There are those who forget and those who remember... I wonder if nii-sama remembers that its finally here.

All of us knew that one day the darkness will come and try to conquer me and my family.

However, I worry too much for both my twin brother and my older brothers.

My name is Echizen, Rin; I am the twin sister of Echizen Ryoma and sister of Echizen Ryoga and Ren. This how the story began.




Ryo-niichan! Ryo—niichan! Look! I finally got a ball into the other side of the court!

That's great Rin! Let's play a game then!

Sure niichan!

(While playing the game, the two older brothers watch)

"Wow Ryo-chan knows how to play now! Since when did he get this good?" asked Ryoga.

"Oh boy Ryoga, you should watch them all the time, they play all the time so they can beat you now. " replied Ren.

"Ahhh still there mada mada daze." said Ryoga.

"Oh are you sure Ryoga? Are you sure your not mada mada daze?" asked Ren.

"No way I'm far better than them Ren." replied Ryoga.

(All of sudden they hear a scream)

"What's going on", said Ren. "I don't know, but it came from Ryoma", said Ryoga.

(When they ran to where they were, they saw Rin on the ground bleeding and two men stand in front of here laughing,

while Ryoma sat next to Rin calling for help.)

"What the hell, said Ren!" Then Ryoga crouched next to Ryoma helping to hold their little sister.

"What do you, people want", asked Ryoga. "We wanted to meet the four guardians and I say that all of you kids are just weak", said a guy with a black suit.

(all four of them looked at the men in black with a confusing look until, Ryoma, Ryoga, and Ren saw their father and mother running to them with a sword.)

Nanjirou threw his sword at the man, but dodged. "Well well well, if it isn't guardian of the wind and water.

What a pleasure to meet you", said the man in black.

Ren looked at his parents and the man very confusingly, but stayed silent to hear what was going on.

Until the man vanished saying, "your kids are next; beware for our master is coming."

Ren looked at his parents and they looked like they were about to cry. Once inside their house and Rin recovered,

Nanjirou explained the situation to them and trained them.


"Miss. And Mr.'s Echizen-sama, we have arrived at Japan."

"Ah so this is Japan! Man it's so hot! I wonder how Ryo-niichan stood this heat", said Rin.

"Just handle it Rin and by the way remember your not suppose to call us your brothers", responded Ryoga.

"Oh also don't forget that we are your cousins and nothing else", replied Ren.

"Hai hai (Yes, yes) I know! Jeez you don't have to make a big deal", said Rin.

While walking Rin, was thinking, "I wonder how Ryo-niichan is doing; I haven't seen him for three years after we got separated for our own good."


(Meanwhile in Seigaku)

"Achoo! Ah am I getting a cold? Jeez its not even fall or winter, so how can I get a stupid cold in the fricken middle of the spring?" said Ryoma.

"HEYYYY! Echizen! Wait up! Mattaku (Jeez)"

"What is it Momo-senpai?" asked Ryoma.

"Man, you have been zoning out a lot today". replied Momo

...gomen nasai, replied Ryoma.

"...what's going on with you Echizen you been down lately."

"Nothing is wrong Momo-senpai, its nothing."


"Ehhhhhh buchou why do I get 20 laps?" asked Momo.

"Just do your laps Momoshiro! Oh since you complained 30 laps and don't make me give you more." replied Tezuka.

That enough made Momo shut-up and ran his laps with Ryoma.