Disclaimer: anything you recognize isn't mine, characters are from the wonderful mind of JKR and the format is from Meg Cabot…
The Lioness Diaries
September 18
3:10 pm
Alright, dumb as it is, Prof. McGonagall has decided I should keep a "journal of your feelings", her words not mine (obviously, because if it were me I would've said "my feelings" but whatever).
She came up to my desk right in the middle of Transfiguration and asks me for a word after class. What was I supposed to do? Say no? Not even an option.
I, being an idiot and all, went.
"Miss Granger," she started as I reached her desk, "Are feeling quite well?" Not a good start to a conversation by any means.
"Why, ma'am? Is my performance slipping?" I have to ask a question here, well two really, because if I do it's not lying. Technically.
"No, No, of course not. You just seem so stressed and so unlike yourself," she looked so concerned and motherly I almost told her then. But really the news that I hate the Head Boy wouldn't be received well, seeing as I'm Head Girl especially. Seriously though, who doesn't hate Draco Malfoy, at least a little? How the great git even became Head boy is quite beyond me, maybe Prof. Dumbledore really is losing it.
"Miss Granger," I had totally zoned here, that's how caught I was deciding whether or not to tell her about the whole Malfoy-Me situation.
"Yes Professor?" I did my best to put on my I-totally-was-just paying-attention-and-not-zoning-at-all look.
She looks irritated "Have been any attention at all?" Guess that look needs some work.
"Sorry Professor, I was distracted. What were you saying?" I really was listening this time and caught every irritated irritating word.
"That's exactly what I mean, Miss Granger! I'm worried about you. You're not as attentive in class and always seem to have a million other things on your mind. All that coupled with how tired you look and the work load I know you've heaped upon yourself makes your behavior quite concerning. You can't keep all your emotions all bottled up all the time.
"But you are obviously not comfortable discussing your personal life with me and I know you don't discuss it with your friends, I've asked.
"That, Miss Granger, is why I am giving you this," she handed me this journal and finished her bit about how I am to write all my feelings down in this, even though it isn't worth any credit and she won't be checking it. And you know what's sad? I will. Write in it, I mean. Because I'm me, I do what I'm told. I can't help it.
So here I am. In the Library. Writing. And I feel like an absolute mork (moron and dork all squished into one word).
Hey! I DID IT! I wrote down my feelings! WOOHOO! Go me!
Next feeling…um… okay I got it. Annoyance. I'm late for the Heads Meeting (the bi-weekly ritual where Mal-ferret and I are forced to endure one another's company and exchange immature insults and get very little done). I'll never live this down.
A/n: cool my first authors note! Party! On my first fanfic! BIGGER party! Please review (major cliché but whatever) I need to know whether people love or hate to know whether or not to continue it. I have a second chapter and more happens in it but I had to get the ball rolling. Thanks for reading it!
The Lioness Diaries Author – Quik-wit
A/n2: Jan 3, 08 I've edited this but no REAL changing has occurred just a very few corrections and the restructuring of like one paragraph, nothing major. Thanks readers, more thanks reviewers! – Quik