Harry Potter and the Journey to Recovery!!

Disclaimer: I do not own anyone of the original characters from Harry Potter. Everything belongs to J.K.Rowling.

Main Pairings: HPGW, RWHG, RLNT and a slightly Dumbledore and McGonagall. And maybe Sirius Black and a woman I might invent in the story.

Maybe I'm going to make Harry and his friend's animaguses. This is an AU Story.

Chapter 3: The Rescue of Harry

Now Sirius Black was really concerned about Harry. Ron and Hermione had contacted him two hours ago by the floopowder. They had asked him if he could go over to the Dursleys and check on Harry if he was okay. Truth to be told he really wanted to go and check on Harry, but he needed an really good excuse for that and Lupin was just going to be mad on him for storming into the Dursley household without a reason. But Sirius just couldn't get rid of the feeling that told him something was wrong with Harry. He could feel it that Harry was in some sort of trouble. He told himself that he could go there for a short moment and check on Harry and make sure he was alright and well. What would it do if he just took a little look before he returned back home again? It wouldn't hurt would it? Besides it was dark outside. They wouldn't see him. There and then Sirius decided that he would go to Dursley household and check on his godson. As soon he decided he Dissapparated to little Surrey Privet Drive number 4.

When Sirius arrived he didn't see anything unusual. But his feeling about Harry grew stronger and stronger for every step he took towards the house the Dursleys lived in. As soon he came to the window it became clear that something was wrong. The first thing was that Petunia looked scared of Vernon and that was weird. As far as he knew and remembered, he thought that Petunia loved her husband, that much had been clear when he had first met them so many years ago with Lily and James and of course Remus(and Peter before he became a traitor). Something must have happened since she looked so afraid of her husband since the last time he saw her (two years ago, before Harry started his third year). He then wondered if it could have something to do with Harry. He then proceeded to get up to Harry's room without being noticed by the few muggles that were outside for a night walk.

When he made it up to Harry's window he noticed it was locked and that it were bars on it. He wondered why it was like that while he used a spell on the bars to get them to disappear in the thin air. He then unlocked the window with Alohomora and climbed through the window thus getting inside the room. When he saw Harry however, his heart broke. There on the small bed lay Harry, bloody and bruised. Just watching him made Sirius heart break in pieces. His godson deserved better treatment than the one he was getting from the Dursleys. You just didn't treat people like this, heck you didn't even treat animals like this. While he continued seething at the injustice his godson had to endure, he tried to calm himself down, so that he could get Harry out of there without getting caught by the Dursleys. He then saw Hedwig sitting in her cage and realised that he should get her out of here too. When he released her and let her fly away he summoned all of Harry's things into his trunk and then used a spell to get it to Grimmaulds place, so that he didn't need to carry it there. As he did this, he prayed to god that he hadn't alerted the Dursleys about him being there. His luck however didn't go that far as in the next moment, when Vernon came into the bedroom. Sirius wondered if fate was against him for rescuing Harry. When Vernon saw him, he went into a rage and tried to pummel him with his bare hands. Sirius on the other hand had to with all his will restrain himself from hexing Vernon into the oblivion for hurting his godson. As the minutes passed and Vernon couldn't get any hits on Sirius, he became even more increasingly angry. In the end Sirius had enough of it and hit Vernon in the back of his neck where the pressure points were, rendering Vernon unconscious on the floor. As it was, he could smell alcohol on Vernon's breath as he leaned over him as he had to make sure he didn't wake up in a few hours. When he was sure that he wouldn't wake up for awhile he picked up Harry.

"Sirius. Is it you?'': Harry spoke in a low and in a tone that told Sirius that Harry was in a lot of pain from his injuries.

"Yes, it is Harry, but you should rest now and don't talk. I'll get you to Grimmaulds place as soon as possible".: Sirius said as he went outside in the hall to take him outside. As he got out in the hallway he noticed Petunia at the top of the stairs with a concerned look on her face.

"What do you want?".: Sirius asked her with a growl in his voice. She didn't seem to be scared of him and he wondered why? Before he could ask however she began to speak.

"I wanted to make sure that Harry is alright. These last few weeks I have come to greatly care about Harry because of what Vernon did to him. Sadly, whenever I tried to help him, Vernon either hit me or locked me up in our room to get yelled at later. I hope you can help him now since I obviously haven't done it right.": she said.

After her little explanation, Sirius was dumbstruck. Here Petunia said that she cared for Harry. Briefly Sirius wondered if the world was coming to an end. But as it was he had no time for this now, since he needed to get Harry out of there fast and get him some medical attention, and be healed. As he went outside to apparate to Grimmaulds Place he nodded a goodbye to Petunia. When he had disapparated away from privet drive number 4 and appeared before Grimmaulds Place number 12 he took a deep breath and hoped that Remus wasn't there to scold him about what he had done. When he was inside however, he just knew the gods weren't good with him today as he spotted Remus coming towards him. However the look he had on his face didn't show anger, but concern over the condition Harry was in. His question was clearly visible in his eyes. Sirius replied that he was going to explain later as he walked into the living room and put Harry on the couch. As he did that Remus had gone to the floo to alert Albus and getting Madam Poppy there to heal and check upon Harry. As he waited for Poppy to come he hoped that Harry would be ok.

To Be Continued.