Welcome everyone reading this to my new story called 'Orange Crush' this is the first strictly SasuNaru story I have done other than 'The Trouble With Popsicles' and I am very proud with how this turned out. This story does depict a seemingly straight Naruto at first, but that will gradually change as the story progresses. I personally had this idea in mind before their was the series 'Heroes' and before they showed 'Sky High' I just never got around to writing it since I had other projects I was working on at the time, but I felt its better late than never to have this posted. A lot of this story was based on my love of American comics before I became interested in Manga, this story is based on an idea I had where the leader of a Super Hero group in the same league as the 'Justice League' marries for appearances only, when he is in fact in love with someone he can't be with. I would love tell you more, but I don't want to ruin the story. If you would like me to continue the story please review.

Synopsis: In a high school full of students with superpowers Sasuke is powerless and hated by not only the students, but his own family… that will all change however when he meets, Naruto, the most popular boy in school. SasuNaru Yaoi

Warning Sasuke will be slightly ooc in this… imagine that this is the Sasuke before his family was killed and Itachi was still in his life

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto that honor is held by Masashi Kishimoto (lucky bastard)

'Orange Crush' by KitsuneFun

A loud ringing permeated the air.

Sasuke opened his eyes slowly to glare at the offensive machine called a cell phone, he snuggled his head deeper into the soft pillow beneath him and let out an incoherent whine, he was hoping the idiot who called him had given up, but the ringing continued.

Frustrated, Sasuke let out a random curse and threw off his blue coverlet from his bed to the floor in his haste to answer the phone. Sitting up he managed to grab the odious object before it could ring again, "What do you want," me managed to mumble out, despite his sleep deprived mind, to the other person.

Their was an evil laugh, that could only belong to one person, "Really Otouto is that any way to speak to your eldest brother when he is being nice enough to call you and make sure you make it to school on time."

Sasuke rubbed at his eyes that had slightly crusted over making it hard to for him to see, everything still seemed like a blur in his dark room, "What the hell are you talking about Itachi," he fairly growled in annoyance into the phone.

Another laugh, it was starting to piss Sasuke off, "It's 8:15 am Otouto… time for school."

Sasuke's eyes widened a bit, "That can't be… my alarm didn't go off…" he paused to slowly turn his head to look at the alarm clock, he heard another laugh and cursed as he slowly read the time, sure enough it read 8:15 am… now 8:16 am as Sasuke watched it.

"You really should learn to wake up on time Otouto," Sasuke turned to eye the phone in disbelief, his brother had did it to him again; Itachi'd turned off the alarm.

"You bastard how could you…" Sasuke started to yell, but was quickly cut off by his older brother who did a slight tisking sound with his lips.

"Really you should know by now why I did it little brother… your pathetic and powerless… your useless to the family other than as a hostage to our enemies," Sasuke ducked his head at the words, he knew it was true what Itachi was saying since his whole family had some sort of incredible super power and a few were even on the Asian Freedom Force, unlike Sasuke who put everyone in jeopardy because he had no powers.

"Pathetic and worthless… it's a wonder that you still exist little brother," Itachi continued to say on the other line, knowing how much it hurt his little brother to hear the words, Itachi continued, "I hope you realize that no one will love someone as hopeless as you," the last word caused a lone tear to slide silently down Sasuke's face as he closed his eyes and absorbed the harsh words, "Have a nice day at school Otouto," and with that last mocking phrase, Itachi closed the phone connection with a click.

Sasuke opened dark brown eyes to stare slowly up at the brand new uniform that hung on the closet door, The uniform was still in its plastic bag, the colors of the jacket and pants were a dark green that was almost black in color, and around the collar of the white shirt hung a green and orange striped tie that matched the emblem on the jacket's chest pocket. The emblem itself showed an intricate sewed golden leaf that swirled in the center, it was a symbol that stood for 'Konoha High School' a place made especially for both specials and the special's children without powers to attend.

