WOO! 50 reviews! I love you guys.

…No, Part 9 was not my last chapter. Okay, fine, it was my last official chapter. This one's the epilogue. I've got a few more traits to cover, and in this chapter, I'm pulling out all my trump cards.

All jokes aside, I will get to a slightly more serious tone. Part 10 will definitely absolutely be my very last chapter, official or unofficial, in this guide, and after this, I will have finished my guide and most likely have put up an OC fiction.

…Now where did that come from?

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh in any way, no matter how much I want to. Maybe I should hold the creators ransom and demand them to hand over the copyright… XP

A Dummy's Guide to Mary Sues

The Epilogue

Villain Sues may or may not turn good at the end of the story, usually with such suddenness that you'd think they have a split personality syndrome.

"Dammit! Why do you have to keep me locked up in a cage and so un-glamourous?" screamed Mehnet from her gilded cage, dressed in a sackcloth bag and her hair all filthy and dishevelled. And when I say gilded, I literally mean gilded, with gold leaf covering the massive cage bar. A little bit far off, the author (I'll just call her the Mask for the time being) was slowly decorating a little ballerina figure.

"Because," began the Mask. "I need to keep up locked up here for entertainment purposes. Oh, and I'm putting this near Sasori's(1) grave in a moment, so I don't want you to wreck havoc on my fandoms." There was a brief silence, before the author smirked and wrote something down on her fluffy purple notebook and made the ballerina figure dance.

"Burn the witch," hissed Mehnet, and had to duck to avoid a flying gingerbread house coming her way, fired from a plot hole from the wall.

"That's LittleKuriboh's line, so drop that," remarked the Mask, still watching in rapt adoration at her ballerina doll.

"Did you know that your ego has caused your fanfiction to go ballistic?" snapped Mehnet. The Mask shrugged and dropped the ballerina down another small plot hole and turned to face Mehnet, holding a sharpened candy cane.

"You're gonna die right now – OUCH!" Somewhere from the ceiling, Bakura and Marik dropped down and knocked the Mask out.

"I'm here to kick ass and to drink cups of tea!" declared Bakura.

"Sure, but you're out of tea," muttered Marik.

"Shut up, Tomb Keeper!" snapped back Bakura, grabbed a saw made of chocolate and tried to saw apart the gilded cage that was holding Mehnet captive.

"That won't work, Tomb Robber! Let me, the great master of tombs… " Behind them, the Mask rose silently, with some creepy music playing in the background, creeping behind them and holding two suspicious round things in her hand.

"BEHIND YOU!" screamed Mehnet. The two Egyptians were a tad bit too late though, as the Mask brought down on their heads two watermelons, ruined their hairstyle, smudged their makeup, and knocked them out.

"And I'm here to kick ass and to smash watermelons over peoples' heads. And guess what? I've got watermelons," said the Mask, standing over the fallen figures.

And at that precise moment, there was a ray of light shining on Mehnet, and she saw the error of her ways. She fell to her knees, crying in shame, alarming the Mask severely, and turned into a goody-two-shoes, which annoyed the Mask so much that she administered her own brand of punishment.

The Mask freed Mehnet from her cage, and placed her in a boxing ring – and promptly let loose a robot that began to assault her. Mehnet did manage to dodge the robot, but not without crying: "Ah! Somebody help me!"

"Look, that guy's assaulting her!" said Random bystander no. 1.

"Yeah, let's just stand here and watch," remarked Random Bystander no. 2.

So in this fashion, Mehnet was cursed to all eternity to dodge punches from a robot without any foreign aid. And because she was a Mary Sue, she was immortal, this punishment never ended for her.

Mary Sues, given their ability, can sometimes resurrect and enjoy a happily-ever-after ending.

"Hey, Yams, snap out of it!" Joey said, trying to comfort a crying Yami. After Marie's death, Yami had been reduced to a pitiful figure, wearing a sackcloth bag and often drunk to drown his sorrows. He also developed a habit of banging his head against a wall, leading to a rather deep indent in the said wall, despite the fact it was made purely of reinforced concrete.

"You don't understand Joey," murmured Yami sadly. Joey sighed, while Kaiba turned up at Yami's front door with bags of Chinese.

"Leave him Joey, he'll get over it." Joey sighed, hugged Yami briefly and then left the room.

"Say, Kaiba," began Joey. "When do you think Yams will manage to get over it?"

"I don't know," said Seto sullenly. "She was the best thing to happen to all our lives." Joey agreed, nodding. There was a slight stirring heard somewhere in the basement below their feet.

"Do ya hear something, moneybags?" Seto raised an eyebrow, and strained his ears to hear.

"Maybe it's just a giant rock," he commented offhandedly.

"No, I think we should definitely check it out." With that, Joey bolted off downstairs, with a rather reluctant Seto following him, as the stirring sound had piqued his interest as well.

The unlikely duo walked down to the basement, being very wary of what was going on. The sound seemed to get louder and louder as they proceeded towards the end of the room.

"D'ya think we need a weapon, Kaiba?" Seto grabbed the feather duster which was lying very close to him while Joey grabbed a cushion. When they got to the end of the room, what greeted their sight was rather… odd.

There was a large shining passageway at the end of the room, which such dazzling light that the two of them very nearly went blind.

"Om my god, it's a giant rock – no make that a giant passageway of dazzling light - "

"Hey! I'm back!" A most familiar voice came slipping out of the passageway like the most beautiful music from a gilded music box. From the passageway stepped out Marie, smiling and resplendent in her divine and deified glory.

Joey and Seto stared at each other for a moment. Seto then proceeded to faint and fall into a cardboard box, wrinkling his gravity-defying trenchcoat, while Joey tore up the stairs, shouting: "YAMI! YAMI! MARIE'S BACK!"

"Don't say that, Joey!" called Yami back, thoroughly depressed.

"Yami-kins!" sing-songed Marie as she danced up the basement stairs. Yami didn't need any more convincing. Like an eager puppy after a bone, he raced down the stairs and collided with Marie. The moment he saw her, his sackcloth bag somehow managed to magically vanish and be replaced by his regular outfit.

"I thought I'd lost you forever," whispered Yami, running his fingers through Marie's silky, gorgeous, smooth and beautiful locks of tresses.

"I can't die that easily," murmured Marie, tightly tucked up in his embrace.

"Oh, and will you marry me?" asked Yami, popping the question – and a velvet box which contained a diamond ring, again by courtesy of a plot hole. Marie happily agreed.

So the two of them dropped down a plot hole, got married in Munchkinland, had 5 children which went on to become the rulers of the universe and lived happily ever after.

Oh, and Anzu had to burn in hell and grind her teeth because she opposed Marie since day one.


Yeah. That's the end. Thank you for reading this and supporting me, and until next time, see ya.

Reviews are appreciated. Maybe one last time please?