AN – Hello everyone, I would just like to say this story is mine along with its ideas. Please use your own ideas when making your stories. I do not own Digimon, and once again I thank all my reviewers and readers.

Special thanks: Sync – Yeah about Ken turning into Wisemon, I kind off took the idea of Digivolving from Frontier. Oh yeah, and I really appreciate that you have been reviewing since the beginning. Thanks!

Takari girl 101 – Hope you still have interest; I'm real sorry for any inconveniences.

To the rest of you, thanks and enjoy reading and commenting!

Chapter 4 – Enter the Dark World

I had a hunch that Sora was feeling uneasy, as if something was bothering her. I gave it a second thought, but I came to realize she was just nervous, like the rest of us. We had just arrived in the Digital World. It was different now. I could never fully realize what had happened, but I knew it was something awful. I had to find my sister, no matter what the others say. She's still my baby sister to me, and I would always protect her.

"Tai…I think you should have a look at this."

Matt interrupts his best friend's thoughts as Tai begins to hurry over.

"What's up Matt? Is there something wrong?"

"Look Tai, over there towards the sun. It looks familiar right?"

Listening to his best friend, Tai gazed where Matt was looking. It was Primary Village, or what was left of it. The gleam of the village lost its entire luster. The sight broke the hearts of the DigiDestined, looking at the destruction with their heads bowed down. Cody started to lose his composure, and was soon in tears.

I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! This was all a big mistake, we shouldn't be here!

"Hey Cody, you ok?"

Breaking Cody from his thoughts, Joe had concern for the young DigiDestined.

"There's obviously something wrong when my little bro is crying, right?"

Cody started to calm down, with a hint of a grin on his face, he spoke.

"Thanks Joe, I really needed that. I'm sorry, but I still have some doubts about being here in the first place."

"Well…I guess if that's how you feel, then we should go back now. But, let me remind you that we are letting T.K, Kari, and Ken down if we leave now. It's up to you, but I would take one more chance. I know you won't let them down that easily, so for your sake and mine show some courage and let's fight whoever did such an act of cruelty to the Digimon."

Unaware to Joe and Cody, Tai had been listening to their heart to heart. Sensing they had finished, Tai approached them.

"I'm sorry Cody, I didn't mean to listen. But I couldn't help but overhear a friend in need. I know what you are going through, and that you want to leave as fast as you can. Remember… we are in this together, being in the group you are part of this family now. If one of us has a problem, it's a problem all of us face together."

Cody began to shed tears, except unlike before these tears were of joy and relief.

"Tai, Joe…thank you. It's my fault, it really is. I was being immature for thinking about my own well being before others. What are we waiting for? T.K, Kari, and Yolei need us right now, so enough talk and more action!"

The DigiDestined were smiling with relief and happiness. Just moments ago, the children had their hearts broken by the devastated Primary Village. Now, they felt cheery with smiles on their face.

Determined to look for their missing friends, the DigiDestined continued across one of the many fields in the Digital World. After about an hour, they all decided to stop for a rest. Tai, Matt, and Sora were unusually quiet. Joe and Izzy looked on, with concern on their faces.

"I wonder why those three are so down. What do you think Izz?"

Izzy had a look of deep thought on his face. Turning to Joe, he replied.

"You're right Joe; Tai isn't usually glum like this. This goes the same for Sora and Matt…it just doesn't make any sense."

"Hey…wait a minute. We haven't seen our Digimon yet!"

"Oh yeah, how could I forget about Tentomon…I bet that's why they're feeling sad, they haven't seen Agumon, Gabumon, and Biyomon yet."

With both boys finally realizing this, they rushed towards their friends. Suddenly, screams rang throughout the air. Finally, Tai snaps out leader of his dreamy trance.

"Everyone, we have to get out of here now! That scream sounds awfully familiar…it sounds like Yolei."


I was running hard, real hard. One moment I was with T.K and Kari, now I'm running for my life. Whatever was chasing me, I did not want to know. It was beyond evil, just his presence made me feel cold inside.

