Hi! This is my first English fic, it approves, I promise!

Anyway. If you fell like reading my fic, there is some things you should know:

1. I'm completely ignoring the plot of the Deathly Hollows, even if there is some stuff from the book here. The story begin in what would have been the winter on Harry's seventh year.

2. Harry is dead.

3. Rating M for further events (there are no lemons in the first chapters, but it will be!)

4. I'm not English, errors are doom to be made. Don't kill me.

5. I don't own any of the characters, or the HP-world and I don't make money on it.

Lady Miya

Note! Chapter has been re-beta-ed! (thank you so much Nerys)

She held him in her arms. Her friend, lover and star.

In his last breath he had told her that he loved her.

He had died before she had the chance to say the same thing.

She couldn't cry. Not now. She had to kill his killer.

Even if it would be the last thing she did.

A Lovely Enemy

Chapter 1

It was a night of death.

After Harry Potter had fallen Voldemort had given the rest of the fighters a choice. Follow him or die.

If you choose to die, you could do two things: wait and refuse to bow before him, or run away and wait for them to find you.

Voldemort was standing on a small hill, looking down on the people like they were ants and he was the king (well, ants have queens, but that's beside the point). A lot of the people were just standing there. Some tried to help the wounded and some tried to run away. Few succeeded.

He made himself a throne of a tree standing nearby and made himself comfortable. It was quite chilly, but then it was nearing the end of December. Christmas day to be exact. And he had just made himself the perfect Christmas gift. Now he had the world in his hands and no one could stop him. He looked at the body beside him. The body of Harry Potter. A red-haired girl held him in his arms.

Voldemort smiled. "Why don't you run away little girl? If you don't leave Harry alone, I will have to kill you."

Maybe the joy over the defeat of Potter had made him careless, but he couldn't see how this girl could hurt him. The girl kissed Harry's forehead and rose from the ground, staring at Voldemort.

"Don't think this is over yet," she hissed.

He smiled. "But I do. Saint Potter is dead. Dumbledore is dead. I got most of the Order following me. What do you think you could do?"

She didn't raise her wand. She just kept staring at him. "You have no idea."

The next minute, she was gone. Voldemort laughed. What a foolish girl! He was still smiling when Severus Snape Apparated next to him.

"My Lord," he bowed.

"Severus!" the Dark Lord said. "Tell me, how many got away?"

"Not many, perhaps… twenty. I recognised a few from the Order: Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Elphias Doge, Mundungus Fletcher… Then, a few old students: Oliver Wood, Fred and George Weasley…"

"Weasley? The red-haired blood traitors?"


"They had a daughter, right?"

"Yes, Ginevra Weasley, a friend of Harry Potter."

Voldemort sighted. "And I let her get away… very well, we will find all of them. It's just a matter of time…"

"Yes, my Lord."

"And you did very well, Severus. You deserve a reward."

Voldemort didn't miss the excitement in Severus's eyes. "Anything in particular you would like, Severus?"

Severus smiled. "I would like to have Potter's Mudblood friend, Granger."

"And why is that?"

"I know Lucius wants the same thing."

Just then, Lucius Malfoy came up to the hill, pulling a young woman by her arm. "My Lord! I caught Potter's friend!"

The woman aimed a kick, but missed when the blond man threw her at Voldemort's feet. She rose quickly, glaring around. She tried to adjust her robe, which was full of dirt and quite torn, but it was a pointless effort.

"Well, isn't this exciting, two Death Eaters fighting over a Mudblood. It's almost romantic."

The woman stopped her movements and stared at the three men.

"What?" Lucius looked at Severus. "Why do you want her?"

"I have my reasons," Severus smirked. "And they are better, then just torture her and kill her, because she was cleverer than my son…"

"Well, I can't see why that would be so bad? She shall die anyway!" Lucius said in a high voice.

Voldemort looked at the girl, who started to be afraid. Her big brown eyes were filled with tears.

"What do you say, miss Granger," he asked. "Do you want to die?"

She took a deep breath. "I rather die than stay with any of you!"

