My first NaruHina fanfic.

It'll have hints of ShikaIno.

I wanted to give this a try so... if I get more than 6 reviews, I'll continue it on.

Me no own Naruto. -.-

The Dark Truth

By Natsumi Mizuki

Chapter 1: Tsunade sama!

A peaceful day among the village of Konoha. At Ichiraku, there sat 4 of Konoha's most finest nin. Tsunade's apprentice, Haruno Sakura. The blonde bombshell Yamanaka Ino. The Hyuuga Heiress, Hyuuga Hinata. And the most hyperactive and baka-ish nin you will ever meet in your lives, Uzumaki Naruto. Naruto was happily chowing down his... more than 3 bowls of ramen so far, Hinata seated next to him with a hue of pink coloring her cheeks. Sakura and Ino were... gossiping like always about the latest trends and fighting and so on...

Once their bickering gradually stopped, their lingering eyes laid upon the happy kyuubi and blushing Hyuuga. Ino's mind lit a small light bulb that flickered with... pure mischief. Everyone who knew those two thought that Naruto and Hinata would make such a cute couple... but not for two reasons. One, Hinata's father, Hyuuga Hiashi, would probably never approve since he contains the spirit of the fearsome kyuubi within him and that he's a complete baka. Not to mention the village troublemaker. The other reason... NARUTO'S TOO MUCH OF AN IDIOT TO NOTICE THAT SHE LIKES HIM!!!!!!!!!!

Ino gave a little smirk and nudged her friend's arm and whispered in her ear, eyes glued to them.

"Hey Sakura. Maybe we should play a little matchmaking, ne?" Emerald green eyes widened slightly. She whispered back to her.

"Nani?! But how?"

"They make a cute couple. Hinata chan constantly blushes madly everytime she sees him."

"Ugh... I just don't get what Hinata sees in him..."

"Same for me. But love has... strange ways. So? Are you in or not?"

"Well... what if she passes out?!"

"Then we'll revive her and make her go through it! No matter how many times we have to!"

"What if she does and Naruto doesn't return her love?! She'd be heartbroken and it would be our fault dammit!"

"... Good point. Then... we'll ask Naruto." Sakura gave a stare at Ino, which clearly meant "are-you-for-real?"

"... Naruto's too much of a baka to realize his own feelings except if it's about being the 6th Hokage."

"Dammit! Hmm... well I'm gonna make up a-" Sakura cut her off.

"Wait. Tsunade sama... she always likes to do these kind of things. If he won't realize his feelings, then we'll make him. And I'm pretty sure she has something that'll help..."

"... Moments like these I realize you're such a good friend."

"Heh. And don't forget it." The two kunoichi snickered evilly and sprinted to the Hokage's office. Naruto stared at them. After they weren't in sight, he turned to the shy girl.

"Whaddya think they're up to Hinata chan?"

"A-anou... I don't know..."

"Hm... ahh well." And Naruto went back to glomp his precious ramen. XD

-Hokage's Office... where hell begins O.O-

"TSUNADE SAMA!!!!!!!!" The two kunoichi barged in and slammed the door closed. Tsunade, almost scared, threw an empty sake bottle at them, which they dodged by nodded their heads, and crashed right on the door. The shattered glass fell to the floor, Sakura and Ino's eyes twitching madly. That could have been their heads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BLEEDING!!!!!! OH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"... Girls."

"H-hai Tsunade sama?" Oh boy. Maybe they should've knocked first. Shizune was long gone, not wanting to see her master's wrath. The two were trembling in fear.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU COME IN HERE FOR?!?! YOU HAVE 2 SECONDS TO EXPLAIN NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!" Tsunade can sure breath fire when she's pissed alright.

"GAHHH!!!! UHM UHM UHM...!!!!"

"TSUNADESAMAWEWANTTOKNOWIFYOUHAVEANYTRUTHPOTIONSWECANUSESOWECANGETNARUTOANDHINATATOGETHERRRRR!!!!!!!!!!" ... All that in one breath. Sakura huffed deeply. She had big lungs, yet flat chested. ((A/N: ... it's true. XD I don't care if I get flames for that. x3 ))

"... oh." The Godaime calmed herself instantly and emerged from her seat. Opening a cabinet she rummaged through it, numerous things thrown out and scattered around the room.

"Now girls, how long do you want it to last?"

"Uhm... not long. Like uh... 5 minutes." Tsunade turned chibi and looked at them with anime tears.

"W-why so short?"

"We just need to know if Naruto likes Hinata. Then we can resume with our original plans." Ino replied.