However, in Sasuke's mind, it symbolized a new year and a new school where he would be taunted and harassed for his lack of powers as well as for his looks that more than one student had commented on before being like, "Death walking," because of his otherworldly pale skin and almost emaciated form.

Sasuke gave a long drawn out sigh as he moved his stiff legs out from under the warm blanket that still remained on the bed and down towards the cold floor, he hissed slightly at the sharp pain that hit his consciousness as a painful throbbing traveled up from his bruised shin.

Just yesterday a kid had purposely ran into Sasuke causing him to fall towards the ground where he ended up cutting his shin deeply on a lone piece of sharp glass left over from the street sweeper that had come earlier that day to clean up the debris from the day before.

Thankfully Sasuke was able to have it bandaged up, but it still left an ugly yellowish-green bruise that covered the surrounding flesh of the area. Gingerly he walked over towards the closet, trying not to aggravate the still sore wound further and pulled the uniform down from where it hung up high on his closet door.

Eyeing the offensive garment, Sasuke wondered briefly if it might not be better to just call in sick, but though his parents didn't care if he went or not to the school, he knew they would still complain about it later to Sasuke for not attending when the school bothered to call them about his absence.

With this thought in mind, Sasuke quickly removed his dark blue t-shirt and black pajama bottoms that he had worn for bed and quickly put on the uniform before it got any later. After quickly brushing his teeth and putting on deodorant, he pushed his fingers roughly through his fine sable-black hair to get the tangles out since his brother had conveniently misplaced his only brush in the bathroom, so Sasuke was left with having his long black bangs hanging messily in front of his face and his hair standing strait up in the back resembling something close to a chicken's butt in appearance.

Sasuke knew by viewing his reflection in the mirror that he would get more name calling than usual this year do to the unkempt and odd looking do, 'Thanks a lot Itachi,' Sasuke grumbled in frustration as he quickly grabbed his black backpack from off his desk and raced out the front door of his family's house, forgetting breakfast in favor of somehow making it in time to hear the end of the beginning days orientation at school.

However his luck for the rest of the day seemed to be going down the toilet, for waiting outside was none other than one of his brother's gang, Deidara, he stood standing in front of his black Lexus with his arms crossed at the base of the steps to Sasuke's house.

A shorter boy stood next to him wearing a strange orange Halloween mask with a giant black spiral painted in the front under a head of extremely short and spiky black hair. The boy lifted a hand to wave in Sasuke's direction only to have it immediately smacked down by Deidara, who glared at him for the friendly move.

Having finally noticed his presence due to the actions of his companion, Deidara slowly looked up at Sasuke and gave a bone-chilling smile, "It took you long enough hun… I thought for sure that Itachi would have gotten you out of the house sooner."

It was no secret to the whole of the entire school, that Itachi used those in his clique to personally deliver his messages when he was to busy to do the errands himself. Often times, certain members, still bothered Sasuke whether they were ordered to do so by his brother or not.

Sasuke, having grown used to his brother's and friend's ways steadied his shaky nerves as he nervously approached the senior as he walked down the steps. He tried to walk past the two boys without saying a word, but Deidara quickly cut him off before he could walk any further down the sidewalk.

"Aw… is that anyway to treat someone who is trying to be friendly hon?" the blond haired senior pushed at the long lock of blond hair falling in his face and gave a clucking sound with his tongue as he stood in front of Sasuke, "Can you believe that Tobi… you would think being brought up in the Uchiha residence would have taught the loser some manners hon."

His companion laughed, finding the situation funny, ""Your right Deidara-sempai… maybe we should teach him a lesson in manners?"

Sasuke could feel his heart begin to pound in terror at the idea of being taught anything more by these two because he knew instinctively that it wouldn't end well, 'Just walk away… don't pay attention,' he attempted to continue walking away, but it felt like his feet were frozen to the ground in fear and he couldn't seem to make them move any further down the street.

