Okay well right now I am currently in computer class and I finished my assignment early.

So I'll be focused. This is the 8TH time ive re written this from scratch. Last night my good friend helped me if it wasn't for her you guys would've waited for another two weeks or so.




Anywayyy enough jib jab.


troypay is winning

disclaimer: I do not own anything yadda yadda yooo

chapter 2: A secret between friends

"Why are we in this cheap place Shar?" Ryan asked me more confused than I was.

I didn't even know why I thought of coming in her. It was like a drug store…. Yeah me

In a cheap place I could buy this store if I wanted to right off the back. But it was the closest place and fastest place I could get to, to get everything I needed.

My high heels click clacked as I approached the register taking off my Channel and defiantly Sharpay-ed sunglasses.

"Hi, I need vogue magazines, a cute, preferably pink little notebook, and a cute pen, pink too, don't forget tape and scissors." I said quickly as I opened my purse to get the money.

The register person looked at me with confusion he looked to be in his early twenties.

" I think he expects us to get it ourselves…" Ryan said slowly as he came behind me.

I quickly turned to Ryan. I needed these things and I needed them quickly.

"We are Evan's….." I quickly stopped and remembered Daddy, Dad, Liar, cheater, the most-

"Evans?" I heard suddenly stopping my train of thought.

I turned quickly to make sure Ryan didn't see the tears forming in my eyes.

"Yes. I'm Sharpay Evans…and this is my brother Ryan Evans." I said firmly.

He then looked shocked or somewhat embarassed.

"I'm so sorry, I'll get these things for you right away, your father helped us build this store anything you want I'll get these things for you quickly!" He said running to the aisles.

"Boy dad sure does a lot.." Ryan smiled as he looked at the chocolate bars.

"Yeah he does, doesn't he?" I said thinking of my dad and Cindy kissing passionately.

"Chocolate Bar?" Ryan asked as he waved two of them in my face.

"No thanks I'm not hungry." I replied as I waved those things in my face. My stomach was hungry from the lack of food I'm used to. I mean I hadn't eaten since lunch and I was already getting stomach pains.

"You sure Shar? I mean you didn't eat any pizza when the gang went out for some. All you had was a diet soda." Ryan said looking at me with concern.

"Ry, I think I'm getting sick from spending the night at Gabby's we ate so much.." My mind was reflecting on how much I ate. I then looked at my fatness and it seemed to have expanded I could feel every piece of fat…

"Ha, so why don't you go on a diet or something and work it off." Ryan said examining the chocolate bars.

I opened my mouth to respond but then…

"Got everything you requested Ms. Evans." The register guy said as he was ringing up the stuff. Ryan then put the two chocolate bars on the counter.

"Don't forget this." Ryan added.

My blood boiled. I knew I was being told the truth but god I sooo didn't wanna hear it.

"I said I didn't want it Ryan now put the other one back!" I snapped.

"Geez. It's for dad this is his favorite kind." Ryan defended as he stood there with his arms folded.

Ha! No way Ryan thinks I'm going to pay for anything for that person!

I took the chocolate bar and slapped it in Ryan's hands.

"Well I'll buy yours and it'll be more special knowing that you bought it for him now wouldn't it." I said with an icy voice as I paid for my stuff, plantinum of course, and walked to the car with my heels once again clicking and clacking.

I re applied my lipgloss it looked a little smudged.

But how could Ryan do that? Buy a chocolate bar for daddy?! I mean he is hurting mom even if she doesn't know it… Ryan has a right to know, so does mother…

This is so confusing why is it that he is doing the bad thing yet I could tear the family apart?!! I hate this, I hate how I can't control what happens! I'm so used to having control of everyone's lives but I can't even have control of my own I-

"What was that back there?" Ryan slammed the door shut.

"What was what?" I asked as I started the car.

"I mean your acting more like your old self…it's rather annoying…"Ryan said as he checked the mirror to see if his hat was on right.

"I just-It's just- I need-I.." This was it I was about to tell Ryan I was about to tear the family apart I was about to-

"I need some sleep. That's all. Sorry Ry." I smiled sincerely.

Gain control….

