I hope u like this story like the others, just tell me what u think by the first chapter and thank u

Chapter 1

Hey there my name is Sakura and I just turned 16, I'm so happy for my self. I mean come on I live a some what perfect life beside the fact the traitor, I mean Saskue came back and the fact that ever since my 13 birthday weird things start to happen.

When I turn 13 it seem like I can control things like water, fire, air, earth, and I can use lighting. I also can move thing with my mind. And I can read people thoughts, as well as levitate things. Also when I want something I get it. It all seemed strange I asked my mother about it and she didn't say anything about, but I know she know something about it. These thing happen with emotions.

Like I said my life was perfect before Saskue came back, Naruto brought him back though. He still cold as ever but he opened up a little. Still every time I ask him out he just say no and walk away.

Now that I'm 16 he sometimes happy around me, he don't be cold around me but he still say no when I ask him out. But thats nothing new. Anyway my life has changed, how wonderful am I?.

So what do u think. Review please THANK U!!!