Deidara let out a cruel laugh at his companion's suggestion, oblivious to the raven's fear as he stared down at Sasuke in disgust, "Tobi, I think that's a splendid idea," leaning close he placed a hand under Sasuke chin, tilting it up at a muscle straining angle, "Don't you think so hon? I am sure that would really please Itachi-sempai…"

Sasuke glared up at Deidara, wishing he had the power to destroy the man in front of him, he was tired of being afraid all the time, but Sasuke knew that it was useless since he had learned his lesson the one time and only time he had fought back against someone… in fact Sasuke still held the scar on his shoulder to prove it.

Deidara seemed even more amused by the look of defiance in Sasuke's eyes that he couldn't quite hide, "Your lucky I don't use my earth-based powers to turn you into an immobile statue for the rest of your life hon… so consider this a warning…" the blond suddenly pulled his fist back and punched Sasuke in the face, making the raven's lower lip split open under the force of the hit causing it to bleed.

Tobi whistled in awe as he stared at the bloody site, "Wow sempai… you weren't kidding about him being pathetic, you barely tapped the impotent freak and he is bleeding like a stuck pig."

Deidara licked at his fist where some of the blood had spilled at impact, "Yeah… hon it's almost not worth doing anything more to the pathetic weakling…"

Tobi nodded, using his foot to kick Sasuke in the stomach, almost making the raven fall to the ground in pain, "He is truly beneath someone of your caliber sempai."

"So true hon," Deidara sighed while flicking his long blond ponytail behind him in annoyance after it had fallen forward over his shoulder when he hit Sasuke, "I wonder why Itachi even bothers with someone like him…"

Sasuke often had wondered that same fact himself, but he had grown up used to the feelings of disgust and contempt from both the specials at his school and his family, they seemed to all gain some twisted pleasure out of turning his life into a living nightmare.

'Just once…' Sasuke wished as he tried to drown out the voices of the two seniors surrounding him, 'I would like someone to see me as being important and not care that I don't have any powers.' It was a dream that Sasuke had carried within his soul since he was old enough to realize why everyone around him treated him like dirt. He considered that, that dream may never come true, but it didn't stop him from hoping one day someone would eventually care.

Deidara seemed to find enjoyment in the look of suffering that suffused the youngest Uchiha's face, "Let's see how much you like the taste of my art hon." The blond lifted his hand and started gathering energy, like a lover, into his finger tips in order to control the surrounding earth around him so it would do his bidding.

Sasuke looked on in horror as the concrete began to slither up his legs like it was a living serpent-like entity, till it completely enveloped the lower half of his body. The raven-haired youth tried to escape the hold of the concrete, but it was useless since the texture and strength of the material made struggling useless, its one of the reasons why Diedara's power to control the earth was so terrifying.

"It's so tempting to make him into one of my statues Tobi… too bad he isn't pretty enough for that hon.…" Deidara laughed as he pointed out the struggling boy movements to his new protégé, who stood watching the show in reverence.

"You're a genius Deidara-sempai." His companion fairly gushed in joy.

Sasuke's attempts to release himself only increased as he felt the concrete tentacles continue their fast ascent up the raven's torso before curling around his neck and up towards his pale face till it covered both Sasuke's mouth and nose preventing the flow of precious oxygen from reaching his body.

It was a move that Deidara had often used in the past to great success especially when he wanted get someone to do something for him.

Sasuke began to panic as his chest started to burn from the lack of oxygen reaching his brain, 'I'm going to die…' the realization that his demise was fast approaching suddenly became a terrifying reality that he couldn't escape.

It was just when Sasuke had started to give up hope that he saw an orange flash out of the corner of his eye fast approaching their position, he watched in disbelief as Deidara paused in mid-laugh to stare in shock as the orange blur barreled into him at an alarming speed, knocking the blond unconscious when Deidara suddenly hit the ground.