"Yolei Inoue…"

The dark cold voice of the cloaked figure caused a shiver in Yolei's spine. Every word spoken from the figure's lips contained agony and sorrow.

"W-who…are you? How do you know me you creep?!"

The figure laughed coldly, as darkness once again engulfed the area. Yolei and the Dark figure were no longer in the Digital world. Now, they were transported to the Dark Ocean.

No, no, no! I hate this place, I wanna go home! Wait…if this is the Dark Ocean, then I can find Ken. Where's Hawkmon when I need him?

As if reading her thoughts, the Dark figure spoke to the defenseless Yolei.

"You seek someone close to your heart."

Yolei's face was in awe and shock. With her lips quivering, she managed to speak.

"Who are you?"

Smirking, the Dark figure finally looked at Yolei. The figure's eyes were filled with hatred and lust.

"I am Wisemon. I wouldn't be too worried about Hawkmon if I were you. I would be worrying about myself, instead of your friend…because you can't do a thing if I have my way with you."

"No! You wouldn't…if my Ken ever found out about you, he would kill you! I always thought killing Digimon was awful because they're still living breathing creatures. Except you…I don't think you even deserve to live."

With a devious smile, Wisemon retorted.

"That's where you are wrong dear…Yoe. I can, and I will have my way with you. Don't worry; I'll do all the work."

I gasped; my breath was short and frequent. He knows the name that Ken gave me…but how is that possible?

The Dark aura around Wisemon slowly faded away. His cloak disappeared, showing a boy with dark hair. He looked normal, wearing a navy blue AE sweater with dark faded blue jeans. He grinned; walking towards Yolei he gave a flashy grin. Opening his dark eyes, he stared right at Yolei's. As if reading her heart and soul, the boy pinned Yolei to the sand.

The boy began to laugh, finally fulfilling his lusts and pleasures. Before unleashing a scream, she finally had the courage to look at the boy's face.

The boy I had trusted with my love and my life. The boy who swore he would protect me no matter what. The same boy who was now taking advantage of me, and I couldn't do anything about it. It was Ken…and he was enjoying every minute of it.


Why can't this stupid piece of junk work! Damn, I have to delete my messages…a virus is corrupting my D-Terminal. Okay…now where am I? Did I get lost again?

Seeing a figure resembling Davis, Cody calls out.

"Davis! Is that you?"

"Hey Cody, yeah it's me. Are you with the others?"

"Nope, I got lost too. Do you know what happened to them?"

"No…I can't remember, uh, let me think for a moment."


"Tai, do you even know where you're going?"

A frustrated Matt shouted, loosing his patience, along with the other DigiDestined who were tired of running.

"Shut up Matt! Something's out there, it does not sound good at all."

"What's wrong with you Kamiya? When have you ever backed out from a fight?"

Replying to Matt, Tai was starting to build up his rage.

"Don't make this personal, alright…we are not looking for a fight right now. Remember Ishida, we are here for T.K and Kari. Our younger siblings are out there, and they need our help."

Matt was stunned. For the first time in his friendship with Tai, has the usually fiery brunette thinking rationally.

Wow, Tai has really started to mature now. It's good to see that…well; I hope he still has his fire when it's necessary to fight.

"Thanks Tai, you're right…our top priority is my brother and your sister. It was wrong of me to judge you so quickly. I guess it's because my best friend has grown up now."

Unaware to the DigiDestined, an unknown Digimon began to pursue them. They were large in numbers – about six to eight of them. They were demonic Digimon, small yet extremely dangerous. And they did not look happy at all to see the DigiDestined.

"Demon's Shout!"

The DigiDestined were taken aback, they were in no position to be prepared for an ambush attack. The demons' were amused, content that the DigiDestined never had a chance to put up a fight. The demons were hungry for data, to please their desires they were about to finish off the DigiDestined once and for all. However, their master came and he wasn't too pleased.

"Phelesmon…I will personally destroy you all myself, if you continue."

"Uh, we are truly sorry master Beelzemon. We never meant to harm the children,"


The Phelesmon were cut short. Their master's red eyes glared at them. Filled with bloodlust, he started to foam in his mouth. The Phelesmon were beyond terrified of their lives.

