Disclaimer:I DON'T OWN!!!!!!!

One More Night

An RxS story

We are together, at last.

At last.

It feels great. I am talking to him.

Talking to him.

"This should last forever." I say.

He looks at me.

"Of course. I wish it could." He says. Wish.

Wish it could, whispers the air, taunting me, mocking me.

"Why can't it?" I said. The room does not even seem to be there. Of course it will.

"Never mind," he says. Of course it will last! How silly! And we talk for a while, then just staying there.


"What do we do next?" I say.

"Next?" as if this is the most ridiculous thing in the world. It can't be.

And he's just here with me now. Next doesn't matter, but it does.

We're just hiding the importance of everything.

Or maybe that's just me.

"I'm here," he says, to remind me.

I need reminders these days.

"I'm here too," I say, but he knows that. We laugh, because it's great that we're here for each other.

Someone's here for me.

I look at him, and he's almost not there, like I'm just imagining him.

I reach out and touch his arm.


"Don't worry," he says.

I try not to. I try.

"I wish I could stop pretending," I say.

"That won't last forever."

I hope not, only I don't say that. I don't want to ruin anything anymore.

Not my fault, my fault, everyone's fault.

Nobody's fault.

"Stay with me," I say. "For just one more night."

He smiles. "I wish I could."

"One more night," I say to myself.

Stay with me.

One more night.

And I come back, a place he'll never be.

And reality hits me, and I hit reality. He's not here to stay.

He's gone.

AN: So, how was it? REVIEWS ARE LOVED! It was Remus pov, by the way but you guessed that. Toodles!