Disclaimer: You don't want me to own iCarly because I have one twisted mind.

Author's note: Ok so this my two shot, I decided to make this a two-shot maybe more depending on how this goes. I apologize in advance for my bad grammar I have trouble with it. Also this fic takes ten years in the future. Oh and sorry for the title not being iSomething, I really wanted the title to be something blue and couldn't figure out how to word it with I, the blue thing becomes more important in the next chapter

Twenty-four year old Fred Benson stood in front of a mirror nervously adjusting his tie. Today was the day he'd marry her, Carly Shay. He had been waiting years for the day Carly would become Mrs. Carly Shay-Benson. He was growing impatient, he wanted to stand up at that alter now, and see his raven haired love walk down the aisle to tune of "Here Comes the Bride". He wanted to exchange vows, say those two small yet so powerful words, I do. He wanted the priest to say "I know pronounce you man and wife", once that was said he'd lift up her veil to reveal her angel face and give her their first kiss as a married couple.

A few doors down Carly stood in another dressing room, she smiled at her reflection, she couldn't believe this was happening was she really marrying him. The boy who once had a stalker like obsession with her. Hard to believe but yes they were getting married. If she had been told ten years ago, she was about to become Mrs. Benson, she would have laughed out loud. But in college he had finally gotten over her, so she gave him a shot, they hit it off. Now here she was living the last few moments of her single life. She did love Freddie but part of her kept telling her he's not 'the one' , she tried to ignore it. "It's only wedding jitters" she told herself calmly as she put on her pearl necklace she was given to by her mother. They were the same ones her mother wore on her wedding day, that was her something old. Her something new was gown, her borrowed was her cousin's pearl earings, all she needed was something blue.

"Hey Freddie" he heard someone say, he thought it was odd since no one has called him that since high school. He was no longer the small little boy he once was, he had grown taller, broader and to his mother's happiness he finally had leg hair. But he still had the same chocolaty brown hair, wide brown eyes, and he still had a boyish face but his cheeks were a lot less chubby. He turned to see Sam Puckette leaning against the door frame, his old rival he hadn't seen since senior year of high school. He knew his fiancée still kept in touch with her childhood best friend, but he'd prefer to stay away from his former verbal sparing partner.

"It's Fred now" he corrected her, the blonde rolled her eyes at him, as she walked closer to him.

"What ever Freddie, so how does it feel to marrying your dream girl?" She asked nonchalantly.

"Pretty good, never been better" He smiled noticing the fact that Sam was shorter than him, even if Freddie was taller he was still on the short side so it felt good having some be smaller than him for a change.

"Well that's good, so what are your plans for the future?" She asked

"The cliché stuff, you know live in a nice house, get my dream job of a director, live with the love my life, and have kids, at least three"

Sam let out a laugh "Wow you're still boring after all these years"

"Well if I'm so boring, what are your big plans?"

"Trying to get into acting. I've recently auditioned for a role in a show called iMarly"

"iMarly? The director of the show so stole our idea, iMarly, iCarly, it's only one letter difference"

"I know but I take what I can get, I do miss iCarly though" Sam sighed

"Yeah, don't tell Carly this but I always liked filming you better" He admitted, a smile spread across Sam's face.

"My favorite part was always Wake Up Spencer,"

"Same, I still watch old tapes of it sometimes, is it just me or did it seem like we were high when did those interviews?"

"Now that you mention it, one could easily mistake us for being high" she agreed with a laugh, then added "Wanna get some ham?"

"Um I'm getting married in a half an hour!"

"I know, but the deli's right a across the street and it doesn't take thirty minutes to get a sandwich." Freddie laughed, same ol' Sam, she'd always find away to squeeze in time to get something to eat. He debated for moment, he can't leave, well he could it's not like he wasn't coming back. Maybe he should go with her, it would probably be the last time in a while that they'd spend time just the two of them. He weighed the two decisions once more in his head. Then settled on an answer.

"Fine, we'll get some ham for old times sakes" He said as he followed her out the door.

Author's note: Ok this is now a three shot, oh I haven't decided the pairing yet, it may be a Creddie (10 chance), a Seddie(45 chance) or a fic where Freddie end up losing both his loves or end up with the wrong girl( 45 chance). Or I could be nice and let you vote for the pairing, though I will have finally say. Like if I get writers block with one them, I'll chose a different way.

Option Uno: a Creddie

Option Dos: A Seddie

Option Thres: a Freddie left heartbroken