I sat in my room, knowing what I had to do… I knew what I had to do. I just didn't want to.

I needed a distraction something to keep me from doing it.

I walked over to my computer and decided to log in aim.

I typed.


I looked I saw the whole gang was on. Probably still keeping a convo about the play or a basketball game something like that.

Then all of a sudden I heard a noise.

Gabbygirl14:hey Shar:D

PinkPrincess01: Gabby hey what's up?

Gabbygirl14: nothing you feeling okay?

PinkPrincess01: Yes of courzzz why yew ask?

Gabbygirl14: I don't know cause you didn't really eat at the pizza place :o

PinkPrincess01: oh well yeahhhhh :) I'm fine. I'm just starting a healthy diet.

Gabbygirl14: Oh, I could never do that I mean I love food way too much. : )

PInkPrincess01: Well I mean I'm not gunna starveeee myself or anything juss yew know eat healthier and exercise.

Gabbygirl14: But Shar I think your already skinny enough.

PinkPrincess01:No im nottt trust me! I just wanna loose a little weight. Yew know?

Gabbygirl14: well the musical is coming up and I guess being healthy would help in the audtions.

PinkPrincess01:u see wat ii mean! Exactly! SO you wanna diet together????!!

Gabbygirl14: hmmm…

Gabbygirl14: alright let's do it.

PinkPriness01: let's not call it a diet let's call it more of a better lifestyle.

Gabbygirl14: Oooohh sounds healthy :D

PinkPrincess01: u bet!

Gabbygirl14: well I'll look up some healthy exercises and find out what the good food to eat and I'll make us a healthy eating chart!

PinkPrincess01: yay! This is gunna b so much fun!

Gabbygirl14: hmm.. better lifestyle I like the sound of it

PinkPrincess01: thanx listen Gabz

Gabbygirl14: Yes?

PinkPriness01: Lets keep this a secret.

Gabbygirl14: A secret?

PinkPrincess01: Ya I mean we don't want ppl to ruin our diet rii??

Gabbygirl14: True, very true, knowing Troy he'll just get worried and think that we have an eating disorder or something. :D

PinkPrincess01: So a secret? Promise????

Gabbygirl14: A secret, promise :

PinkPrincess01: A secret between friends

PinkPrincess01:Well I g2g ttyt Gabby bye!

Gabbygirl14: Bye!

PinkPrincess01 signed out

Okay so far this is good I mean Gabby is going to diet with me how perfect can this be?!!

Me and my best friend dieting together there is no way we can quit.

"What is wrong?!" I heard mother scream.

I quietly crept to my door and put my ear on it.

"Nothing just nothing, Listen we just.."

"You've been acted spacey lately is it because I went to the spa?!" Mother cried.

"No, no, honey it's not your fault it's mine listen how about we go away for a week and we can do another honeymoon." Father cooed.

Why what dirty liar!

"Really? You mean it?!"

"Yes, I do anything for my lovely faithful wife." My dad said.

"Oh I don't deserve a husband as wonder and perfect as you-"

I couldn't control myself anymore

"NO!" I yelled as I opened the door.

Mother and Father then turned from the hallway looking at me.

Father looked scarred and angry as if threatened, well because he was.

"No what darling?" Mother asked innocently.

Of course she looks innocent because she is! Urgh I couldn't take this I needed to tell mother.

"No..Father…he" I began.

My dad for once in my life looked at me as if he was going to kill me and I then started to fear him.

"Father he what dear?" Mother's voice then began to sound worried.

"He..needs to fix my computer..actually." I said quietly.

"Oh! Well I'll do it right now, why don't you go downstairs and I'll fix it right now?" He said as he shooed my mother away from me. Somehow he seemed too eager my voice then seemed to crack..i began to panic.

"No, no , no! That's okay! Uh I'll buy a new one I mean I don't-"

"Now Sharpay as Daddy's little princess you have to remember money's not always going to be there, I mean it can easily go, or easily stay.." He said as he gave my mom a slight push to go downstairs. "I'll be down shortly."

My mother smiled and began to go downstairs.

My palms began to sweat as I quickly raced to my room.

Maybe if I txted Ryan he's come out of his room and then-

My dad closed the door. He was in my room.

