulders hunched and ears drooped, Akamaru glanced cautiously over at Kiba's sleeping form. His biceps were flexed as he leaned back on his elbows against a fallen tree, the trunk supporting his neck. He slept on the ground with one leg bent up and the other stretched out across the grass.

Akamaru gave an amused snort.

The dog nin had fallen asleep shortly after their daily training session in the forest. It was fortunate that they were on the clan's grounds since the only thing Kiba was now wearing was the bandage around his left bicep.

Mai squirmed underneath Akamaru's heavy paw, which conveniently pushed her further down into the loose dirt. She gave another whine.

"Just wait, Stupid", Mai thought angrily.

The older canine gave a chuckle when Mai let out another small whine.

"Akamaru…" Kiba's low voice drawled out.

Akamaru glared at Mai, 'Tattletale,' he murmured and moved his large paw.

Kiba felt the corner his mouth twitch but he didn't smile. In fact he couldn't remember the last time he smiled. Even when Mai stole Shino's glasses and slobbered all over them last week, he didn't smiled.

His mother had asked him the other day about Iruka but Kiba was ashamed to tell her he had lost control. He was upset that he had been jealous of Raidou. He was angry that he had hurt Iruka. Most of all he was frustrated that he freaked out when Iruka said he wanted to be something more than…whatever they had almost become. It just wasn't fair. Why did Iruka expect him to suddenly want a relationship? Even when he was with Naruto it was always more of a friends with benefits situation. Kiba didn't do emotions, love, or all the mushy stuff that was in relationships. It just wasn't his way to do things. Period.


You thought about it, his mind whispered.

True. He had thought about what it would be like to be in an actual relationship but every time he thought about his parents all thoughts of that kind of life vanished. His parents had had a very close relationship, a very unusual relationship, a very monogamous relationship…

Kiba sneered at the thought.

He was too young to remember his father or what his mother would have been like before his death but Hana had remembered.

Hana had told him that Tsume tried to kill herself not too long afterwards. That it was Kiba who found his mother first… not understanding that she was close to death he had curled up beside her to sleep. Another clan member had found them both and rushed Tsume to the hospital. When he was old enough to understand, he found that he was angry with his mother. He was angry that she was so willing to leave them behind, so willing to give up everything for love.


For Kiba it was a sign of weakness. It left one open for attack and you couldn't fight it with claws and jutsus.

As a result, he had learned to take joy in carnal pleasures only. He had learned to bite back when bitten and take down anyone who threatened him. He'd told himself that he didn't need anyone's love or caring words. And so he had learned to live like a feral animal, always ready to strike out when someone tried to get too close…

However, he hadn't predicted Akamaru's brotherhood, or his teammates' friendship that, over the years, had morphed into his second family.

Still, a committed relationship scared him. Him, a jounin! It was a ridiculous fear, Kiba knew that… but who ever said fear was rational?

So avoiding the cause of that fear is the best thing to do? His mind asked.


An image of Iruka flashed in his mind.

Kiba closed his eyes and sighed. To make matters worse he couldn't help but still refer to Iruka as "his."

A twig snapped, Kiba's nose twitched and he groaned. He really didn't need this right now.

"Still sulking?"

"Fuck off," Kiba drawled out lazily.

"Awwww," The smooth voice cooed, "still sulking…poor puppy."

"Dokuga," Kiba half warned seriously.

Dokuga snorted, "Relax, I'm not here to fight. Tsume-sama sent me to find you."

The other stepped over the log and crouched down next to Kiba

"What the hell does she want?"

Kiba cracked open his left eye, a narrow slit of auburn glanced at the nin next to him but he didn't say a word. Dokuga's tousled dark hair hung in front of his face almost concealing his eyes but Kiba was able to see the grey orbs carefully avoiding his own.

"Fuck if I know."

Kiba studied Dokuga's face, his eyes landing on the three black stripes that tattooed his chin. Dokuga wasn't an Inuzuka, neither were many of the other "clan" members. Many different nin dog blood lines tended to lived together under one ruling clan – it worked well with the canine hierarchy and kept from inbreeding. The bigger the pack in times of need, the better. Different family lines could be told apart by the unique tattoos but they were all still a part of the same clan when it came down to it.

When Dokuga didn't move to leave Kiba snorted with annoyance and went back to resting. He felt a small urge to punch the younger man but decided against it. Kiba didn't mind fighting clan members naked but when you fought against someone who fought dirty like Dokuga it was best to have your valuables tucked away safely.

