Catch Me If You Can


A/N: Trying to keep my promise.

6: Trapped

"Come hither, hither, pretty Fly, with the pearl and silver wing;

Your robes are green and purple - there's a crest upon your head;

Your eyes are like the diamond bright, but mine are dull as lead!"

Alas, alas! how very soon this silly little Fly,

Hearing his wily, flattering words, came slowly flitting by;

With buzzing wings she hung aloft, then near and nearer drew,

Thinking only of her brilliant eyes, and green and purple hue -

Thinking only of her crested head - poor foolish thing! At last,

Up jumped the cunning Spider, and fiercely held her fast.

He dragged her up his winding stair, into his dismal den,

Within his little parlour - but she ne'er came out again!

- The Spider and the Fly, Mary Howitt

Two months after she met Daidouji Tomoyo, Sakura was, for once, experiencing a sense of financial security. As Aizawa Mika, resident fashion guru of the ultimate fashionista magazine Trendsetter, she has become a new sensation in Tokyo with her segment, Hot vs. Not. From a single-page column, it has become a full-blown section of Tokyo's most celebrated diva handbook.

She now handles a team consisting of a fashion consultant and a trainee writer, as well as a pair of fashion-hunters who help her make the verdict for every article of clothing they feature.

While she misses doing crime stories, she found fashion journalism was a much preferable field to the dirt-ridden gossip which belonged to the world of blind items and libelous columns she has left behind—hopefully, for good.

But even better than the financial security, temporal as it may be, she has found herself a true friend. Sakura and Tomoyo got on like peas in a pod, despite the huge difference in their personalities. Tomoyo's calm and composure complements her fiery, compulsive behavior so well.

Like now, when another deadline has to be met.

"Relax, Mika-chan," Tomoyo said calmly as Sakura stormed the office with her incessant pacing. "Your team will pull through, as they always do."

Sakura felt a twinge of guilt upon hearing her false name on her friend's lips. She wished she could confide in her, but she was unsure as to how Tomoyo would take the deception. Ignoring her guilt, she pasted a hesitant smile on her face.

"I know, Tomoyo-chan, but…I'll never really get used to this cycle. It's so stressful," she said with a sigh.

"Oh, don't say that," Tomoyo pouted. "Especially since I have a grand project for you."

"What project?"

"Well…we might be having a special issue next month…"

"And? Come on, Boss-chan, don't keep me in suspense," She said with a soft smile.

"Well, since it is June, Trendsetter will be releasing a Wedding Special—you know, June Brides and all. And Hot vs. Not will play a crucial part in that segment."

"Wow, that's a wonderful idea," Sakura exclaimed, forgetting her earlier anxiety over the approaching deadline as she conceptualized. "The perfect outfit for the June Bride…it just might work…"

"Of course it will! And perfectly too, at that! And, not only that, the issue will be launched in a superb social party, which I'm planning, of course," Tomoyo said. "I will also handle the accompanying articles hands-on, so it's really a huge project from which I expect to draw more readership."

"Oh, Tomoyo-chan, I'm so happy for you," Sakura smiled at her friend.

"It will also feature actual engaged couples…including, well…" Tomoyo paused, blushing.

Sakura's eyes rounded. "Tomoyo-chan…are you?"

"Well, yes, I have been engaged for some time now. Actually, Sakura-chan…I would really like for you to meet my fiancé."

"I…" She faltered, unsure of what to say. "O-of course, why, I would be glad to meet the man you obviously love."

Tomoyo beamed. "Wonderful! You will handle our interviews, won't you?"

"I would be honored." Sakura grinned, hugging her friend, breaking off only when one of her teamworkers arrived to consult her piece.

Once inside her office, Tomoyo picked up her phone and dialed her fiancé's number with trembling hands, a worried frown marring her face.

"Are you sure this is all right?" She asked softly. "I really don't think…"

"It's for the best, anata," the firm male voice on the line reassured her.

"I just don't…I don't like any of this. There's just too much…"

"Just a little longer, and it will pull through."

"I hope so. I like her, you know…she is truly my friend. I do not want to lose a friend."

"But it needs to be done. Thank you for doing this, honey," he said softly. "I know it is too difficult for you."

"As long as you are with me in this…this…grand deception. Oh, how I abhor it. But as you say…it needs to be done. Perhaps."

"I shall see you, then?"

"Yes, oh yes. And you shall meet her soon, too. And you will know why I agreed to this madcap scheme."

