Hello people!!!! Chapter 23 is FINALLY written and up! I apoligise profusely for the lateness of it. I had major writer's block, especially when it came to this story. Oh, Series 2 and Children Of Earth didn't happen! Sorry again, please R&R Next chapter up sometime in the next two weeks hopefully.

Shannen x

"Are you sure you want to go back to school today?" Owen asked for the sixth time.

Brynn knotted her tie, "It's now or never. I'll be okay dad, trust me."

Owen wanted to, but there was something nagging him at the back of his mind. He had become increasingly protective, and this would be the first time he'd let her out of his sight.

"I'll have my phone on all day, okay? Be careful." He swallowed.

She was still covered in bruises and cuts from the attack, but she'd done her best to disguise them.

"Dad, would you just stop worrying? What's the worst that can happen?" He opened his mouth to answer but she cut across him, "On second thoughts, don't answer that. Can we go now."

He sighed and nodded, "Come on then." He picked up his car keys and her school bag and they stepped out the front door.


"Is Owen in yet?" Jack asked Ianto as the latter entered his office to hand him a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

"He's dropping Brynn off at school. He'll be here soon, unless he goes AWOL."

"No! He will now you've said that. It's good he's finally let her go back. She wanted to get it over with."

"But is it good for him?" Ianto said this very quietly, so Jack had to stop breathing to hear it.

He stepped out of the small room, leaving the captain to ponder over his words.

Mickey sat at his Workstation, computer buzzing, sullen look on his face. The Cardiff lifestyle, no, the Torchwood lifestyle. It was harder than he'd ever thought it would be. And Brynn's attack. He sighed, wasn't this what he'd wanted? A chance to share some of the Doctor and Rose's glory? It wasn't all as good as it had seemed. He didn't think he would ever understand just what drove them day in day out. He sighed as Ianto passed him a coffee.


"No problem. If you see Owen tell him Jack wants him in his office."

Mickey nodded, "No problem."

Gwen entered the Hub, a smile on her face. She was now officially engaged, George had proposed to her the night before over a candlelit dinner. She was going to get married! At the moment, everything seemed to be going well, and she hoped that was how it would stay. Her smile, however, vanished as soon as she sat down to the pile of Admin. Jack had left her. She groaned, she was going to be doing paperwork forever!


Brynn took a deep breath as she stepped out of the car and into the playground. She turned and flashed a false smile in the direction of her dad, knowing if she didn't he'd never leave her and go to work. She knew he was scared about leaving her on her own, and the truth was, she was scared to be back at school. But she knew she'd cope, she had to.


It was lunchtime when Jack finally decided he couldn't stand it anymore. The silence, the glancing at the clock, the smiles, frowns, the general lack of work being done. He emerged from his office, pulling on his greatcoat. He clapped his hands to get his team's attention.

"That is it! Everybody out, we're going for fish and chips!"

The team exchanged some raised eyebrow looks, but did as ordered, knowing it was just easier that way.

Twenty minutes later, all five of them were crammed into a tiny restaurant devoid of all life except from them and the sullen looking waiter who took their orders with a sneer and a grunt. They were waiting to eat, no-one talking. Jack sighed, this was not how he'd wanted it to go. He clapped again.

"People, I treat you to lunch, and all you do is sit there. Gwen, what is the smile for? You've been wearing it all day, and I want to know why."

"Well…" Gwen grinned, flashing her engagement ring, "George proposed!" She squeaked.

Immediately, congratulations rang out from all directions, making her flush with pleasure.

"I'm happy for you Gwen," Ianto smiled at her, "We all are. Just don't forget to put our names down on the invite list."

Gwen's happy news managed to change the atmosphere, and everyone looked brighter. Even Owen was managing to find enough strength to tease her mercilessly, as per normal. It seemed that now Brynn had recovered, and Mickey had finally become a true part of the team, things were starting to move on, and the pain of losing Tosh, although it would never disappear completely, was starting to fade at long last.


"Brynn, good to have you back." Her English teacher greeted her with a smile and handed her her jotter.

Mr Daniels was the only teacher she actually liked in this hell-hole of a school, and the only teacher who seemed to actually like her. Brynn loved English because it was the one subject where she could just forget, and where she could let her imagination take over. It was Mr Daniels who had suggested to her the idea of keeping a journal, a book that now never left her side, though nobody would ever get to read it, not even her dad, not even Jack.

As school went, it hadn't been as bad as she'd thought it would. In fact, she felt slightly better now she could concentrate on schoolwork, and catching up on what she had missed. Although, there at the pit of her stomach, was the fear of what would happen after school. So far, she hadn't given the bullies an opportunity to get their hands on her, but after school was harder, it was nearly impossible. She was for it.


"Jack, dammit, I'll have to pick Brynn up soon," Owen shot the Captain a resentful look, "Can't someone else go?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

"No, everyone else is busy. And you're best for the job. Look, you go find out what the signals were with Gwen, I'll pick Brynn up when it's time. She'll be fine with me."

The doctor sighed, "Fine. I know. Three forty-five, don't forget."

He received a winning smile that did nothing for his confidence in Jack remembering his daughter.

"I won't."

He was waved through the heavy cog-wheel door.

As soon as he was gone, Jack's smile disappeared. There was a reason he didn't want Owen to pick Brynn up. As far as he knew, and Owen didn't, Brynn was still being bullied. And he was keen to sort it out without Owen ever finding out, for Brynn's sake.


So what did you think??? Please R&R, I shall loves you forever!