Heblyn sighed and scratched her short black hair, as she watched the people carelessly walk by in the rain, unaware of what lurks in the midnight hours.
She walked out from the shadows that concealed her form and into the little light that was given of by the lampposts placed up and down the streets.
The little pub that was a block down gave a cheery inviting light that seamed to warm her, even in the cold pouring rain.
She shivered slightly, "It has been a while since I had a nice cup of wine..." she muttered to herself, while adjusting her thin rectangular sunglasses on her nose.
With that said, she hurriedly walked over to the door of the pub… only to find it closed for the night…she sighed and walked off, the rain pounding on her back…

"That's just my luck nowadays…"

Heblyn heard a scream as she turned to walk down an ally...
"Please!! Oh Please! Don't!"
a woman cried...running past Heblyn..
She was caring a small baby, hardly older than a month…
" Now don't cha worry ya little head missy.. It'll be all ov'a soon.."
a man chuckled… his black hair tied back in a low ponytail.. He was a vampire.. A low ranked one at that…
Heblyn smirked…" so… you like to pick on poor women.. Do you?"
she asked walking forward stopping in front of him.
"Cha! What's it to ya! " He growled folding his arms…

" There are two things that piss me off in this world.."

"Those that pick on the weak.."

"And vampires…"

" And sir… you just pissed me off big time…"

Heblyn kicked and put her boot into his face, knocking him to the ground…

"Who the 'ell are ye?" He muttered, laying on his back with her foot on his chest.

" Heblyn Julia Memora…" she said.. Drawing her sword

"But, it's not like you really need to know that where you're going…"

She stabbed him threw the heart and the quickly loped off his head with one blow..

She wiped the blood away on her cloak, walked over to the woman and bowed.
" you wouldn't happen to know of a place I could stay could you?" she asked, smiling like nothing had happen.
The woman gaped at her.. then stuttered " um.. o-of course! J-j-just down the road is The Nevermore Inn.. I'm sure It's open.."
"thank you!" Heblyn nodded, then walked on down the road the way the woman pointed…