"Oh, I hear the boss coming in." A flurry of movement on the other line. "I'll have to update him. Bye, sweetheart. I'll see you later," and he hung up.

"I suppose it's all right," Tomoyo whispered to herself, "if she becomes happy in the end…ne?" She put the phone down and began typing up the ultimate article which would bare the truth on her dearest friend ... and her soon-to-be-announced engagement to the most notorious bachelor in all Japan—Li Syaoran.

The days passed in a blur of movement, with the grand launch of the Trendsetter special drawing near. Tomoyo herself had modeled some gowns she had designed, and even the gowns featured in Hot vs. Not. Reluctantly, Sakura had agreed to be one of the models as well, but only for one of the lesser-featured gowns, so as not to draw attention to herself.

This morning, however, she is back to being the chief handler of her segment, as she was to conduct an interview with Tomoyo and her mysterious fiancé.

She was dressed in her finery as Aizawa Mika, her hair a shiny black (newly dyed), her brilliant green eyes hidden behind a snappy pair of sunglasses as she held a small notebook in one hand. She looked every bit the fashion diva, she had to admit.

Tapping her foot on the floor, she waited impatiently for her boss-friend and her fiancé to arrive.

The door of the reception hall opened then, Tomoyo entering. Behind her was a bespectacled man with striking blue eyes and gleaming black-blue hair. His serious countenance gave him an air of undeniable confidence, making his pleasant features even more attractive.

"Good morning," she said, striding forward. "I am Aizawa Mika," the name rolled off her tongue much easier now. There were times when she felt that she was, indeed, Aizawa Mika, a woman who had no past, only prospects for a better future. "I handle the Hot vs. Not segment of Trendsetter, but for the special issue I agreed to conduct this interview, Mister…"

"Hiiragizawa. Eriol Hiiragizawa," his voice was a crisp baritone, matching his lean physique. "So you are Tomoyo's dear friend," he said, smiling slightly at her.

At once Sakura saw why Tomoyo liked the man enough to agree to marry him. He was as charming as rogues come. "Yes, yes, I suppose I am," she answered with a laugh. "A pleasure to meet you, Hiiragizawa-san."

"Oh, you must call him Eriol-kun," Tomoyo said with a shake of her head. "We are friends, after all."

"Yes, do call me Eriol-kun," he replied with a wink.

"Well, if you insist," Sakura shrugged, leading the couple to the settee for the photo-op. "Before the interview, a few shots, if you may," She said, gesturing to the cameras.

After the photo-op, she fired away her questions, which the couple answered with a breeze.

They must really be in love, she thought with a pang of envy as the interview drew to a close. But then, Tomoyo won't settle for anything else, she knew.

And she deserves nothing less, she thought fiercely, thinking of her friend's innate kindness.

"That's a wrap," she said, snapping her notebook shut. "You handled it wonderfully, you both," she said as she shook hands with Eriol. Their gazes locked, and for a moment, she thought she saw sadness in them—or was it guilt? But then the moment passed, and he was smiling warmly again that she decided she was imagining things.

Tomoyo saw Eriol to the door, then turned to her friend, a light of distress plaguing her features.

"Oh, Mika-chan, there is terrible news," she said, wringing her hands. "Our top model could not make it."

"Nakuru-san? But, what happened?"

"I don't know. What are we to do? We are wrapping the shoot today—we cannot afford another delay if we are to release this issue on time."

"But, what can be done? There must be a model to spare…"

"All of them are wrapped up in shoots now," Tomoyo said, then paused, exclaiming—"I know!"

"What do you know?"


"W-what do you mean?" Sakura asked, eyes widening.

"You take Nakuru's place as our top model! After all, you have the same features, and all…"

"This is madness, Tomoyo-chan…"

"No, it makes perfect sense! Please, Mika-chan? So we could continue our grand plans…" Tomoyo made puppy-dog eyes

In the end, Sakura had no choice but agree (to her chagrin). She only hoped no one would recognize her as Kinomoto Sakura once the issue was released everywhere. She had a nagging feeling that her time masquerading as Aizawa Mika is soon at an end when the June Brides issue of Trendsetter was released, but she refused to worry about that just yet. She was, after all, having the time of her life preparing the grand launch and the special issue's most wanted articles in the Hot vs. Not segment.

With the shooting quickly done soon thereafter, they only had to refine the articles. Having worked hard on Eriol's and Tomoyo's interviews, she knew that the launch, which would be in a weeks' time, would be a grand success.