Dokuga let out a small huff and glanced over towards Akamaru and Mai. He really hated being an Inuzuka errand boy. Tsume was always making him run around the compound doing this or that. He didn't mind doing things for other people but there was something about the head Inuzuka clan that always pissed him off.

Out of the corner of his eye, Dokuga watched Kiba ignore him. Fuck the man was irritating… always showing off, thinking he was best dog around. True, Kiba was good looking but… Dokuga lets his eyes sweep over Kiba's incredibly broad shoulders and his mouth went dry. Damn that bastard. The muscles in his tan shoulders flexed slightly with every breath Kiba took. They promised strength, speed, and agility… and power. Dokuga stared at Kiba's pecs and arms that were every bit as well formed and tight. He turned his head for a better look at Kiba's sculpted chest and stomach. His gazed followed the thin trail of coffee-colored hairs that started at his navel and continued down….

Dokuga suddenly felt uncomfortable.


The more he stared at Kiba's body the more he became aware of his own. He suddenly felt how hot and restricting his own clothing felt.

He closed his eyes. This wasn't right.

He fucking hated Kiba!

When he looked again he resisted the urge to reach out and touch. Even more tantalizing than the lean muscle that begged to be licked and nipped at were the multitude of scars that crossed his flesh.

When Dokuga didn't make any motion to indicate that he was going to leave Kiba snorted and turned his head to give Dokuga his best 'leave-me-the-fuck-alone' face.

"Is that all?"

Dokuga shifted uneasily and concentrated on keeping his arousal hidden from Kiba's sensitive nose, "She wants to talk to you about Mai."

Kiba rolled his eyes, running a hand through his hair.

Dokuga inhaled deeply, smelling the musky smell of Kiba. His cocked twitched and instantly cursed at himself under his breath. He hated how he was reacted to his enemy.

Kiba scowled, hearing the curse and stood up, brushing some of the grass off his backside.

"Tell her I'll be there in a bit."

Dokuga let out a bark of hard laughter and leaned back against the log, "Fuck you Inuzuka! I may follow your Mom's orders but I don't have to obey you."

Kiba frowned as he grabbed his clothing and Akamaru shot him a warning look.

"Besides," Dokuga continued, "You couldn't handle me."

He flashed his canines and rubbed his chin, feeling the slight scarring from his tattoos.

"From what I hear…" Dokuga watched Kiba turn his back to him, apparently not caring to hear what he had to say.

"You have enough trouble handling one bitch already-"

Mai and Akamaru both let out a yelp of surprise when the log that the other human had been laying on exploded into a thousand tiny splinters. Dokuga landed on his back, safely a couple yards away from the wrath of Kiba's Garouga jutsu. He knew that Kiba was going to react but he never thought the idiot would use a jutsu, especially that fast. He let out a sigh of relief as he sat up and saw the hole in the ground were he was previously sitting.

That was really close…

'Dokuga! Move!' Akamaru barked out just his warning just in time.

Dokuga scrambled back with his hands and heels as Kiba attacked again.

"Fuck, Inuzuka! I was just kidding!" he cried out, suddenly embarrassed hearing the panic in his voice.

Why the hell was Kiba freaking out?

Kiba sneered and stalked towards him. Dokuga decided right then and there that even though he should find the sight of a nude pissed off Kiba funny– he didn't. Not when the nude male was giving you a death glare and slowly coming at you like a predator.

When his back hit the rough surface of a tree Dokuga did the only thing you could do when you were in a losing battle with a clan member.

He submitted.

Dokuga dropped down fast, his shoulders hitting the ground with a loud thud. Turning his head to the side he clenched his eyes shut waiting for another attack. He really hoped he wasn't going to die. He left all his porn out in his room – oh god. That's what his mother was going to remember him by. A big stack of magazines filled with—

There was a loud crack as the tree behind him split up the middle and he felt the ground tremble as the root system was slightly shifted. Dokuga laid, still waiting for some form form of pain to come but surprisingly … nothing happened. Daring to peek above him he found that Kiba was nowhere in sight, not even the dogs.

Dokuga let out a slow breath and propped himself up on his elbows.

What had just happened? He sniffed the air tentatively and received a nose full of strong pheromones filled with anger and a hint of… lust? Oh god, he thought, even though Kiba could have killed him that small whiff of lust on the air was enough to make his skin burn.