"Let's take a look at the computer." He smiled as he began to take a look at it.

We both knew there was nothing wrong with it.

"Well look's like there's nothing wrong so-"

"Sharpay Evans, you seem to think you have control of this situation… when in fact you don't." He said as he stood up and stood in front of me.

"Your hurting mother!"


All of a sudden I felt a burning sensation on my cheek and my head was turned.

"And you really need to watch yourself when your fixing things. Sharpay, I don't want you to get hurt."

Tears were beginning to form in my eyes and I felt numb yet my mind was racing.

He then hugged me and I couldn't move.

He then walked away and closed my door as he left.

I felt nothing I just ran to my bathroom and cried on the floor.

My dad just hit me! My dad just cheated on mother! It's my fault. It is my fault!

I then looked at the scale. If I didn't have control of my home life I needed control of something.

I walked over to the scale and it read 127.

I almost fell backwards.

"127!!!!" I screamed.

I was a huge whale!! I was a fat whale a huge fat whale!!

Throw me in the water with shamou!

I saw my room. I felt crazy as if frustration was taking over. I began to hit my pillows over and over again.

"No! No! No!" I yelled in my pillow so no one could hear me.

Soon I began really tired. My body seemed to be getting this warm sensation. Then I began to close my eyes……

" So I checked the menu today and we can eat a sandwich, with a 2 milk, some salad and a banana." Gabby said as she gave me a paper full of healthy foods. "Plus the exercise we do in practice I say a ten minute run after will do."

My mind was racing till when my dad slapped me.

"Oh yeah, sorry I just didn't sleep well last night." I said as I faked yawned.

"Oh did the history project keep you up?" She asked me.

My heart then dropped.

"What?!" I said too quickly.

"Yeah it's due today…it's worth lot of points it basically sets our grade for this semester…" Gabby said looking worried.

"Oh well maybe he will let me do it again." I said panicky.

"Ask." Gabby said as our history teacher walked in.

Troy then ran in late.

"Troy Bolton! Late!" Mr. Barker yelled.

"Sorry Sir I forgot the history report in my locker and-"

"I don't care I'm not in a good mood today detention." Mr. Barker said as he sat down.

"Okay Let's see how about Miss. Evans delight us with your report." He said looking at me.

Tears were already forming in my eyes.

"Uh sir I forgot it at home." I said trying to sound as sad as possible.

"Drama tears, or excuses won't help detention and you're A just went down to a D." He said typing on his computer.

"But Sir! I mean I –please!" I begged.

Gabriella opened her mouth.

"Save it Montez unless you want detention too."

She then closed her mouth.

Class ended a little too slowly if you asked me.

I walked slowly out of class.

"Listen Shar I'm really sorry." Gabriella said as she hugged me.

"Yeah Mr.Barker is an ass." Troy added.

"It's okay listen I'm gunna go practice some lines.."I said walking away.

"But Lunch aren't you hungry?" Troy asked me.


"No..but thanks anyways." I smiled as I walked away.

"Well I'll save your lunch then."Gabriella smiled as she hugged me.

"Thanks Gab!" I hugged her back.

She began to walk away and Troy looked at me. He then went up to me.

"Hey kiddo, listen be the princess you are and be strong." Troy said as he hugged me.

MY heart seemed to flutter because Troy hugged me!! He was hugging me.

"I will."

He then leaned in and kissed me on the cheek.

"Feel better." He smiled as he walked away.

My heart was jumping out of my body. I was pumped.

I didn't eat today and Troy kissed me. I wonder what he'd do if I lost five pounds?!

I ran to the gym and went to my locker. I pulled my sweats and shirt and quickly changed.

I had 45 minutes. I began to run on the track.

"Think thin think thin.."

Okay im sorry it was sooo short but.. I have 5 min left.

So yeahh I'ma update within the next three days I promise!!!

So review and ill love you forever!! Reviews make me type faster!!

So Gab is on the diet thing. Sharpay has more pressure. Sharpay has motivation

Parents r leaving for a weeks soon. Plus the starring role gets named next chapter!!

Well I hope you like and sorry this sucked!!