"Darkness Claw!"

Even to his personal servants Beelzemon was cruel and vicious. He grinned, imagining what he could do to the DigiDestined. However, Barbamon and Daemon appeared confronting Beelzemon.

"My, my, my…well done Beelzemon, we must separate them immediately. Our lord would not be pleased if we kill them without any suffering."

"I agree Daemon. You take Tai, Matt and Sora. Barbamon will take Joe and Izzy. Finally, I will take Davis and Cody. Well then, is that settled my fellow lords?"

Barbamon and Daemon simply nodded, picking up their selected children, bringing them to the far outskirts of the Dark World.

-Flashback Ends-

"I was conscious at the time, luckily the Demon Lords didn't notice. We have to get back to the Digital World."

"Davis…don't you think we should try to find out where we are first? We can't just rush into a place where we've never been before."

The darkness of the world began to seep in Davis's mind. Thoughts of evil and hatred entered him, replying angrily towards Cody.

"Well, where do you think we are genius? I already told you okay! Stupid kid…you shouldn't be a DigiDestined. All you do is get in the way of everyone, especially me. Get lost Cody; go back to your grandfather!"

Tears started dripping off Cody's face. He was shocked, a friend suddenly snapped at him.

"Davis…I was just asking a question. Why are you mad all of a sudden? It's this world, right?"

"You're right Cody, I'm sorry. We have to find some sort of shelter and figure things out. I don't think it would be that hard. We're in some of kind of city, it looks huge. C'mon! Let's take a look around."

Without another word the two DigiDestined began to curiously look around this new world. A Dark City…

The city was truly vast and enormous, from skyscrapers to warehouses; this city was bigger than Odaiba. The streets were littered with garbage, holes and cracks all over the pavement and the sidewalk. Most of the buildings were in ruins, windows shattered, walls falling apart.

Life was nowhere to be seen; only death filled the air. Davis and Cody were beyond silent. However, this changed when they saw the bodies of Digimon. For some reason, the Digimon killed in this world do not disintegrate. The answer of this lies in the darkness.


"Beelzemon, take out those boys. I believe they are in your area right now."

"Yes master, I will do so immediately."

Beelzemon vanished, heading towards Davis and Cody. Looking on from the tower, the lord watched as Beelzemon disappeared on his Behemoth.

"Lord Lucemon! This is an outrage! The boy is taking over my territory, and he thinks its ok."

Lucemon began to laugh, with a tone of death in his voice, he replied.

"Then why don't you do something about it. The great Daemon, supposed master of wrath, loosing to Ken?"

"You are right master, I will kill him!"

Without another word, Daemon flew out of Lucemon's castle. On the other hand, Lucemon ponders once more.

What can I do with the power of Omnimon in my hands…?

The Dark Forest is found in the Southeast side of the Dark World. Blackened, branches tangle and entwine with each other – roots overgrown, causing massive hills among the fields creating a great majority of swelling across the land. Storms are a natural occurrence here, hurricanes, and floods. Rain begins to pour down while the first flash of lightning appears. Winds begin to pick up, as trees begin to howl and groan.

Wisemon has taken over almost half of the forest. Daemon finally arrives, seething with vengeance and bloodlust. Wisemon is in the center of the forest, the location of Fiend's Lake.

'You will pay Ken, for what you have done to my home. SkullSatamon, MarineDevimon, and LadyDevimon! Awaken…The Daemon Corps!'

All in unison, Daemon's servants replied.

"Yes master, we are ready for your bidding."

"We shall finish this…now!"

Without another word, Daemon and his Corps headed to Wisemon, leading to the first major confrontation of a Demon Lord.

The gusts of wind were at full blast, pounding down on the trees. The winds were strong enough to slice diamond. Fortunately, the Forest was protected by Daemon and Fiend's Lake.

"Daemon, you have finally returned. You coward! I guess you brought your buddies with you, huh?"

Chuckling, Daemon replied.

