This is my first try at a truly angsty, powerful work.




Chazz's POV

I stood near the lighthouse, looking at the sunset. I could hear Elizabeth laugh from her spot on the beach as Jaden tried to drag Syrus into the water, the bluenette going as far as trying to grip the sand.

I'm glad you're happy now, Elizabeth. I remember when you were so depressed that...that I thought I would never see you again. Not even Syrus knows, but I'll never forget that day, no matter how much I want to. That was the day that scared even Slade and Jaggar. That was the day you tried to kill yourself.

I stood in front of Cedric's tombstone, holding your hand as you cried. It had been a month since the accident, but I could tell that something else was making you cry as well.

We walked back and I helped you into the back yard, the steps still too steep for you to go down alone. I went back inside since you could manage going back in alone, and I watched as you walked down the path to your favorite spot, the lake that was so clear you could see the rocks on the bottom.

I still wonder what told me to go find you, whether it was a hunch or a divine intervention.

I stood from my chair and simply walked out, leaving Slade and Jaggar with puzzled expressions. I followed the familiar path and saw you with a knife. "Elizabeth, what are you doing?"

You hid the knife behind your back to try and fool me. "Nothing, just skipping rocks."

"With a knife?"

At that point you knew that I knew what you were up to, and put the knife to your throat.

"Elizabeth, please don't!"

"Sorry Chazz, but I can't go on knowing that my brother died to keep me alive!"

At this point Slade and Jaggar stood behind me, knowing enough of what was happening.

"Liz, Cedric did die to protect you, so that you could live. He wouldn't have wanted this!"

"I already said I was sorry Chazz, but I can't stop. I have to do this."

You pressed the knife close, and I jumped at you, knocking the knife out of your hand.

This caused me to see the other cut marks.

You fell to your knees and gave us a pleading look, a look that said that you were truly suffering. Back then I didn't know how much.

Slade carried you to your room,where I kept watch. You were silent, but you were awake the whole time.

Eventually you broke down and sobbed, and I took you in my arms.

"I'm sorry Chazz," you sobbed.

I rubbed your back and tried to calm you.

"It's ok, Liz, we'll get you some help."

And we did. The therapy did wonders for you, though you weren't ever exactly happy again until after you gained control, at least you didn't cut yourself anymore.

I heard footsteps and saw you walking towards me.

"I'm really proud of you Elizabeth."

"What for?"

"I was thinking about when you became suicidal, and I'm proud that you were able to deal with it."

"Chazz, it's because I've got three great brothers. Two that are willing to pay for therapy, and one who..."

"Who what?"

"Who's willing to save me."