Pokemon is not mine.

30th December

Hello Diary,

Help me!

M-ma-master just brought me to a scary place! She said she was going to bring me to a wonderful place in order to make me look all handsome but she lied!

She brought me to a place where pokemon's heads or bodies are placed into scary round black balls connected to GIGANTIC shiny pieces of metal that are making weird noises! I saw it! I saw it! I peeked into the scary room when mistress is not looking! What am I going to do?!?

And the huge big weird metals sound just like Banger growling at me when I started encouraging her to fly! Are they angry at me as well? Are they going to snap at me as well? Are they going to eat me up? Are they- are they-


God, save me! I just saw a strange-looking pokemon coming out of that room! I don't know if it is a he or a she but that scary-looking pokemon looks a bit like an extremely, extremely, extremely contorted (is this a correct word to use? Ura taught me this word. He says that it is used for scary bad things and that pokemon is definitely a scary bad thing!) Feraligatr!

That thing has blunted round cursive claws that are as red… as… as… Charro's hottest and evilest fire (that particular fire of his managed to burn all the water up! It is totally evil and so evilly hot as well!)!

Its whole body is also glittering evil red sparkles! Red is an evil colour! It is the opposite of the colour of water! And if I rightly remember, feraligatrs' original scaly colour is blue! (A Feraligatr used to live near my cave, she said she was stranded and ended up living near me) Blue! The beautiful colour, blue! The evil and bad bad humans are spoiling the beauty that the wonderful water has given the Feraligatr! (I am sure that it is a feraligatr by now)

What's worse is that they have tied the jaws of the Feraligatr with a huge and long piece of red, softly shining ribbon! I like the softly shining quality to the ribbon but they should not have used red! It is the red of an evil, crazed fire! And they should have never tied the jaws shut! It is the place where miraculous, life saving and ever-wonderful water shoots out of it! How could they do such a thing to water!

I don't like the people in this place! I don't like them! I am going to stop them from doing anything worse to water! I am going to get Master to take me away from this place! I am... I am-

But… wait… If they could do such a thing to such a huge pokemon such as the feraligatr… would they do it to me as well? Would they tie my mouth shut with a huge ugly piece of red ribbon?!? Would they? Would they? Would they stop me from worshipping water?

Wahh~ I am scared! Scared! Scared! Scared!


Oh no! I accidentally fired off a round of ice balls by instinct! I caught master's attention!

Oh no! God help me!!! Please help me now! Master is too caught up in their lies! She won't listen to me! Two evil humans are now dragging me into the scary room!

I don't want to go into the scary room! Help me! Help me! Help me! I promise I would never change gods again if you help me! Please, please, please!

Charro! Ura! Banger! Raindrop!

Ah! They are now taking away my diary! Help me, god! Help me, Charro! You are our captain! Help-

Would anybody like to take a guess where Seal and his teamates are being brought to? Hehe, sounds like he is being tortured

P.S. And Seal honestly needs to stop changing gods =.=