Tobi faired even less than his sempai against the orange blur's onslaught, as it suddenly moved towards the mask youth's position and quickly rammed into Tobi making him fall next to Deidara onto the ground… unconscious.

The orange figure then moved quickly around the two, quickly tying them together with a long piece of black metallic rope to a nearby light pole in order to make sure they didn't escape.

The entire actions of the orange blur happened in less than half a minute as Sasuke watched on in confusion over who or what had seemingly come to his rescue. The raven felt his heart began to pound in excitement as the figure suddenly stopped and turned to look in his direction.

Sasuke froze as he stared in fascination into the most beautiful pair of large azure blue eyes he had ever seen, the raven's heart seemed to pause as if catching it own breath at the site. His rescuer seemed oblivious to the emotions simmering beneath Sasuke's stoic surface as the youth approached the raven.

Sasuke wanted to ask whom the boy was, but it seemed that the lack of air finally caught up with the raven and he soon surrendered to the blackness lying before him.

Being unconscious, he didn't notice when he was suddenly released from the concrete's clutches or when that same boy, that released Sasuke, carefully lifted him into warm arms as if making sure the act of carrying the boy didn't somehow cause the raven pain.

Nodding his head, the silent figure quickly made his decision about the unconscious boy in his arms and in a flash headed towards the direction of the nearby high school.

The next feeling that reached Sasuke's attention was the delicious feeling of soft yet warm lips touching his own softly as he quickly regained consciousness again with a chocking gasp, "…"

"Finally… your awake"

Dark eyes regarded the source of the soothing voice above him in surprise, as Sasuke noticed the same pair of large brilliant blue eyes above him, as belonging to his rescuer earlier, "Who?"

The blue eyes blinked down at him a moment, before they moved back in order to reveal to Sasuke's site a boy his age with caramel colored skin and bright golden locks that were partially covered by an ugly orange bandana that kept the short spiky locks out of the boy's face, "My name's Naruto Uzumaki and you are?"

Sasuke managed to sit up on his elbows as he regarded the boy before him in interest, 'He's gorgeous…' was the first thing that entered his mind, the second was the fact that Naruto was obviously a fellow student at Konoha High school due to the fancy uniform he was wearing. The third and final realization was that Sasuke was somewhere in a nurses office and currently laying on soft cot making the raven wonder what had happened earlier since the last thing he remembered was passing out in front of his house, "My name is Sasuke, but where am I?"

The fact that neither Deidara or Tobi were there was a small comfort, but it made Sasuke wonder why the blond had chosen to help him in the first place by taking him to a nearby hospital? Though it looked too small to be any hospital Sasuke had ever seen. That thought was followed by another realization that maybe Naruto didn't know exactly who he had helped.

"Don't worry they won't be bothering you anymore," Sasuke's head whipped around to stare at the blond haired boy in surprise, 'What did the blond mean by that?' He didn't want to voice his opinion, but Sasuke was worried about what those words implied, had Naruto hurt Deidara and Tobi?

Naruto seemed oblivious to the situation he had gotten into and the blond only chuckled a bit in response to the look of surprise on the other boy's face, "We are at school by the way, I told the nurse what happened and she quickly went to inform the principal about those two boys I fought earlier while I revived you," Naruto gave a light shrug as though it was an everyday thing reviving people.

Sasuke was still confused over who this Naruto was and how he had managed to dispatch two of the most powerful and subsequently popular kids in school, who also happened to be in Itachi's clique, didn't the blond care that his intervention might possibly cause him trouble later, "Aren't you worried?"

"Worried?" Naruto tilted his head to the side and silently eyed the raven-haired youth before him oddly in reaction to the strange question, "Why would I be worried?"