He groaned, falling back onto the ground, "Oh this is so fucked up."

Iruka sighed at the burnt rice in front of him. Usually his cooking wasn't half bad but lately he was lucky if he could cook eggs right. Frustrated, he shoveled the brown rice into a bowl.

No use in wasting it, he figured.

Iruka shifted his weight and rubbed the back of his right leg with his other foot. He chewed on his bottom lip as he reached above his stove towards the spice rack for the small green container of gomasio.

As his fingertips touched the painted ceramic, a dog barked outside. Iruka's heart briefly skipped a beat and he jumped even though he knew the pitch was too high to belong to Akamaru. He felt the tips of his ears burn, feeling extremely foolish. He grabbed the gomasio roughly, jolting the nearby spices and sending them to crashing onto his floor and counter top.

Slamming his hands down on the scattered spice and clay pieces on the table, he let out a frustrated groan and rested his head against an overhead cabinet.

"Dammit." He cursed and took the moment to childishly kick the lower cabinet with a foot.

After a moment he sighed and lifted his hands, checking to see if the shattered bottles had broken his skin. There was nothing but spices.

It's not fair, he thought bitterly and reached for his rice and a pair of chopsticks. Walking into his living room he ignored the mess behind him and plopped down onto the couch.

He had felt so restless and irritable lately.

Two weeks had gone by without even a glimpse of Kiba since that night. He didn't even come in when Iruka was at the mission desk anymore. Every day felt awkward and forced with sympathetic looks coming from Genma who had seen him when the bruises were still dark and purple.

Gingerly he touched his throat half expecting to still feel the cut but it had been small and healed quickly.

A shadow of annoyance crossed his face, "He could have at least apologized," Iruka growled and shoved some rice into his mouth.

Last week he awkwardly returned the manual back to Tsume. He had even gone to the compound himself, thinking he could accidentally run into Kiba.

Stupid, he thought bitterly.

Of course he didn't see the jounin at all, which probably meant the dog nin had smelled him and kept out of sight. To add to his humiliation Tsume had taken one look at the fading bruises and demanded loudly to know where her worthless no-good about-to-be-fuckin-dead son was.

Predictably, Tsume had asked him questions but he dodged them. It was just too embarrassing. Embarrassing because he screwed up and the marks were there to prove it…

It was also embarrassing because every time he thought about Kiba's body pressed against his, Kiba's hand gripping his hip and Kiba's lips bruising his own, he couldn't help but burn all over.

That had to be the most irritating thing about the whole situation. How one stupid jounin could still get him all hot and bothered even when Iruka had every right to hate him for eternity. However, Kiba possessed a roguish charm that often lulled people into forgetting the predatory nature that lurked beneath his carefree façade. It was something Iruka was sure he would fall for head over heels every time.

Iruka shoved the thoughts away immediately, as he had a thousand times before that day. Unfortunately, just like a thousand times before, they came back.

Maybe he should take Raidou up on his recent offer and go out on date. It would at least get his mind off Kiba, he mused.

Hell, Kiba was probably already seeing someone else who didn't do relationships either. The thought of Kiba kissing someone else in a dark room or laughing with them in conversation made Iruka's stomach churn.

Suddenly Iruka felt cold and miserable, when he had no right to be. Kiba was not his. He had offered no promises or vows of love; he had only expressed interest in wanting a physical relationship. Period.

Iruka set the half empty bowl of rice down on the low table in front of him and frowned. He was not as naïve as many people probably thought. He had been in his fair share of relationships and one-night stands. Even though he preferred to have a connection with someone about things other than what went on in the bedroom, he knew…

He knew that love and desire were able to exist independently of each other.

Akamaru stared silently as he watched Kiba stand under the spray of the small waterfall behind the compound. He still wasn't sure what had happened. He knew Dokuga must have done something in order to get Kiba to react like he did but he wasn't sure what.

The nin dog snorted, of course it couldn't have been something simple like sneezing at the wrong time since Kiba had been dangerously unpredictable.

But boy, it had been a sight too. Akamaru shuddered as he still felt Dokuga's panic and his own. He didn't know if what he would have done if Kiba hadn't had backed off. Not to mention he didn't know if he could have done anything. Thankfully, Kiba had managed to pull himself back to reality and removed himself from the situation, fast. Mai had wanted to follow but Akamaru told her she was needed back at the compound.

This was a talk for males.

'Are you ready to talk?' Akamaru asked cautiously.

