Yeah, it's a leeetle early for this kind of story, but wtf. It made me smile; I needed that after "Losing".

Disclaimer: dood, fanfiction. Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, and the characters and universes therein are the property of Disney and Square Enix. I receive no remuneration for this work; it is a parody and as such utilizes the Fair Use clause of the Copyright Act.

Leon stared curiously as Cloud threaded his way through the crowded room and came to a sudden halt before him. "Um...hey, Cloud."

The blond exhaled quickly and raised his right hand above their heads.

Leon's eyes followed the movement and he squinted slightly, then his vision was suddenly blurred by a mass of golden hair and a warm, trembling mouth was pressed lightly, desperately, against his own. After the initial shock wore off, Leon smiled against Cloud's lips and returned the kiss, his hand coming to rest gently on the arm Cloud held by his side.

Finally, slowly, Cloud pulled back. Their eyes met, Cloud's unsure and wanting, and Leon's shining with laughter and...something else, something Cloud couldn't identify.

The brunet licked his lips briefly, then grinned. "Cloud, that's parsley."

Stunned, the swordsman pulled his hand back down and scrutinized the leafy sprig. His cheeks took on a faint pink hue. "Yuffie...she said—"

"You know, if you wanted to kiss me...all you had to do was ask." He bent his head beside Cloud's to whisper against his ear. "Though I appreciate the effort..."