'Why doesn't he know?' it annoyed Sasuke that he had to mention the situation at school involving his status there, but it was better that Naruto found out the truth first about what he had gotten himself into, from Sasuke, before it went any further.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha…" Sasuke waited for the look of disgust that usually followed the use of his surname only to see the blond continue to stare at him normally in response. Sasuke licked his lips nervously as he waited for any response other than what Naruto was currently showing It didn't seem to be forthcoming though, making Sasuke wonder briefly if the blond had even heard him, "Well?"

Naruto blinked once then twice in confusion before replying since it didn't seem that Sasuke was going to continue his point anytime soon, "Well what?"

"What do you mean… don't you realize what you've gotten yourself into by helping me?" Sasuke yelled as his hands gripped at the grey wool blanket beneath him in agitation, 'What would it take to prove to Naruto that he was in danger.'

It was already the first day of school and Sasuke was already being bullied, he didn't need to deal with anymore people hating him, but it was made worse by the fact that he had to explain to a new kid, in order to save the blond's life, why he should hate someone like Sasuke.

Blue eyes narrowed a bit in reaction to Sasuke's angry outburst, "I don't see anything wrong with helping anyone out… especially a fellow student."

'Why was this so hard… why can't you start hating me already like everyone else… I can't stand you being nice to me, knowing it will change,' thoughts and fears swirled in Sasuke's head as he ducked his chin against his chest in shame over what he had to confess next to Naruto, "I don't have any powers…" it was the one thing that guaranteed another super's absolute loathing.

"Is that all?"

It wasn't the reaction Sasuke expected, he lifted his head in order to stare up at Naruto's smiling face in renewed shock, "Isn't that enough to hate me for?"

Sasuke youth watched the other boy's blond brows furrowed as Naruto tried to understand what the raven was implicating, "I think the lack of oxygen might have affected your brain… I'll call Baa-chan and have her take a look at you…"

Naruto moved to stand up and walk away from Sasuke in order to call his aunt, only to be retrained by the raven's hand as Sasuke held the blond in place by his shoulder.

Sasuke was surprised by his body's immediate reaction; he had panicked thinking the blond was leaving him, the thought made him suddenly grab at the blond's shoulder in order to make Naruto stay. Unfortunately the action caused Naruto, who wasn't expecting the sudden action, to trip over his own feet and fall back onto Sasuke… or more specifically his lips falling onto Sasuke's.

It was an action that neither expected, a sudden jolt seemed to simultaneously hit their systems as they kissed. Sasuke blushed in response having never been kissed before, but Naruto, who was used to the action, reeled back in to surprise at the touch of the other boy's lips on his own. He, unlike Sasuke, didn't want to acknowledge that their had been a spark where they skin had touched since Naruto believed he was straight and straight people didn't get excited by kissing someone of their own gender.

"Naruto-kun?" the blond looked up at the nurse in gratefulness at her sudden entrance, it effectively helped him to avoid the awkwardness of acknowledging the kiss between him and Sasuke, "I informed Principal Hatake of the situation like you told me too and he assured me that those boy's parents would be informed of your attacker's actions, are you sure you don't need anything?" the young Nurse practically simpered in the presence of the blond, Sasuke could feel his gut clench in jealousy over the blond potentially finding interest in the cute brown-haired nurse wearing the tight and short white medical dress.

"Ah no…" the blond gave a brief smile as Naruto pulled the hand away from his mouth in order to wave her away, "I think you should help Sasuke though, he might need something…"

She interrupted him in astonishment, "You want me to help him?" her pink lipstick covered lips peeled back in disgust as she turned to focus grey colored eyes in Sasuke's direction briefly before turning her attention back towards Naruto, "But…"

The blond was surprised by the ugly tone from the nurse as he looked at first her then Sasuke and back again, "I believe Sasuke was the one that was injured…" Maybe he had imaged the look.

The nurse snorted, "He probably deserved it… but more importantly," her tone suddenly turned sweeter, "I am glad those punks never managed to lay a finger on you when you fought them Naruto-kun," she batted her eyelashes as an added effect hoping to gain the blond waning interest.

