A/N: This is still dedicated to HK Keiji. I love all characters of Naruto, no hating. And: this installment of Kitten & Fox is brought to you by music of Muse - Fury & Knights of Cydonia! Enjoy!!

Standing with a fierce look on his face stood Konohamaru. Ino was nearby, deep in the workings of her evil, evil mind. Konohamaru held hands with his love, Naruto, and he stared angrily into the forest, just daring it to throw in someone else to interrupt his date. The forest took the dare.

Pink-haired Sakura had been hiding behind trees and bushes, also following the couple. She couldn't understand why, but she was becoming obsessed with the whole thing. It was like there was just something so wrong with Naruto and Konohamaru being together. Maybe she actually had an attraction to Naruto. Or maybe, annoying as Naruto was himself, Sakura thought he deserved better than the honorable little twerp.

Sakura was torn storming up to Naruto and demanding he explain what in Konoha was wrong with him, or … or jumping him. And she had definitely questioned her own sanity. But she didn't care anymore. She was just going for it. She had just seen Lee's assault, and Sakura was going to be a copycat. … She would just do better. She assumed the position. …

Naruto was surprised to hear Konohamaru growl, then he saw Sakura and understood. She came out on her paws, her front paws fully extended downward and her knees bent inward. Her face looked towards them with its white, catlike ears, whiskers and yellow, beady eyes, while a white tail stuck out behind her. She creeped towards them, her body swaying seductively.

Konohamaru was so angry he nearly passed out, but he just gripped Naruto's hand harder. Naruto couldn't really believe his eyes. Neither could Ino. They were all too stunned to move, while Sakura's agile movements quickly brought her to Naruto's feet. Naruto's mouth just hung open. Konohamaru stood at Naruto's right side, and Saku-kitty rubbed her side against Naruto's left leg, purring in a way that vibrated her whole body, and subsequently Naruto's leg. Keeping her body against the leg, Sakura moved out around it, then weaved between Naruto's legs. Naruto felt a chill, seeing her come out between them. But once she was back in front of them, Konohamaru kicked her down.

"Here we go again," said Ino, laughing, if a little nervously.

Naruto had been trying to bring any words at all into his mind to convince Sakura to stop. He had been in shock, though, and now the situation was too out of control for him to manage anything. He just got down and ripped Konohamaru and Sakura apart.

There were rips in Konohamaru's shirt, and it looked like he was bleeding. … Sakura was unharmed.

"Sakura! Are you kidding? This isn't like you at all! Acting like a cat, trying to get.. me, pounding a kid. … Well, I guess that last one's normal for you, but what the heck's gotten into you!?"

Naruto felt weird. He had always liked Sakura. Naruto had pretty much been desperate for her, trying everything he could think of to get her. He had all but forgotten about her, though, after that day outside of Ichiraku's. But now it seemed Sakura wanted him, now. … Why now? Why when he was happy with Konohamaru? She wasn't going to get him. … Or …

She leaped onto him, in the way Naruto somehow never saw coming, then lay on top of him. She slowly crawled forward until her mouth was near his ear. Naruto lay, in shock again, and Sakura whispered, practically cooing, "I don't know." She kissed Naruto. He couldn't resist her … at first.

After a moment, Naruto came to his senses, though no one knows which ones, and he pulled Sakura's face off of his. He muttered, "What's your problem?" Sakura just looked at him, dumbstruck. "Get out of here." He sounded pretty tired but managed to give her enough of a look that she scurried off of him and away.

"Eheh. I knew Sakura would never be able to get Sasuke. That was pitiful."

Naruto slowly looked over at Ino. She was actually sweating.

He got back to his feet, then looked around for Konohamaru. … But he was already gone.

"Yeah," Ino said. "I was going to say earlier that your date wasn't going very well. But I think you just totally blew it."

This time, Naruto didn't even look at her. He just left.

Being the last unknown person spying on the date, Hinata sat and sobbed quietly into her arms which were crossed over her knees. She had been following Naruto since that morning. … Like she had been following him that day he and Konohamaru were at Hokage mountain. Hinata had seen how the little kitten's ways had won over Naruto, and she thought she still had a chance … if she tried acting like a cat.

Of course, that hadn't worked. Hinata had been crushed. And now she didn't even know what she was doing. Watching Lee and Sakura … had just made her feel worse. Although, it looked like it had made Konohamaru pretty bad, too, and Hinata felt bad for him as well as for herself. She …

Something was moving loudly in the forest somewhere near her. It was coming closer. It was .. She looked up and saw her teammate Kiba. Kiba sat down next to her and put his arm around her. First, he said, "I was training and sensed several people out here." He was talking about his nose. "So I came to see what was going on." He looked around, then whispered to Hinata, "What's wrong?"

Hinata tried opening her mouth to say something but just ended up sobbing again. She threw her arms around Kiba and cried into his shoulder.

Kiba sighed and hugged her too, rubbing her back. "It's okay, Hinata. What's wrong? Was it Naruto? I knew I smelled him out here!" Akamaru barked.

Hinata just kept crying. "Hinata. Was Naruto out here?" She nodded. "Were you following him?" Again. "Why, Hinata? I know you like him, but you know he's with.. that kid."

Hinata had calmed down and she just looked at Kiba tiredly. Kiba continued talking, "Come on, Hinata. You need to just forget about him. He's never coming around. And don't ever cry over him again, he's not worth it."

Hinata almost started crying again, hearing Kiba talk about him that way. But she stopped herself and nodded. "Alright, Hinata, let's get out of here."

Kiba helped Hinata stand up, and they started walking out of the forest. They quickly ran into Ino, though. Hinata managed a giggle at the sweaty blonde girl. "Y-You should have, um, seen y-yourself.. Watching S-Sakura."

Ino laughed. "Like I said, Hinata, I never know what you're talking about."

The two teammates walked away and Ino was left to wonder. Which should she worry about? The fantasy relationship between her and Sasuke, or the actual existing relationship between Naruto and Konohamaru that appeared to be having problems. Or … She went home to take a cold shower.