Disclaimer: Everything belongs to J.K Rowling. Period.


'Who can tell me what are the results if I add this antidote into the cauldron?' Snape drawled and Hermione Granger's hand shot up first, as usual. He ignored her and saw Draco Malfoy, smirking as he raised his hand. 'Mr. Malfoy?'

Hermione looked at Draco with disdain as she put down her hand, she sat back and hissed as he answered the question correctly. After Snape praised him, Draco looked over at Hermione and smirked superiorly.

'I hate it when he does that.' Hermione told Ron when the potions teacher was writing their homework on the board. She picked up her quill and scribble their homework on the parchment. 'It's like, it's like he thinks he's the king of the world.'

'Hermione, he's just being a slimy git.'

'Yeah.' Harry agreed. 'Not to mention, greasy.'

Hermione glared at her two best friends. 'Really, all you two do is insult people and I was talking about Malfoy.'

'Well, he's slimy and greasy too.' Harry said after a moment of silence.

Snape sat down on his desk, indicating that his period was over. The whole class stood up and packed their things to leave for Charms. Hermione picked up her books and headed out the class. She waited for her two best friends to arrive and the trio left for Charms.

As they stepped out to the entrance hall, Hermione slapped her forehead, swearing. 'I forgot my potions book. You two go first, I'll catch up.'

'Are you sure? We can wait.' Harry asked and she assured him. 'Alright, we'll save you a seat.'

She waved and ran to the dungeons. She walked slowly to the door and opened it quietly; she heard hushed voices inside the classroom. Hermione didn't bother eavesdropping but she just stood outside of the classroom.

As soon as she heard footsteps becoming louder, Hermione stepped back from the door and the Slytherin stepped out. He glared at her with a look of disgust on his face. 'What are you looking at, mudblood?' he sneered.

'None of your business, ferret.' She retort, looking away. 'I just left my potions book-.'

Draco took out a book and shoved it to her hands. He wiped his hands on his clothes as Hermione stared at him with a look of confusion. 'He asked me to give it back to you. Disgusting, now I have to wash it three times a day.'

'Shut up, Malfoy.' Hermione spat and walked away, her nose held high as she sauntered off. She could hear Draco following her close behind. She turned around and caught him completely off guard, seeing him jump. 'Is there something you want?'

'Why yes, there is.' He said and leaned towards the wall, his hands in his pockets. 'You, out from here. Clearly, Dumbledore has no taste in real witches and wizards. He just had to welcome mudbloods like yourselves.'

'I'm sorry, wasn't it you who almost blew up the whole class in potions last week?' she asked, her voice had a hint of amusement.

'That happened because I was paired up with that oaf Longbottom.' He hissed to himself but Hermione happened to overhear him. She snorted and walked away, he trailed after her.

'That oaf saved the class, he was smart enough to call Snape than just waving his arms around, sweating like a pig and asking Crabbe for help. Honestly, Crabbe?'

He laughed bitterly. He put a hand on his stomach, pretending to laugh. 'Ah, Granger, never knew you were this hilarious.'

'I'll take that as a compliment.'

'I was being sarcastic, you filth.' He spat and she rolled her eyes. 'So where's Weasel bee? Don't tell me he's still dating that Brown girl.'

'As a matter of fact, yes he is still dating Lavender Brown.' Hermione said and was on the grand staircase. He followed close behind. 'If you don't mind, Malfoy. I would really appreciate it if you just stand a few hundred feet away from me.'

'Anything you want.' He said simply and smirked, he took two small steps away from her. Hermione looked at him and closed her eyes with annoyance. He chuckled softly.

As they reached the second floor, she was walking up the steps when something happened that could just kill her.

There was a strong jerk that caught her completely off guard. She slipped on the steps and was about to fall when hands grabbed hold of her robes. She held her savior, tugging on his robes. She breathed in heavily.

She knew that Malfoy had saved her, seeing as they both were the only ones there. He too, looked both shocked and relieved. She could feel his breath tickling her cheeks. They were so close to each other, she snapped her eyes shut.

'Get off me, mudblood.' He hissed in her ear and she fluttered her eyes open. She let go of him and straightened her clothes. She cleared her throat and picked up her stuff.

They both walked to the Charms classroom without saying two words to each other. When Hermione touched the doorknob, her head turned to look at Malfoy.

'Um… Thanks.' She said awkwardly, and he grunted in response.

'Could you hurry up? I've missed half the class saving your arse out there.' He snapped and her eyes flashed angrily at him.

'What is your problem?' she glowered, putting her hands on her hip. 'You think you're king of the world? For bloody hell, can't you just act civil for just one second?'

'Yeah, okay.' He started, smirking at her. 'Move, Granger.'

'I can't believe you!' she cried, her voice rising. The door opened and they looked at their Charms professor who was gazing up at them questioningly. Harry and Ron were staring at Hermione with complete shock.

'Nice to have you here, Ms. Granger, Mr. Malfoy.' The professor said, and both of his students looked down at the floor. 'Please, take a seat.'

Draco and Hermione glared at each other before parting their ways, Hermione muttered curses under her breath as she sat in between Harry and Ron.

'Took you long enough.' Ron said. 'We were worried.'

'Yeah, Ron kept on biting his quill.' Harry grinned. 'We could hear your voice from a mile away, what happened?'

'Nothing.' She said, resting her eyes on the board. 'Just that he was being a git, that's all.'

'Figured.' Ron said, looking at Malfoy. 'I mean, look at him. I liked him much better when he was a ferret. He still has the smell.'

Hermione giggled and tore her eyes away from the board to look at Malfoy. His eyes met hers, and she was still smiling from the joke. He glared at her, thinking that she was smiling at him. Her smile was immediately turned into a frown when he glared at her.

Class ended very fast as all of them were tested on Cheering Charms for their OWLs examination that will be carried out by the end of the year.

'It's been two years and he wants us to do it.' Ron sighed; he made Harry look miserable as ever. 'Sorry mate, tried my best.'

'Yeah, once.' Harry scoffed.

Hermione smiled at the two as they ventured to the great hall. She bumped into Malfoy and she fell to the ground.

'Hermione!' Ron said, startled. He rushed to her side and helped her up. 'Are you okay? You stupid ferret.'

'Mudblood.' He smirked.

Harry and Ron draw out their wands, pointing at the Slytherin. Many people stopped to watch the scene. 'Take that back, Malfoy.' Harry threatened.

'Or what? Cry to your mummy?' Draco laughed. 'Guess what Potter, you don't have one.'

He and his gang started cackling away when Hermione stepped forward, clutching her wand. She whispered, 'Tarantallegra' Draco stopped laughing and his legs started dancing uncontrollably. He looked at Hermione who smiled wickedly at him. Ron was rolling on the floor, laughing hysterically.

'Bye, Malfoy.' She huffed and pushed past him, smirking at him while doing so. She looked at him over her shoulder and saw that his cronies were trying to find the counter curse.


Author's Note:

There you go. First chapter! Hope you like it, please review!