"Crucio," he said, his wand pointed at her.

She collapsed on the ground, screaming like she was on fire. He let the spell go. "I'll try again, Mudblood, do you want to die like your friend?"

He made a gesture towards the ground, where Harry's remains were.

She started to sob. "No…"

"Very well… then I will give you a choice. Which one of these gentlemen do you want to kill you?"

She looked at the men. "I promise you, Granger, you will not have to suffer… much," Lucius smiled wicked.

"I-I…" she looked at Voldemort again. "Snape."

The Dark Lord looked at her curiously. "And why is that?"

"Be-because I respected him."

"Really… was this before or after he killed Dumbledore?"


"And still, you will let him kill you?"

She nodded.

"That's not fair!" Lucius yelled.

"The lady made her choice, Lucius," Voldemort said in a bored voice. "Now, express your frustrations to someone else. I want to enjoy this victory."

Lucius disappeared down the hill again. Anger in his steps.

"Watch out for him, Severus, and get the Mudblood away from my sight."

"Yes, my Lord," Severus bowed and disapparated with the witch.

Voldemort looked out over the chaos he had created. This really was a great Christmas gift.


Ginny stumbled through the forest. She had to make it to the safe house. Everything had happened so fast. She had been home for the holiday, and Harry, Hermione and Ron had taken a break from whatever mission they were on and celebrated Christmas at the Burrow. This morning, she had woken up in Harry's arms. The night before, he had told her that he loved her and that he didn't know how much time they had left and that he would like to show her how much she meant to him. This night, he had died in her arms. She still couldn't cry.

They had been eating a late breakfast when her father had entered. He had told them, Voldemort had found the Order's new headquarters. Harry had taken his wand and the sword of Gryffindor and they had joined the fight. She had killed Death Eaters. It had been the first time that she took a life, but not the last. Only, it hadn't been enough to save him. She stopped, caught her breath and tried to locate her whereabouts. The safe house couldn't be far away. Then, she saw a light. She made a small smile and followed the light. A couple of minutes later she saw the cave that was the hiding place.

"Hello?" she said hesitant. She couldn't see anyone.

"Who is it?" a dark male voice asked.

"Ginny," she answered.

Then, she saw them: Fred and George, Remus and Tonks, Oliver Wood and Padma Patil.

"Are we the only ones left?" she asked in disbelieve.

Remus made a gesture for her to sit down. "Luna Lovegood and Alicia Spinnet are deeper inside the cave with Elphias Doge. He got hit by a nasty curse… We don't know if he will survive the night…"

"Oh… and that's it?"

"We will rest here for the night and see if anyone else shows up… and tomorrow… well… then we will see what we can do."

Ginny turned to Fred. "Anything about mom or dad or…"

George looked at her with an empty stare. "I saw mom and dad die… Malfoy did it…"

Fred made a wave with his arm like he wanted to hit someone, but rose instead and went to the opening of the cave.

"He saw Ron and Percy… We don't know about Charlie or Bill… or Fleur…"

"Merlin…. They had only been married for a couple of months…" Tonks held Remus's hand and he kissed her cheek.

Some tears started to fall down her cheeks and Remus helped her up. "We will go to bed… or what ever we can find here… if you would like me to stand guard, just say so."

George went over to Fred, and Ginny could see both of her brothers crying.

"My sister is dead," Padma said. "It feels like I've lost a part of me…"

"I feel the same way about Harry…" Ginny whispered.

"I will have to find my parents," Oliver looked out to the sky. "They are in America… I will go to them and tell them, they don't have to come back."

"Are you going to stay there?" Ginny asked.

"I will ask Alicia, if she will join me… Why? Do you think I'm a coward?"

"No… After all, what is there left to do here now?" Padma asked. "May I come with you?"

"Yes… Ginny?"

"I can't. I have to kill him… or die by his hand… I couldn't live with myself knowing that Harry's murderer was still out there."

The others looked at her. She knew what they were thinking. She would get herself killed. A part of her believed the same thing. That wouldn't stop her from trying.