Disclaimer: I own nothing. It all belongs to J.K Rowling.

Okay, my first story guys. I'm making it a two shot. So I'll post the second chapter soon.


It Started In the Potions Lab

I watched as Blaise slowly poured the dark gray liquid into a small vial bottle.

"Hurry up." I drawled lazily as I leaned onto one of the desks inspecting neat fingernails.

He threw me a wary look before walking up to the teachers table and dropping the bottle into the holding cauldron labeled '7th Year Wolfs bane Potion'. We were the last ones remaining in the potions dungeon, even Snape was gone. I decided to wait on him because I am such the dedicated friend.


In truth, I waited because I wanted to wait for him. Which was weird, I was slightly worried at my new interest in my best friend Blaise. I thought it natural to care for someone you've known since childhood but that soon changed when I had started having dreams about fucking him on the wall in our shared dorm.

Yes, perfectly natural and ordinary. I mean come on; everyone has weird dreams, honestly. I'm sure the dark lord has dreams about skipping through fields of flowers holding hands with Potter, singing The Sound of music while all the people he's killed and his death eaters all make a hand holding chain of love and sing backup.

Like I said; perfectly normal. So when I started staring too long or unintentionally give him an affectionate smile the line started forming. I was infatuated with Blaise Zabini. Hooray.

I was lucky; it could have been someone like Potter or something, which would just be sad.

I also knew a long time ago that I wasn't as straight as I'd like to think and I definitely knew that Blaise wasn't as straight as he'd like to think either.

Just his whole persona screamed raging homo or at least half a raging homo. He was tall and lean, not as skinny as me but skinny. His tan skinned was complimented by light brown, curly hair and dark, electric blue eyes. And of course he did act like a pompous Slytherin. I was broken out of my reverie by Blaise's question.

"Are you ready, Draco?" he asked deeply, sounding a bit relieved.

"Yea, lets go." I responded quickly eyeing him up and down. His eyebrows furrowed for a fraction of a second before the corner of his mouth raised in half of a smirk.

"What?" I demanded.

"Nothing nothing, lets just go." He said in a dismissive tone.

I waited for him by the door while he picked up the rest of his things and walked towards me, eyes looking somewhat determined. He brushed past me with a deliberate stride, sandwiching our lower bodies together. A soft gasp escaped my lips before I could stop myself. I was surprised how quickly my body reacted.

My jaw clenched as blue eyes traveled downward and then back up to meet mine. I was motionless. Blaise raised and elegant eyebrow as a devious smile crept to his lips.

"You okay, Draco?" He asked in a husky voice as he stepped closer towards me.

I lost what little control I had and pulled him towards me. Our lips connected harshly and I linked my arms around his waist and his hands wound around my neck. I backed him up against the wall with our lips still attached. His tongue was begging for entrance and I parted my lips slowly. Our tongues met and began a fierce battle. I let out a low groan and he moaned in response.

His hands moved from my neck to roam over my body. I pulled away from him to stare into glowing eyes.

"Dra-ugh. Oh God." I cut him off by attaching my mouth to his neck. I trailed kisses down his neck and bit right where his collarbone meets his neck. He gasped loudly and then bit his lip to stop himself from moaning. I licked a trail back up to his neck and he shivered violently as I sucked at his rapid pulse.

"Uhhh." He moaned recklessly in pleasure. The sound traveled straight down creating an instant arousal. On cue, he drove is hips forward. Before I could do anything else, he swiftly spun us around and slammed me to the wall. He bit down on my neck, sucking hard at the skin exposed obviously trying to leave a mark.

I could imagine the angry red bruise left that was going to be left there.

That bastard.

His hands moved to the waist band of my pants and moved lower to rub the erection concealed behind it. He seemed to notice how hard I was as he pulled away and lightly kissed the spot he was previously attacking on my neck. He looked down at the bulge in my pants.

"We see to have a problem here, Draco." He muttered innocently.

"Oh. You really think so, Zabini. Now what gave you that idea?" I retorted sarcastically.

"Don't worry, I'll fix that in a minute." He whispered seductively.

I breathed deeply through my nose as he bent down slowly…very slowly.

Fuck. He was going to….no, he wouldn't.

Yes. He would. The very thought made me harden even more. But did Blaise really have to lower himself to please me? I startled myself; I wasn't the one to question getting sucked off.

This wasn't anyone, though, it was Blaise. But I have to say, he looked fucking gorgeous on his knees staring up at me with lust filled eyes.

"Blaise, you really don't have to you know." He looked surprised at my concern but it quickly turned into a seductive smile.

"Draco dear, you of all people should know that I don't do things I don't want to. And trust me, I want to." That was all the convincing I needed.

He fumbled with my belt buckle and pulled it open. I licked my lips as he slid my pants and boxers down to my ankles. He took me in his hands and rubbed gently before he licked the tip. He slid it half way into his warm mouth before sliding it back out and then taking in more again. My head hit the back of the wall noisily as I bit my lip before I made too much noise.

He really knew what he was doing and now I know for a fact that rumors were true. Blaise The Boy Blow Wonder or The Boy Who Lived To Blow. He'd give Potter a run for his galleons with the nicknames. He hollowed his cheeks and sucked harder. I moaned loudly this time and threw my head back once more.

I was moaning and groaning and so was he, sending vibration from his mouth.

"Oh God, I'm gonna-." I released with a guttural moan and he bobbed of with a loud popping noise. He looked thoughtful for a second before he swallowed my release, something I didn't expect him to do.

He stood straight up and I pulled him by the neck and pressed our lips softly together. I didn't even care that he was just giving me head. I pulled away and our foreheads rested together. His eyes softened and he gave me a sunny smile that I knew had my heart beating faster than usual. I felt myself smile back and he chuckled.

"We don't see many smiles like that on a normal basis."

I shrugged, "This isn't a normal basis." And we smiled at each other. My hand ran down his chest to his problem. He glanced at the clock.

"No, its okay. We can finish up later, dinners just about starting."

I nodded in agreement. The last thing we needed was suspicious Slytherins. I pulled up my pants and ran a hand through my hair. We walked out of the classroom and into the hall, altering our expressions to one of smirking vainness.

We passed people on their way to dinner also so Blaise struck up an, um, friendly conversation.

"So was that the best blow job or what, Malfoy?" he asked nonchalantly as if asking about the weather or a quidditch match.

My mask faltered and I could feel his smirk growing. I glanced at him and he was almost grinning.

I wanted to smack or probably kiss that smile off his face. I cleared my throat and the answered and the same tone.

"Yea, it was pretty good. But I've had better." His grin widened as we opened the large oak doors leading to the Great Hall.


The good stuff is in the next chapter.

Loll. I'll post it soon, I promise.

Please review guys.

I need motivation.

You can say anything…really.

As long as you comment.


Queen Malfoy