A/N: Vote on the poll on my profile. Thanks a million. ♥

Disclaimer: Hey I'm insert name here , not JK. What does this mean? I don't own HP – DUR!

Could she be…?

'See Harry,' Ron said as they stood in the remainder of the nursery. It hadn't been touched since the fire and most things either lay in cinders or were slightly burnt black. Ron flicked his wand at the large burn marks that surrounded what was left of Lily's travel cot. The edges of the burns turned a silvery blue, which every Auror, healer and teacher knew meant that magic was used to cause it.

'What? Magic was used to create the fire?' Harry asked bemused.

'Yeah, I was kinda shocked to. But that's why Lily is in spell damages: because there has been magic interference here.' Ron put his hand on Harry's shoulder. 'Mate, I was thinking… do you remember what Lily did at Christmas?'

'You think she did it, don't you?' Harry hissed.

'Well… it's just a thought. That was really powerful magic.'

'Tell me why my nine month daughter wanted to create a fire? Or put herself in danger!?' said Harry, raising his voice beyond a decent level.

'Mate, I just said it was a thought - '

'Here's another: ever thought that Hermione did it?' the light bulb went off inside Harry's head. Hermione, Harry thought coldly, I'll kill her. Ron seemed to have read Harry's mind, and that's how he knew exactly what Harry's next move was going to be: to apparate back to St. Mungo's.


'What did you do to her!?' Harry yelled as soon as his feet landed on the ground. Hermione tumbled to the ground from the fact her best friend just appeared out of thin air, yelling at her. Ron appeared not to long afterwards, and helped Hermione up after realising she was on the ground.

'I didn't do anything, Harry. Please listen - '

'How am I suppose to believe that!?' Harry spat at her, feeling very over-protective of Lily (A/N: can you blame him?) 'She was in your care and now she's in a coma… that she might not ever come out of!'

'Harry, mate. I swear she didn't do anything - '

'Were you there?' Ron opened his mouth but decided the best of it, and closed it again. 'How do I know that it wasn't you who started the fire?'

'You just have to believe me, Harry.'

'Yeah, why would Hermione want to hurt Lily?'

'I…' Harry struggled to find the words. 'I have no idea. But this wasn't any mere accident. My daughter is in a coma, that isn't something I can easily overlook,' Harry admitted. Without another word, he left the room, needing the space that a desperate single parent needed.

He conjured some parchment and quill out of thin air. Harry thought it was best if he wrote to Max and Kingsley first, before he forgot or they came after him. Setting the parchment on the wall, he quickly scribbled down the same words on two separate sheets:

I won't be able to finish the mission: Lily is in a coma, and I have to stay. I hope you understand the situation I'm in right now and I plan to return to work when Lily is out of danger's harm.

- Harry

'Harry,' he felt a small warm hand enclose his own. 'You know I would never do anything to destroy our friendship. And that includes hurting Lily.'

'Can you send these to Kingsley and Max? Find Flakes or some bird willing to do the job,' was Harry's response. He chose to ignore Hermione's statement, he needed space and he needed her to respect that.

'Um… sure.' Hermione gently took the pieces of parchment from Harry and walked off in search of a messenger.

Harry was fuming. He needed to be alone… what had happened to him? He already had lost Ginny – he couldn't imagine losing Lily as well. It was if his family was purposely being taken away from him. He wanted to yell, cry, scream in frustration instead he released as much anger as possible through punching the wall. Ow… that hurt. He leaned his head on the wall, breathing heavily but steadily.

'Um…excuse me? Do you mind?'

Harry turned to see a young mediwitch holding a fussy toddler, tilting her head at a pacifier at Harry's feet. Harry couldn't help but notice that he was slightly blushing at the sight of her.

'Oh, here,' Harry managed to choke out as he picked up the pacifier. 'Oh, wait,' Harry muttered a cleaning charm on the pacifier before putting it to the toddler's mouth.

'Thanks. He's been quite fussy since he came here to get a new hand.' Harry saw that indeed the young boy had one hand made out of a thick silvery substance, much like the one that a certain rat use to have. 'Are you here visiting or- ?'

'No, my daughter was in a fire while I was on a business trip. They don't know what's wrong with her but she's in a coma,' Harry said, thinking of Lily's body lying in the bed.

'Oh, I'm sorry to hear that-' the toddler started whimpering at the sight of his hand, obviously not knowing of its state. Harry took the infant from the mediwitch's arms and began to comfort the child, even though it wasn't his own.

'You're quite the father-figure, the good-looking ones usually never are,' she smirked as the child's whimpers became silent. Harry felt the blush creep up his neck. 'You're wife must be a lucky woman,' she noted as she realised the wedding ring on Harry's finger as he handed the infant back to her.

'Actually, my wife died during childbirth,' Harry said calmly. He was surprised that for once, Ginny's death didn't cause him to cry.

'Oh my gosh, I'm sorry. I just assumed-'

'It's alright,' Harry stopped her, 'you didn't know.'

'I'm Kaitlin Dale, by the way. Oh! And this is Lucas,' she laughed as the toddler pulled her long brown hair, testing out his new hand.

'I'm Harry. Harry Potter.'

'Oh my…I'm sorry to disturb you Mr. Potter. I didn't know it was you,' Kaitlin said softly, eyeing Harry's forehead for a glimpse of the scar. Harry quickly tried to brush some hair over it, but Kaitlin realised what he was doing and immediately stopped her inspection.

'I better get this one back to his mother,' Kaitlin said, hanging her head to hide her embarrassment.

'Maybe I'll see you around?' Harry asked hopefully. He seemed to like her, but again he was just judging on a first impression. Not normally a trustworthy thing to do.

'Maybe,' she mumbled, 'I hope your daughter gets better soon. Good day, Mr. Potter.' Harry tried to say more but couldn't as she quickly walked away.

'Harry!' Harry spun around to see Ron running out into the corridor, his face filled with hope and excitement, 'she's starting to wake up!' he said quickly before rushing back into the room. Harry sighed in relief: she was going to be alright.

'See. She's a fighter… like her father,' Kaitlin said with a warm smile on her face. Harry beamed at her, more brightly than he ever had done to anyone else.

A/N: WOW! 8 Chapters… this chapter shows Harry's new lover – yay! Damn straight, Harry's got himself a new lady… (does a dance)

I know it seems REALLY quick and a lot of readers wanted me to wait until Lily was around 3 or 4 but seriously, I can't wait that long!

As for this chapter's title – fill in the blank yourself. Use words such like, dead, dangerous, the one, special… um… crazy? I dunno, you can make it up – a lot of words can fit in there! .

Sorry for a short chapter, at least it's slightly longer than Ch. 7. Anyways, I've got 2 new stories out: Filling in the Gap and Loss of Innocence. The next chapter of Time Weave and Magic of Lily will be out soon, I promise. And I might have another story coming out soon. Since its Christmas, my gift to you is many new chapters/new stories. You're gift to me, read and review. Not that hard is it? It's super cheap too!

- ♥ Creative Touch ♥