Author note: This is a cute little oneshot I thought up durning one of my classes, with my OC Estelle a young teenaged French girl that just moved to Traquillity from Paris; you will be seeing her later in Repairing the Unbroken. Hope you all enjoy!

"Je t'adore, Frenzy." she said happily, her bright blue eyes soft and content.

"Jet'adorejet'adorejet'adore!" he chattered as he did a web search for what the foreign words meant. "Stupidstupidstupid-human-girl!" he then replied when he discovered what the words meant.

"Non, Je ne pense pas ( Je pense que non)!" she said with small smile.

He hissed and growled at her as he began to search for the new set of words she just spat out at him. "Oi!" he shouted and glared at her and began to chatter angrily in Cybortronian. He hated it when she spoke in her foreign tongue; he hated the English language but having to learn a second one when she was around made him hate human all the more.

There was a silence between them and Estelle kicked at a piece of scrap metal on the cracked pavement.

"Frenzy...?" her voice was thick with her accent; more then usual.

"Whatwhatwhat!?" he hissed at her.

She was taken back for a moment when he snapped at her but she regained her courage after a moment. "Do you hate me?" she asked quietly and then bit her lower lip and waited for an answer.

"Filthyhumans-disgusting-squishies!" he replied with a cackle.

"That didn't answer my question." she stated boldly.

The small Decepticon shifted form one foot to the other, babbling in his native tongue. He turned away from her, looking back to her on occasion and continued to babble to himself. She waited. Finally he spoke in his usual human chatter, still not looking at her.

"French-girl's-annoyingannoying!"...Annoying-girl-isbetterthanmost." he replied to her.

"So, you like me?" she ventured, a Cheshire grin playing across her lips as she stared at him.

He shifted on his feet again and began to rattle off in Cybortronian again.

She noticed his preoccupied state and snuck up behind him; leaning down she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and quickly backed up to watch his reaction.

As soon as he felt the warmth of her lips against his metal something surged through his circuits. He jumped up and quickly scurried off to a safe distance of ten feet. He cursed at her in his native language as she giggled at his reaction.

"Je t'adore, Frenzy; tu es si drĂ´le!" she said and smiled while playing with one of her light blonde pigtails.

"Oi!" he shouted again and glared at her, cursing her foreign language.

She giggled again. French, the language of love; Frenzy had a lot to learn, but she didn't mind teaching him.

Translations: Je t'adoreI love you

Tu es si droleYou're so funny

Je ne pense pas (Je pense que non)I think not

I decided to translate these since some people have asked me what she is saying so here you go!!