A/N: Sorry it took me a while to get this one. I kept changing it around. Enjoy. And please review.

Sirius walked inside the common room to find that James and another chubbier, blond boy were the only ones inside. James smiled when he saw him.

"Sirius! Where were you?"

"Catching up." When James gave him a weird look he added "I'll tell you later." Sirius looked at the boy sitting next to him and James noticed the awkwardness.

"This is Peter by the way. He is in our dormitory. Peter, this is Sirius Black." Peter gave Sirius a weak wave.

"Hello Peter." Sirius said as he took a seat beside James, looking around at the surroundings. "This is weird."

"What is?" James asked.

"Here. There are pictures at Grimmauld Place of the Slytherin house. I reckon I'm the only Black whose seen anything but. I like it though. It's more of a surprise then the real life version of a picture in your parents' room." He looked to James for understanding, he only received a confused expression.

"Wow, your family is pretty hardcore." James said as he leaned back in his chair. "I didn't know they cared that much." Sirius laughed.

"Oh they care. I was just having a nice little conversation with my cousin about how bad I've screwed up as a Black." Sirius said as James chuckled. Peter, feeling uncomfortable around the two boys got up.

"I'm going to bed. Bye James, Sirius." Peter said as he walked up the stairs.

"Goodnight." James and Sirius said in unison.

"He seems...nice." Sirius said.

"He's just kind of shy. I saw him being pushed around by Avery and then he couldn't find a dormitory because no one really wanted him." James said as Sirius nodded. "Oh is it okay for him to hang out with us?" Sirius looked at James for a second.

"Yeah, sure. Who else is in the dormitory? I haven't been up there yet."

"Well there are you and I, Peter and Remus. I'll show you around whenever you want, seeing as you missed the tour with the Prefects." Sirius nodded.

"Sounds great. Thanks."

"No problem. By the way where's Remus?" James asked him. "Haven't seen him since the feast, but his stuff is by his bed."

"Oh, Dumbledore said that his mother was ill and that he would be back by tomorrow afternoon."

"I guess his mother's not that ill if he's going to be back tomorrow." James said. "But I hope she's going to be OK nonetheless." He quickly added.

"Yeah." Sirius looked at his watch and realized it had broken when Bellatrix grabbed him. The magical hands were spinning unusually fast. He tapped it with his index finger. James leaned in to get a closer look.

"Nice watch. Is it for jewelry purposes cause it wasn't worth the money if it's supposed to tell time." James said smirking. Sirius threw a pillow at him.

"Shut up, it just broke." Sirius said, still tapping his watch.

"Yes, Sirius, keep tapping, cause that will fix it." James said sarcastically taking out his wand. "Repero." He said confidently. Nothing happened.

"It's spell-proof. My Mum reckons some one's going to charm my watch into telling me the wrong time, resulting in my death." Sirius and James laughed. "Besides, you didn't even do the spell right. My Dad and Bella taught me simple spells I would need in life, 'even before school'. To fix cuts, objects, torture, you know."

James laughed. "My Mum didn't. She said it would happen when it happened and that I shouldn't care so much before school." James rolled his eyes. "But my Dad would take me on broom rides and let me do really simple spells with his wand when my Mum wasn't looking. Mostly Accio."

"Going back to my watch. It's broken, what time is it?" Sirius asked James.

James looked down at his handsome gold watch. "It's new." He smirked. Sirius looked at him impatiently. "Oh, right. 4:36

"That's pretty late." Sirius looked at the rising sun.

"I know, but I can't sleep. This is our first night here, and we don't have classes tomorrow, so it's not really a big deal." James shrugged. "But if you want to sleep, you should." Sirius could tell he wanted company.

"Nah, I'm not tired either. You wouldn't guess what happened after dinner." James was interested.

"What?" He asked.

And Sirius told him the whole story when Sirius saw the slouched and panting figure of Remus walk through the portrait hole.

"Remus, how is your mother doing?" James asked.

Remus was taken by surprise. Seeing as it was almost 5, he wasn't expecting anyone to be awake.

"My Mum? Oh, yes, she's doing fine so I came back early." Remus was in bad shape. His face and body were cut up and he looked extremely tired.

"Are you OK?" Sirius asked.

Remus forced a smile. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well you're bleeding." James pointed out bluntly.

"Oh, this? It's my Mum's cat, Ginger. She's a beast." Remus said as Sirius stepped towards him.

"My cousin taught me a spell for minor injuries and cuts, here." He pointed his wand at Remus. "homoni reparo." Remus' cuts vibrated and closed up a little, but didn't go away. "It isn't working. I know I'm doing the spell right." Sirius said impatiently.

Remus walked to the staircase. "I'll just ask...the nurse to clean it up tomorrow, but thanks anyways. Goodnight Sirius, James." And rushed up the stairs. Sirius turned to James when Remus had gone.

"I did it right." He told James.

"I know. And they were so deep." James said still staring at the stairs.

"Those were no cat claws. I'm sure of it."

"We'll look into it tomorrow Sirius, let's go to bed."

Sirius nodded as the two boys walked up to the boys dormitories. Sirius saw a bed with all his stuff sitting at the end and jumped onto it. James did the same.

"I wonder who had these beds before us." James whispered.

"I don't know but I feel bad for the person who gets this after." Sirius and James laughed as quietly as the could, as to not wake anyone. Little did they know, the son of James Potter would enjoy his first good night of his sleep in the same bed as his father.

A/N: I know the ending was really cheesy lol.

please review.