Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Come on now, thats why they call it FANfiction, not person-who-really-owns-Inuyasha fiction!

A boy named Inuyasha and a girl named Kagome are best friends and always are talking to each other on msn.

DeMoNBoY has logged on

Preistessofthegods has logged on

DeMoNBoY: hey waz up

Preistessofthegods: nuthin, how waz school

DeMoNBoY: it waz ok

DeMoNBoY: hey im thinking bout getting my G.E.D.

Preistessofthegods: r u serious? omg im so proud of u!

DeMoNBoY: thnx, hey i have to go

Preistessofthegods: yeah me 2, geometry homework :(

DeMoNBoY: kk, i'll ttyl

Preistessofthegods: kk, bye

DeMoNBoY: bye

DeMoNBoY has logged off

Preistessofthegods has logged off

Later that same week

Preistessofthegods has logged on

DeMoNBoY has logged on

DeMoNBoY: hey guess wat

Preistessofthegods: wat?

DeMoNBoY: i got my G.E.D.

Preistessofthegods: omg! im sooo proud of u!!!

DeMoNBoY: thnx

Preistessofthegods: np, hey can i tell u sumthing

DeMoNBoY: yeah, go for it

Preistessofthegods: well um... i love you

DeMoNBoY: oh, i luv ya 2. but ur 14 and im 17 and i kinda like this gurl, u remember Kikyo right, and shes my age and everything

Preistessofthegods: oh i just thought...

Preistessofthegods has logged off

The next day Inuyasha was watching the news and he found out that the 14 year old girl, kagome, had commited suiside by cutting her wrists and she wrote on her wall in blood: age shouldn't matter.

Inuyasha was very sad so he called his new girlfriend, Kikyo. When she picked up she told him before he could say anything that she was leaving him for the person she loves.

The next morning on the news they were talking about a 17 year old boy (Inuyasha) who commited suicide by hanging him self. Apparently before he hung himself he cut his chest where his heart was and used the blood to write: shes right, age shouldn't matter.

A/N tell me what u guys think of this story and please also tell me if you think age matters.