"Well I never said I was fair fighter. The only thing that matters is my life and your death."

"You're overconfidence will be the cause of your fall Daemon. You think you're the only one who has buddies? GranKuwagamon! Show yourself."

A dark violet aura appeared from the insect Digimon, the same aura began to shimmer around Ken.

"Enough talk, let's finish this!"

With Wisemon's spirit, Ken transformed power rushing through the entirety of his body. GranKuwagamon had to fight the Daemon Corps, while Wisemon fought against Daemon himself.

Raising his hand, Wisemon directed a ball of energy towards Daemon. Daemon quickly avoids this, showing his aggression begins his first attack.

Evil Flapping!

Dark beams of energy began their assault towards Wisemon. Taken aback, a beam struck his torso, twice…a direct hit.

Daemon sensing pain, rushes to the stunned Wisemon. Wrath had completely taken over his heart and mind. Instead of conjuring up an attack, Daemon strikes the temporarily defenseless head of Wisemon with a left hook.

Going for the kill Daemon eagerly dashes to the freefalling Wisemon. Unaware that Wisemon was summoning an attack.

Pandora Dialogue…

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck a tree that was about to fall while a small pond formed because of the downpour of rain. The tree finally gave way and fell into the pond, once more lightning bolts kept striking at the same tree now engulfed in water and electricity.

Daemon was moving into a trap, and he did not realize this until it was too late.

Left, right, left, right…step by step, Daemon walked in to the pond. Left…

Daemon screamed in shock, thrown back forty meters crashing into a boulder.

'How is this possible? Lightning does not strike the same spot twice…

Sensing Daemon has been weakened, Wisemon begins to gather energy for his ultimate attack.

Meanwhile, GranKuwagamon had his with Daemon's Corps. SkullSatamon was dead, and MarineDevimon and LadyDevimon weren't that far from sharing the same faith.

"Both of you annoy me…its time that I finally finish this."

X-Scissor Claw!

Faster than the speed of sound, GranKuwagamon destroys the Daemon Corps, only Daemon remained and he too was terribly injured.

Sensing Wisemon was in need of help, GranKuwagamon came to his master. With the strength of his partner by his side, Wisemon willed himself to get up. Looking on to Daemon, he appeared unconscious. Feeling that it would be best to leave, Wisemon started to float away from the forest. Until it was Daemon's turn to trick Wisemon, as soon as Wisemon turned his back Daemon stood up. Watching, Wisemon transformed backed to Ken.

Evil Inferno!

Ken was beyond defenseless; a direct hit would have killed him instantly. Instead GranKuwagamon took almost the entirety of the attack. Some remnants of the flame reached Ken and still had a significant impact, knocking him out.

GranKuwagamon, in order to protect Ken sacrificed his life. On the verge of being deleted, Daemon raised his right hand.

Greedy Wand!

"What are you doing? I was going to kill the traitors!"

"No Daemon, this is why we put that spirit in him in the first place. So he can do our dirty work for us."

"Don't you see Barbamon? Ken is taking over my land and you're saying I should let him? Fool, this kid is not even half of what I am yet he is beating me?"


Death Lure!

Using one of his special abilities, Barbamon has the ability to manipulate his fellow Demon Lords. Summoning an attack, Barbamon created an illusion showing that Daemon finished off GranKuwagamon.

"Let's go Daemon, we must return to the castle for now. Lucemon is waiting and he will not be pleased if we are late."

Traveling in silence, the two Demon Lords drifted away from the Dark Forest. In deep thought, Daemon ponders about his next battle against Ken.

'You got lucky boy…the next time we meet, I will kill you.'

AN – Wow! I finally updated huh? I apologize, but I can't help but be busy with the other things in my life. Hopefully my dear readers and reviewers still have interest for my story, and I continue to update whenever I can. I made a new boarder break, and an update for the next chapter. Beelzemon, Davis Cody and TK and Kari. More Battles Finally eh? Where's the Takari when there's no TK and Kari. I won't make any more promises you guys, I'll just update when I can. Thanks again for all my readers and reviewers.