Kiba's shoulders twitched but he didn't respond.

Akamaru rolled his eyes, 'Are you going to be a pup about this? I thought cold showers were supposed to help you humans rationalize… you always talk about taking one when you can't concentrate.'

That earned him a small snort of amusement.

Good, Akamaru thought, he was getting somewhere.

'Would choking the chicken help?' he asked innocently, 'I think the market is still open… I can go steal one.'

Kiba gave a forced laugh.

'Come on boy, speak!'

Kiba walked away from the water and pulled on his pants, the only thing he thought to grab as he ran from Dokuga.

"Idiot," he grinned for a moment at his friend.

'Good boy! Now sit,' Akamaru demanded, noting the struggle Kiba was having keeping the smile on his face.

Kiba shook the water from his hair, sending small droplets towards Akamaru, "What are you, my mother now?"

'No,' Akamaru scooted away from the water, 'Just trying to figure out what the hell is going on with you, so when your real mother finds out what you almost did, I can try and explain to her why you almost killed another clan member… right after she kills you, of course.'

Kiba snorted, "Thanks."

'Seriously-' Akamaru started.

"I don't know," Kiba sighed, rubbing his temple, "I honestly don't fucking know… God I could of…."

'Why did you attack him?'

Kiba's expression stilled and grew serious, "He made a comment about Iruka."


"So?" He huffed, "Iruka is mine-"

'No. He is not," Akamaru moved to sit next to Kiba, ignoring when his fur became damp. "I seem to remember you telling me something about a fight that turned-'

Kiba gave Akamaru's muzzle a light push, "Don't remind me, alright?"

Akamaru just snorted and they sat for what seemed like hours to Akamaru.

"You know what freaked me out?" Kiba broke the silence, his voice low and troubled, "When he was sitting next to me I could smell his lust – and I thought – why not. But… then…"


"Yeah." Kiba sighed and cupped his face with one hand, " 'Maru, what the hell is going on? I just can get over it. Fuck. The urge to mark him again is getting stronger."

'You just have some issues.'

Kiba frowned, "I don't have issues."

Akamaru laughed, 'Seriously now. Don't play this stupid game with me.'

There was a sigh and Kiba sat down, "Fine. I have an issue with-"

"Issues, idiot son of mine. You have issues. Plural."

Kiba cringed at Tsume's voice. Fuck, word travels fast.

"Let me explain-"

'He wasn't hurt-'

Tsume tilted her head, blinking at both Akamaru and Kiba, "Explain what? Who wasn't hurt?"

Kiba gave a nervous smile and rubbed the back of his neck, "Um… nothing?"

Tsume crossed her arms and arched an eyebrow, "Nevermind. I supposed Dokuga told you we needed to talk?"

"Yeah," Kiba coughed uneasily.

"And as usual you avoided my request and hid out here."

'Something like that' Akamaru grumbled. Kiba shot him a hard glare.

"Look – I need your help."

Kiba gave his mother a sideways glance, "Help?"

"We don't have enough shinobi for all our puppies," she continued, "more so than usual. So I need you to help me find people who will be willing to help foster them."

"Sounds easy enough."

"It's not. We can't entrust civilians with nin dogs and most working nins are too busy to train."

"So why not keep them in groups? Hana and I are doing fine with them-"

"Kiba," Tsume sighed, "you know they do better with one-on-one training. Not everyone is lucky like you and Akamaru."

She rubbed the bridge of her nose, "Listen, I found some people in other villages that pay a high price for a trained Inuzuka pup – the key word here is trained."

Akamaru straightened up a little, "Is Mai going to be sent out?"

Tsume gave a tight-lipped smile, "I don't know. We have no other companion for her here."

Akamaru's ears drooped.

Tsume tossed a scroll to Kiba, "I made a list of people that might be willing to foster for a while. I need you to ask them if they are still interested and if they are, help them."

Kiba groaned and started to unroll the scroll, "How many people do I have to ask?"

Tsume shrugged, "Well if everyone says yes, then twenty but you will only have to supervise and help three of them."

"That's three too much."

"Well, you better get started then."

Tsume tried her best to stop the smile that threatened to appear as Kiba's face went ashen.

"What the fuck?"

"What?" Tsume asked innocently.

Kiba gritted his teeth, "You bitch!"

Tsume's jaw flinched but she ignored the comment, "I expect you to get started on this right away."