Sasuke was surprised when Naruto looked at the nurse in disgust this time, "I think we better go…" he said briefly before moving back towards the bed Sasuke was resting on in order to help him up, "If the Principal Hatake comes by tell him I want to speak with him personally, will you?"

"Of course Naruto-kun…" the nurse managed to say as the blond left the room as quickly as he could with Sasuke hobbling beside him, she wondered briefly why Naruto was in such a hurry, but she assumed it must be important if he didn't have time to acknowledge her assets.

Once the door closed behind both Naruto and Sasuke, the blond let off a rather crude remark about the nurse's behavior, "Has the world suddenly gone crazy, " Naruto turned to look at the door briefly before shaking his head, "If I had known that I would get this sort of reaction bringing you here… I would have taken you to Baa-chan's instead, I can't believe anyone could say that…"

"I can…" Sasuke mumbled as he tried to match the blond's pace that had suddenly increased, without Naruto realizing it, the more agitated the blond got, "Can you slow down… my leg can't take it…" Sasuke could feel an increasing pain in his shin the more they continued walking at Naruto's fast pace.

Naruto paused mid-step in order to look down at Sasuke, realizing his mistake, the blond blushed in embarrassment as he realized he had almost started to drag the shorter boy by his hand in his haste to get away from the school nurse's office, "I'm sorry," Naruto stated while running a free hand up through the back of his spiky blond hair, that wasn't covered by the bandana, in nervousness, "I just can't believe that people can act like that just because you don't have any powers," Naruto shook his head a bit in continued disbelief, "Some of the best people I know are powerful because of who they are and not because of their powers."

Dark eyes regarded the blond as they walked slowly side by side this time. He wondered briefly if Naruto was joking with him, but it seemed the blond was completely serious about the statement he had just made and the realization made Sasuke's heart beat a little faster in joy as the raven realized that he had finally found someone whom he could possibly trust with his heart.

Without warning his body moved again without his consent and quickly grabbed at Naruto's bare hand, with the warm touch of skin on skin, a jolt of awareness suddenly shot up Sasuke's body and an unexpected vision entered the raven's mind of himself laying naked on top of a similarly naked Naruto. He was kissing the blond beneath him passionately as if they were the only two people in the world. The feeling of absolute love Sasuke felt extending from the image making him blush and move his hand away from Naruto's in order to control the desire to pull the real-life Naruto down to his height in order to kiss him.

Naruto looked curiously down at the raven as he pulled his hand away, wondering what the confused look on Sasuke's face meant as they made their way towards the cafeteria, "Are you ok?"

Sasuke finally controlled his emotions enough to look up at Naruto, only shake his head negatively in response, "No I… I'm alright…" It was a lie.

The answer seemed to satisfy Naruto for the moment until a loud gurgle resounded from the direction of the blond's stomach, making Sasuke eye him oddly, "Look it's all good!" the blond gave Sasuke a huge grin, "Cause I am hungry… I hope they have ramen on the menu…" Naruto having grown impatient by the snail like pace of Sasuke's walk suddenly scooped the startled boy into his arms and took off in the direction of the cafeteria.

"Ah Naruto!" Sasuke started to panic as he watched the scenery fly past him in a blur of colors.

The blond let out a throaty laugh, "Sorry… but if I don't eat soon my metabolism gets the better of me… you can yell at me later ok?" Naruto's blue eyes fairly sparkled in mirth as he let loose showing the extent of his powers.

Sasuke could only nod and hold onto the blond while ignoring the shocked looks of the surrounding student body as the two burst into the cafeteria together, for some reason the raven knew that despite how horrible the day had started, with Naruto by his side the raven suddenly felt like he belonged somewhere for once. He just had to ignore the sudden vision that came to his mind of him being held romantically in the blond's embrace, it was just a daydream nothing more… or was it?

It seemed that fate was not done with Sasuke after all.