Hello! This story is a twoshot. My first twoshot. Now all I need to do is a songfic and I've done all the types of stories. I think.

Sorry for not updating Cough SLUT Cough but I have major writers block and I hate anything I write for the story. So I'm writing this story hoping to get my mind cleared. I think I just need a break or something. I don't know when I'll update though. Sorry! I promise as soon as it's written and proof read I'll post it!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything affiliated with HSM. You guys should know by now GOSH! (Sorry Napoleon Dynamite moment)

"Are you sure you've got everything handled?" 23 year old Taylor asked her friend worriedly.

"Yes Taylor! Me and Troy have got everything under control!" Gabriella assured the worried mother.

"Make sure James and Kayla get fed their bottle at 6pm. The emergencies numbers are on the fridge, TV, by the phone and you have them on your cell phone. I wrote down the others in case your phone gets lost or stops working. Kayla and James bedtime's at 8pm. Put them in the cot. I think that's everything!" Taylor reminded.

"Tay I've got this. You didn't need to repeat the instructions 11 times. I got it the first time!"

"I know but I'm so worried about my angels. Okay mommy loves you guys!" Taylor gushed kissing her 5 month old twins on their heads.

"Tay they'll be fine! Troy and Gabi have got it sorted! We're gonna be late for the movie! Let's go!" Her husband Chad had to pull her out of the door.

"So, we've got the whole house empty, a fridge full of food and 2 guest rooms. What should we do Miss Montez?" Troy suggestively asked his girlfriend.

"Troy! We've got 2 infants to look after, if you touch one crumb of Chad's food he'll throw a major fit and I'm not going to have sex with you in my best friends house!" Gabriella scolded her 23 year old boyfriend. A curly black haired, cocoa skinned James let out a big cry. Gabriella instantly went to his side on a blanket on the floor.

"What's wrong Jamesey Wamesey?" Gabriella cooed. She gave him a rubber rattle. He grabbed it and grinned.

"Oh give it a rest Gabi! He probably wanted attention." Troy snarled. Gabriella didn't know why but Troy was in a really bad mood lately. Gabriella knew not to push it and that he would come clean in his own time. Bugging him about it would only get him angrier. But she missed old Troy.

"What if it was important? We can't take chances. It's not like he can tell us if it's serious!" Gabriella retorted.

"Whatever." He sat down on the couch and turned the TV on. "Why do we have to baby-sit these two anyway?"

"Cause Taylor and Chad haven't had time to there selves in five months and they need a break."

"Well why do I have to be here?"

"I can't take care of two babies by myself! I need you here." Troy sighed. A F.R.I.E.N.D.S (don't own) re-run was on at the moment. The comedy of the 6 friends managed to calm him down.

Kayla Danforth wanted attention. She clapped her hands and gurgled, the sign that she wanted to be picked up. Gabriella was busy changing James' nappy. So she crawled over to Troy's chair and pulled on his leg. Troy smiled down at her and picked her up and sat her down on his lap and resumed watching Joey audition for a job.

10 minutes later Kayla was still on Troy's lap watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S and Gabriella was playing peek-a-boo with James. Kayla started crying loudly. James soon started joining his sister in wailing. Gabriella started rocking James in her arms.

"Shhhhhhh James. It's ok, don't cry! Please don't cry." Gabriella hushed trying to stop the distressed 5 month old. Troy walked over to Gabriella with Kayla in his arms.

"What's wrong with them Gabi?" Troy asked irritatedly.

"I don't know. Oh it's past 6:00! They're just hungry!" Gabriella rushed to the kitchen to grab the bottles filled with formula and heated them up.

20 minutes later Gabriella and Troy (mostly Gabriella) managed to finally to calm down the infants and they were quietly sucking on the bottles. Troy was growing more and more annoyed.

"Argh. They made me miss out on the ending of F.R.I.E.N.D.S!" Troy growled.

"Troy you've already seen that episode like 3 times. I'm sure you'll live." Gabriella calmly said.

"Well what am I meant to do? There's nothing to do in this house! There's nothing on TV, the kids are boring" Don't I have the nicest boyfriend?, Gabriella thought sarcastically, "And you won't have sex with me!"

"So what I'm just a sex toy to you?" Gabriella said growing angry with her beau.

Luckily for Troy he didn't have to answer that because Kayla let out a cry. She was bored. So Gabriella started playing games with them. Troy left and popped a DVD in the TV and started watching Anchorman. (Do I have to say it? I don't own)

At around 8 the twins got whiney and Gabriella decided to put them to bed.

"Troy can you help me put James and Kayla to bed?"

"Whatever." Troy grumbled getting up to pause the DVD and followed Gabriella upstairs to the nursery. They couple changed the babies into cute little baby pajamas. They lay them down into the green cot, that had balloons and teddy bears and ducklings painted on the side, but the twins had something on their minds other than sleeping. They started crying and holding up their arms, gesturing that they wanted to cuddle someone. Gabriella tried to shush them but nothing worked. Troy just watched boredly.

Gabriella had finally got them to sleep by giving them a soft teddy bear each to hold. They couple went downstairs.

"Argh I hate kids. They're so much work. When we break up I'm not getting married or having kids. Just flings and one night stands." Troy said grumpily.

"WHEN we break up?"

"Yeah when we break up." Troy said simply.

"So you just assume that we're going to break up? You don't see a future between us?" Gabriella asked, hurt and angry.

"NO! Is that so hard to understand?" Troy yelled.

"So when you said you loved me that meant nothing to you?" Gabriella yelled back tears filling her eyes.

Troy was about to reply but was interrupted by the front door opening.

"We're home!" Chad yelled. Taylor shushed him.

"The babies are asleep!" Taylor scolded her husband. "So how are they?" she asked worriedly.

"They're fine. They're asleep upstairs." Gabriella assured her.

"How were they? Did they give you any trouble?"

Before Troy could say anything Gabriella answered. "They were just fine."

"Well thank you guys so much! We really appreciate it." Chad thanked their friends. They said goodbye and Gabriella and Troy left the house.

"So you coming home?" Troy asked as if nothing was wrong between them. They lived together in an average sized apartment 3 blocks away.

"No I'm gonna go visit Sharpay." Gabriella said quietly, pointing to the Sharpay's house which was just down the road. Troy shrugged, hopped in the car and left without another word.

Gabriella walked down the street towards Sharpay's house, her head low, her cheeks wet and her heart broken.

Awwww poor Gabi! I know you guys wanna bash Troy. Quite frankly I want to too. And I wrote this! But never fear, it's just his time of month ;). Just joking. Just wait till the next and last chapter before judging Troy. He has reasons. Still makes him an idiot though.

Ok Review! Tell if you want me to continue! Or just forget this story and move on.

Ciao for now!