"... oh." With a hint of disappointment she handed the two kunoichi a small vile with a light blue liquid.

"Mix it in with his ramen. The color will blend in." Their eyes glimmered and Sakura took the vile from her hands.

"ARIGATOU!!!!!!!!!!" The two glomped her and ran off, beginning their ebil ebil plans. The Hokage rubbed her head and Shizune popped in the picture.

"... You didn't give them a 5 minute potion did you, Tsunade sama?" An evil smirk descended upon Tsunade's lips as she turned to her frightened apprentice.

"Iie. There's no potion that lasts for 5 minutes. Instead, I gave the two a truth potion that lasts for 3 days. During that time, whoever drinks the liquid will only say the truth no matter what, like a reflex. And... heh... I haven't developed an antidote. But I am planning to make Sakura and Ino drink it also..."


"Shizune, I'm not known as the 5th Hokage and one of the legendary sannin for nothing." With nothing to counter her reply, Tsunade began her ebil ebil laughter...

-Back At Ichiraku...-

"OHHH NARUTOOO!!!!" yelled Sakura.

"... Hai?" Naruto and Hinata were having a little cheerful talk, Hinata still red as ever.

"Would you want another bowl of ramen?"

"... I'm broke."

"I'll pay."

"ANOTHER BOWL OF MISO RAMEN PLEASE!!!!!!!!!" He yelled cheerfully. Naruto really does have a pitless stomach. The ramen owner stared at him like if he was crazy. Well he is crazy anyway. 5 minutes later, there came a fresh hot bowl of yummylicious miso ramen.

"Hey Naruto." Ino poked his shoulder, making the happy now frowning boy turn to her.

"Nani?!" he yelled, wanting to eat his meal.

"Look at... HINATA!!!!!!!!" Hinata got frightened and instantly turned to the Yamanaka, blushing and Naruto stared at her with a blank look.

"H-hai Ino chan?" she meekly whispered.

"You two make such a kawaii couple." Her index fingers and thumbs formed into a little heart making the two blush.

"U-URUSEI INO!!!!!!!!!!!" Naruto turned back to his bowl and found Sakura's hands holding the chopsticks. She blushed from embarrassment and swiped her hands away. Naruto covered his ramen protectively and glared at her.

"My ramen. Nuu touchie." he said in a childish voice. The accused kunoichi sweatdropped and nodded, paid the ramen owner for his meal and nudged Ino's arm.

"Got it." She whispered to her. The two of them smirked and took their seats next to Hinata who shyly sat next to Naruto, chowing down on his ramen.

"A-anou... are you two hungry?" Hinata spoke to them.

"Eh... kinda." As if on cue, Sakura's stomach growled. Everyone within a meter range stopped their current activities and stared at her. Even Naruto stared at her, then laughed.

"HAHA! SAKURA GROWLED!" The medic nin bonked him on the head.

"Oh I'll take that ramen bowl and splash it over your head if you don't shut your mouth up." Ignoring her words, he resumed his feast.

"Oi! 3 pork ramens over here please!" Almost instantly, the owner handed them their ordered meals. The 3 kunoichi broke their chopsticks.


"Oi! Sakura! Ino! Hinata!" Shizune popped from behind them.

"Ohayo Shizune!" The three of them said, turning around to meet her.

"So Sakura, Ino, what was all the commosion in Tsunade sama's office?" she asked. The two immediately froze, muttering.

"A-anou... w-we asked her... uhh..." Both of their brains fried up. Hinata had a question mark above her head, her eyes shyly looking towards the stoned kunoichi. Naruto... wasn't paying attention. Shizune chuckled.

"Don't answer that. I'll ask her later. Sayonara!" She walked off a bit too quickly... but the three didn't notice and resumed on with their meals. Shizune turned into an empty alley and sighed helplessly.

"Tsunade sama, was it really necessary to spike their ramen bowls with the potion?" she groaned. The Godaime popped in front of her, giggling mischievously.

"Hai hai. They did it to Naruto, so I'm doing it to them. I'm surprised Naruto didn't notice me." Shizune nodded, agreeing with her.

"True true... but I have a bad feeling about this. Did you also spike Hinata's ramen?"

"... I think so."

"NANI?!?! WHY?!?!"

"... Because. I wanted to."

"Do you know what's going to happen, Tsunade sama?! What if Hiashi sama asks her a question and she replies the wrong answer?!"

"You worry too much, Shizune. Hinata's too innocent."

"But she's shy. And that truth potion make reveal her dark side."

"... SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

... Owari for now.



-Mizuki Natsumi