"Like hell I will," Kiba chucked the crumpled up scroll back to her but Tsume let it fall to the ground

"That's an order Kiba."

Akamaru let out a whimper as the pair of alphas' eyes met.

"Kiba, that's an order from your alpha."

Kiba sneered and tore his eyes away, "Un-fucking-believe."

There was a sharp laugh and Tsume kicked the scroll back towards him before walking away.

"Kiba, I expect to have Iruka's answer by tomorrow."

Kiba inwardly groaned, What the fuck was he doing?

He had arrived at Iruka's a whole hour ago and had yet to knock on the door. He had turned to walk away about a hundred times and then turned back to just stare at the door. He had even peed around the whole damn area already, for which he was glad 'Maru wasn't there to tease him.

Kiba just wasn't sure how to approach Iruka...

Last time, he had gone too far, pushed the limit. Everything just had been overwhelming that night... but in the back of his mind he was afraid the same thing would happen. It wasn't like he could control himself so easily anymore. Hell, he almost killed Dokuga earlier.

Plus you're supposed to be keeping your distance, his subconscious drawled out, apparently amused.

Kiba dropped a hand over his eyes, that's right.

Kuromaru told him he had to keep his distance to undo the bond he had apparently made with himself towards Iruka. Well for now, he mused, he was going to ignore that his mother ever approached him with her ho so uplifting bit of information. If you ignored the problem it went away on it's own eventually…. Right?

Plus he would eventually have to talk to Iruka concerning his knowledge of Kiba's ANBU status.

Protocol told him to rat out Kakashi's errand dog since he told Iruka… and to make Iruka forget that he knew.

Fortunately, Kiba was never one to follow Protocol. He would just tell Iruka to keep it quiet.

Kiba was also one to never hide for long in the shadows. Swallowing hard he went up to the door and knocked.

It took a moment but the door open and Kiba flashed one of his famous grins but the current thoughts of his ANBU talk vanished from his mind.

Iruka stood there looking at him, and he wasn't completely dressed. He only had a white towel wrapped around his waist.

Kiba couldn't move, he even forgot to breathe for a moment. His eyes traveled first over Iruka's narrow waist, lean hips, and long legs before roaming upward towards his chest. He was more muscular than his clothes indicated and his dark tan extended everywhere, implying it was his natural skin tone. His hair was down and dark with water, giving him an irresistible sexy appeal that was so strong, Kiba felt himself harden immediately.

Kiba inwardly cursed his body and cleared his throat, thankful he had chosen to wear his old jacket – which helped to cover him.

"Well this is cliché," he started, "It's just like in the movies, when people answer the door just out of the shower…isn't that funny? Kinda makes this situation more…"

He became uneasy under Iruka's blank stare, "awkward..." he finished.

Iruka raised an eyebrow, "Hilarious."

"Look-" Kiba clear his throat, "I need to ask you a question – for my mother," he added quickly, "Otherwise, I would be more than happy to hide at the compound not fucking up your life."

There was a moment's breath before Iruka turned around, heading back in, "Come in then."

Cautiously, Kiba advanced forward, his eyes watching Iruka's deliciously scarred back as he disappeared in a bedroom. He stood outside the door. Just the mere thought of Iruka near a bed – any bed – was almost enough to make him lose control.

"So…" Kiba listened to the sounds of clothes rustling, "I don't know if you heard that we had too many pups this year…"

"And you guys are looking for people to foster them during training?"

To Kiba's disappointment Iruka emerged from the room wearing his usual navy pants. However, the white shirt he threw on was pleasingly snug on his body. His hair was also still down, which fascinated Kiba to no end since he didn't think he ever saw Iruka without his ponytail. What amazed him the most was how much attention the hairstyle brought to Iruka eyes. They were a rich dark brown, heavy-lidded, with the barest suggestion of an exotic slant. In the back of his mind Kiba made a mental note that he would have to prevent Iruka from ever leaving his apartment like that.

"Yeah I heard the rumor," Iruka continued, moving away from the room and further into the apartment towards the kitchen.

"Great," Kiba replied and followed lazily, his heartbeat accelerating to a swift, strong rhythm.

As always the other man's nearness aroused him, quickening his blood and sending frantic messages to his nerves.

Kiba's nostrils were filled with Iruka's scent as he walked deeper into dangerous territory. The freshness of soap overlaying the warm, salty maleness of Iruka's skin filled the warm kitchen area, almost overwhelmingly so. He sucked in his breath as the other man started to clean the counter top with a cloth making the muscles in his back and shoulder's move against the tightness of the shirt.

