Me: Wow, what can I say? I like completely forgot about this. Nah, not really, I just now found where I put all the questions. (Laughs)

Everyone: (Smacks their foreheads)

Bo: So you mean to tell us, that you kept us all here this whole time cause you forgot where you put the questions?

Me: Yep.

Bo: (Sighs)

Me: Hey! Its not my fault! I got distracted by other stuff and when I went to ask you guys more questions, I forgot where they were.

Bo: Your crazy.

Me: I know you are.

Bo: (Sticks tongue out)

Me: (Grabs his tongue) This is what happens when my brat brother does this.

Bo: Let go!

Me: Will you behave?

Bo: (Nods)

Me: Good boy. (Smirks and lets his tongue go)

Bo: (Frowns and crosses his arms, pouting)

Me: (Laughs) Well, I think we best get to the questions, got some from 19 people this time! Yay!

Everyone: (Groans)

Me: Let's see….who's turn to do the disclaimer? Ah! Uncle Jesse, your turn!

Jesse: (Nods) Lets see here…

(A short time later…)

Disclaimer: She doesn't own us. We're just here for the entertainment of the readers.

Me: Thanks Uncle Jesse

Jesse: Your quite welcome

Me: Now onto the questions!

Me: Here's the first questions! These are from Bo Maniak.

Bo Maniak: Bo what would you name your children if you had 4 of them?Jesse did Bo or Luke ever have braces?Bo do you work out?

Daisy which cousin would you date if they weren't your cousin?

Jesse what was the most cutest thing Bo did when he was a baby?

And last Bo have you ever considered going into the marines?

Bo: What would I name my children if I had four of them? Well, I honestly don't care much for children, but I will help them if they need help. But if I had my own, and they're boys, I'd name them Lukas, Tommy, Johnny, and Junior. If they were girls, I'd name them Daisy Mae, Sara Beth, Elizabeth, and Abigail.

Luke: You'd name one after me?

Bo: Of course. You are my hero.

Luke: (looks down, deeply touched)

Daisy: That's so sweet you'd name one after me too. (Smiles)

Bo: Well, you are more my big sister then cousin.

Daisy: (Hugs him)

Bo: (Hugs her back)

Me: (Smiles) That's sweet.

Jesse: (Smiles, then reads his question) Did either of them have braces? Bo did for two years. I was always getting onto him about chewing gum and eating stuff he wasn't supposed to with braces.

Bo: It still wasn't fair… (Crosses arms)

Luke: (Snickers)

Bo: (Shoots him a dirty look)

Me: Ok you two, no fighting.

Bo: (Snorts and reads his question) Do I work out? Nah, I get a good workout outrunning the Hazzard 'law' and doing work around the farm.

Me: (Says dreamily) Sure has been doing a mighty fine job.

Bo: (Smiles sweetly)

Me: (Grins at him) Daisy's turn.

Daisy: (Reads question, then giggles) If they weren't my cousins, I'd have a hard time picking.

Me: Well, it'd have to be Luke. Bo's mine. (Grabs Bo's arm)

Daisy and Luke: (Laughs)

Bo: Are all women from your hometown as crazy as you?

Me: Nope.

Bo: Oh boy…

Jesse: (Chuckles and looks at question) The cutest thing he ever did as a baby? Hmm… (Thinks) Well, I'd have to say it was when he saw Luke for the first time. The look on Bo's face when he saw his cousin for the first time is something I won't ever forget.

Me: Aww I bet he was soooo adorable as a baby.

Daisy: He was.

Luke: Yeah. It's a shame he grew up.

Bo: Cute Luke, real cute.

Luke: I know I am.

Bo: (Rolls eyes, then reads question) Did I ever consider going into the Marines? Nope. I'm not interested in it. Only reason Luke had gone, was because he'd been drafted.

Luke: (Nods) It's not something I'd want to do again.

Me: (Nods) We got one more question for today, but a lot more left to go. This one's from keitaya.


Hi... I love this story... can I just ask if Bo has any embarrassing stories
about Luke? Everyone else is asking about Bo's so why not Luke's?

Bo: (Snickers) Oh I got a few alright. One time Luke ended up getting so drunk, that he ran around town in his underwear, singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. True story folks!

Luke: Hey! I did not do that!

Rosco: Yeah you did. I cuffed ya and stuffed ya for indecent exposure.

Luke: (Gets quiet)

Me: (Laughing)

Bo: Then this one other time that he got drunk, he tried to get a date with a car.

Luke: (Turning bright red from embarrassment)

Me: (Laughing harder)

Bo: That was pretty funny. Then this one time (Gets cut off)

Luke: Bo! That's enough!

Bo: Sorry, just answerin' the question.

Luke: (Grumbles)

Me: (Finally calms down) Well, that was definitely something I wasn't expecting, sure was funny though! But unfortunately, that's all for today. Until next time, DON'T LET LUKE GET DRUNK!!! At least not when there's no cameras around.