She still had no idea as to what article Tomoyo plans for the cover, but she supposed it is no business of hers. After all, the wedding edition of Hot vs. Not is all her concern, and that was finished a lifetime ago. She browsed her email—Aizawa Mika's email to be exact, finding nothing new in her inbox but a few updates from her online subscriptions.

But still, she wonders about the cover story of June Brides. What could be good enough for such a grand issue? Surely Tomoyo's engagement qualifies for it? But why has Tomoyo lined it up for a different page?

She sighed, signing out of her email. The homescreen of her freemail provider appeared, giving her pause as she saw her former editor, Harold Wong, gracing one of the pictures in the slide show. Apparently, the tabloid Newspeak was once again being sued for libel, and Harold was defending it again.

Remembering her former alias, curiosity got the better of her and she opened Chan Ying Fa's email, against her better judgment.

She saw a few letters from Harold, aside from a load of spam stuff which pretty much buried everything else. She'd had no contact with Harold since she took her new job, and now didn't seem a good time to call, with the libel suit and all.

Then, something caught her attention. Below numerous spam letters, there was an untitled e-mail from an undisclosed recipient. Curious, she opened the letter.

Miss Chan,

How are you? You disappeared most abruptly in the airport. I had searched for you, hoping to clarify some of the questions you have asked me. How about it, then? I am looking for a writer for whom to expose an exclusive story about…well, someone I know. I had hoped it would be on the most notorious tabloid to grace Asia.

Are you still in the country? If you are, I would be at several social occasions here in Japan throughout the month. I leave here my social schedule, should you wish to come.

I shall be waiting. Or are you still in hiding from me?


Li Xiao Lang

Her heartbeat quickened as she remembered their ill-fated meeting and equally-disastrous interview in the plane to Tokyo. She had quite forgotten it, except on the occasion when his handsome visage kept on coming back to haunt her. Blast it, why does he have to be so gorgeous? She wished he was just an ugly old lout, so she may forget their encounter.

She had been too paranoid at the time, but in retrospect, it may have been just that—coincidence. So far, their paths have not crossed in Tokyo, and the letter was dated several weeks back, so he can't possibly be keeping tabs on her like she feared.

An exclusive story? But she was through that phase. She is financially secure now, not hanging on the threads of decent living. Still, she scanned his social schedule, noting that most of the events listed have come to pass.

Except one. The grand launch of Trendsetter.

What the hell? Why is he invited to that event? Is he getting married? Is this the giant scoop Tomoyo tells me?

One thing's for sure. She cannot show up as Aizawa Mika without blowing her cover. She may have dyed her hair black, and she might be able to blend in without her hair color making her stand out, but she was sure she'd be recognized.

But she didn't want to miss this for the world, after having worked so hard on the project.

Besides, if she'd be honest with herself…

…she wants to know why Li Syaoran was attending the launch of a bridal magazine edition of a fashion guru magazine.

Oh, bother it. She just wants to see him again. Rather like witnessing an accident, when you can't not take another look.

With that in mind, she clicked on "Reply," sending a short missive of assent and agreement to meet with him.

To hell with it. I'll meet you anytime, Mr. Hot Shot, she fumed, noting the taunting challenge of his last line.

I'll show you. I'll make a fool of you yet, Li Xiao Lang, she vowed as she wrote the note of reply.

And lastly, she began to write a letter to a person essential to her plans as Chan Ying Fa.

Dearest Harold, it's been ages. How are you doing...

"It's done," Eriol Hiiragizawa said calmly as he entered the office of his boss and best friend, Li Syaoran. "Now all we do is wait."

"Of course," Syaoran countered smoothly with a sly smile. He has just finished reading an email from Chan Ying Fa, aka Kinomoto Sakura, his future bride. He could read the underlying rage at his taunting challenge. He smirked, knowing she would soon be walking to a trap.

"Tomoyo feels immensely guilty, but she says that Miss Sakura is doing just fine now." Eriol adjusted his glasses. "She is a pleasant young woman, Syaoran. Are you sure about this?"

"Yes, I am sure," he replied grimly. "Nothing will deter me from my plans. She is my almost-betrothed, and you know that."

"Speaking of which, what of the Kinomotos?"

"Oh, I have sent a messenger around, informing them of the basics, and inviting them to the betrothal party." Syaoran laughed. "And to think she has no idea she has been planning her own entrapment, after all."

Eriol sighed. He didn't like it in the least, but what was he to do? It was all he could do as Syaoran's right-hand man.

Yet he could sense trouble, trouble which might prove fatal to his best friend. He could only hope he was wrong.