Kiba frowned and he cursed himself for wanting Iruka, even as his body begged him to succumb to his instincts.

If only he could ignore Iruka as Iruka was doing so casually towards him.

"Ma thought that since summer classes are over-"

"That the poor teacher needed something to do?" Iruka interrupted, his voice bitter, "Why does everyone think I don't go on missions anymore?"

Kiba made a move to advance but drew back, afraid to go in any further. Iruka's scent was starting to overpower his senses.

"I know you do – but, they aren't-"

"What?" Iruka snapped, his back still back to Kiba, "Dangerous? Hard? Advanced?"

"And why should they be? You are one of the best teachers we have. The village wouldn't sacrifice you for some stupid mission."

Iruka gave a dull laugh, "I doubt my death would upset the whole network of the village."

Iruka jumped when Kiba's appeared behind him, strong hands reaching around to stop his own from cleaning.

"Don't," Kiba hissed sharply in his ear.

Then his voice softened, "Just don't. Don't talk about that."

Kiba's grip was firm, his palms against Iruka's bare wrists, the skin slightly rough and warm. Iruka held his breath, his body aching to lean back against the solid chest he knew was there. And that image was back in his mind, of Kiba pressed against him, kissing him, oh, God…

Then the warmth was gone.

Iruka glanced behind him to see Kiba walking back towards his living room area. Immediately he leaned over the counter willing his body to relax. It was so hard to act apathetic. He didn't want to anymore after hearing the- was it concern? In Kiba's voice.

Frustrated, he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

What was he to do?

Kiba had been avoiding him like the plague and now he was here, in his apartment no less and Iruka was giving him the cold shoulder… well trying to anyway. He didn't think he wanted to try anymore. Something about the other man warmed him up immensely and all he cared about was seeing Kiba give him those knee-weakening smiles, while he cracked some crude joke.

He waited a few moments before he followed suit, reminding himself to be friendly but not too friendly.

Kiba walked away quickly, pausing to look at himself in a mirror.

What the fuck? he mouthed silently to his reflection.

You're an idiot! He continued, a complete fucking idiot.

He argued with himself while Iruka finished cleaning.

Abruptly he realized what he was doing and ruffled his hair in frustration.

"You okay?" Iruka asked, an amused smile on his face.

"Had an itch."

"Fleas?" Iruka asked teasingly?

Kiba blinked, taken aback at Iruka's sudden change in attitude but it was better than Iruka acting indifferent towards him. Teasing he could work with.

One of his mischievous grins appeared quickly, "Are you offering to give me a bath?"

Iruka felt his ears burn.

"You're a big boy now. I'm sure you can manage on your own."

"I don't know… what if I get soap in my eyes and go blind?"

Iruka felt his lips twitch into a smile, "What kind of soap are you using that could blind you?"

"Flea dip."

He said it with such a serious look that Iruka couldn't help but laugh.

Kiba grinned sheepishly, "So, will you foster?"

Iruka chewed on his bottom lip, "Tell me more about it first."

Kiba watched Iruka sit down on the couch next to them, significantly lowering himself in height.

"Well…" Kiba began but trailed off as Iruka relaxed his head back, showing so much of his neck.

Kiba groaned. He ached to taste him.

Iruka looked at him but made sure his eyes didn't linger near his eyes, "Are you alright?"

Kiba's throat tightened at Iruka's subtle submissiveness. Suddenly, he remembered what he did before and that he hadn't even apologized for it.

"Look- I'm sorry," He blurted out.

Quickly, he stepped back trying to get put some distance between him and Iruka.

"I didn't mean to take it so far that night - or get so carried away. I-"

He growled and ran a hand through his hair, "I don't understand why you haven't yelled at me yet. I'm not here more than twenty minutes and you're being nice to me. Fuck, you just fucking drive me crazy."

Iruka blinked.

"No. Wait- I don't mean it how you think- Fuck!"

This time both hands ruffled up his hair, "I'm not good at this! What I meant is you're being all submissive. I want to fuck you- fuck, sorry I-don't I mean- well I do but-"

Kiba covered his face with a groan, "Why haven't you kicked me out or something yet?"

"I'm enjoying seeing you like this," Iruka said, amusement lingered in his voice.

Kiba resisted the urge to pull his hood up and over his face.

"Well I'm not," he mumbled.

Iruka stared at Kiba's fidgeting. It was charming. He wanted to kiss him again. To feel Kiba's hands stroke his body. Instead he remained seated.

"I accept your apology. I apologize too."

"What the hell for?"

Iruka shrugged, "For demanding a relationship."

Kiba laughed dryly, "You didn't demand, I just overreacted. I'm… not good at this," he repeated, "I can't promise you anything because – what you want from me is something I've never given. I don't even know if I can – hell, I don't even know if I want that. But," Kiba looked over Iruka's body, "I do want you."

Iruka caught his breath. It was there in Kiba's eyes, not so much desperation but passion hot enough to burn.

It was then that the chuunin made a decision. One he might regret later on down the road but he was tired of this game.

Kiba watched warily as Iruka stood up and slowly made his way towards him.

"Then I'll try it your way Kiba." Iruka said.

He was so dangerously close now, he could feel Kiba's breath striking his lips in light, hot puffs. Iruka could almost feel the animal heat of his body.

"I can't promise I won't get attached," he continued, "but I want to at least try-"

Kiba couldn't bear it anymore. He reached his hand out, slipping it around Iruka's neck, and drew him forward.

When their tongues met, Iruka moaned and pressed even closer. Oh, god, he didn't want this kiss to end. Heat spread along every nerve of his body and raced down to his groin.

Kiba gave a soft growl using his free arm to bring their bodies closer together. Iruka inhaled sharply as he felt Kiba's claws extend on the hand that was on his neck, the tips teasing his scalp as Kiba's fingers tangled in his damp hair. He kissed Iruka's jaw, his neck, nipped at his ear…

"Fuck," Kiba growled out, swiftly moving towards the couch.

He sat down, bringing Iruka on the top of him. Iruka found himself leaning forward, straddling the younger man's lap and for a moment he panicked. In this position he was clearly stating dominance.

Kiba's mouth, so hot, trailed up to his neck and kissed and sucked there as well.

As if sensing Iruka's hesitation he moved to his ear, where he rasped out, "You're not."

"Just don't put your hands above my shoulders," he warned before both his hands gripped Iruka's hips to control his movements, he pressed Iruka's hardness down against his own, then guided him in slow undulations.

The movements were driving Iruka quite wild. His fingers quickly found and undid the zipper to Kiba's jacket. His hands explored exposed hard muscle while Kiba kept thrusting and sliding Iruka against him, causing a searing friction that threatened to undo him.

Then they heard Akamaru bark outside the door.

Kiba stilled their motion, tore his lips away from Iruka's bruised flesh and roared, "Fuck!"

Again Akamaru barked and Kiba nuzzled the crook of Iruka's neck and whined, almost pathetically.

"What…what did he say," Iruka breathed out, he tried not move against the other man but found himself squirming nonetheless.

Kiba hissed, gripping Iruka's hips harder.

"Mission," he groaned. Hell no, this was not fucking happening.

"Now?" Iruka gasped.

Akamaru barked in response and pawed at the door.

Reluctantly Iruka slid away, choosing to sit on the floor.

Kiba gave one more whine and shamelessly rubbed himself through his pants.

"I'm going to fucking kill someone."

Iruka body flushed watching Kiba's actions. Once more, Kiba leaned forward and seized Iruka's mouth with his.

When Kiba broke the kiss he quickly moved towards the door.

"I'll be back," he grumbled and left without looking back. He wouldn't have been able to leave if he saw Iruka sitting there, thoroughly molested and disheveled.

Outside Akamaru snorted, 'I don't think Tsume-sama sent you to Iruka for that.'

Kiba growled and grabbed the scroll Akamaru had dropped at his feet, "Shut up."

'Did he say yes to fostering?'

Kiba gritted his teeth, Great, just fucking great. Tsume was going to bitch at him for forgetting about that…

As he stalked away a grin spread along his lips despite the painful position his body was currently in.

That just meant he had to go back to Iruka's.

Iruka sat there for what seem like hours, staring at the door feeling completely at a loss for words.

Clumsily, he got up and towards his bedroom, in which he was sure he wasn't going to get any sleep. As he walked past the mirror he had seen Kiba arguing with he froze. His exposed neck with covered with bite marks and bruises. Most he would be able to conceal with the high neckline of his work shirt but some were place above it, like the ones near his ear, almost deliberately…

"Son of a bitch," Iruka swore.

He didn't know whether to laugh or get pissed. Kiba had marked him again.