This is Chandler/Joey slash, my first one; it's also a songfic to Kenny Chesney's 'Don't Blink'. I don't own any of the characters or the song; I just play with them sometimes.

Chandler flopped down onto the sofa, popped open the can and took a long hard swig, grabbing the remote he started flicking channels, flipping past 'Cheers', a rerun of 'Happy Days' and 'Frasier' he stopped on the evening news, watching with mild disinterest. It was about tax rates or something; Chandler yawned and took another swig from the can. The story finished and an old man came onto the screen, Chandler didn't know who he was but something made him grab for the remote and turn the volume up. He listened intently to the newsreader.

I turned on the evening news

Saw a old man being interviewed

Turning a hundred and two today

Chandler's eyes grew wide, a hundred and two was quite an achievement, he wondered whether he would live to be that old, then decided against it, the after effects of his addiction to smoking would probably skewer all chances of that.

Asked him what's the secret to life

He looked up from his old pipe

Laughed and said "All I can say is."

Don't blink

Just like that you're six years old and you're taking naps and you

Wake up and you're twenty-five and your high school sweetheart becomes your wife

Don't blink

You just might miss your babies growing like mine did

Turning into moms and dads next thing you know your better half

Of fifty years is there in bed

And you're praying God takes you instead

Trust me friend a hundred years goes faster than you think

So don't blink

Chandler breathed deeply, he was already twenty nine years of age, and wasn't even in a relationship, in fact the last relationship he had been in was with Janice, he gagged slightly at the thought of her. He'd wanted to be married with children by the age of twenty five, he smiled as he thought of his old ambitions, he'd wanted a boy and a girl, or a set of twins, he snorted, so much for that, the rate he was going he'd end up all alone with no-one but his cats, just like Heckles had.

I was glued to my tv and it looked like he looked at me and said

"Best start putting first things first."

Cause when your hourglass runs out of sand

You can't flip over and start again

Take every breathe God gives you for what it's worth

Chandler bowed his head; he wondered when Joey would be getting back, Joeythe name ran over his lips. He'd never had the courage to tell his best friend that he loved him as more that a best friend, that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with him. Falling in love with a guy had never been part of his life plan, but, he mused, not all plans were supposed to work, take his job for example. He'd never meant to stay at the company where he had taken a temp job five years ago, it had just happened.

Don't Blink

Just like that you're six years old and you're taking naps and you

Wake up and you're twenty-five and your high school sweetheart becomes your wife

Don't blink

You just might miss your babies growing like mine did

Turning into moms and dads next thing you know your better half

Of fifty years is there in bed

And you're praying God takes you instead

Trust me friend a hundred years goes faster than you think

So don't blink

The words ran over and over in Chandler's head, way after the news report had finished, he couldn't stop thinking about what the man had said.

I've been tryna slow it down

I've been tryna take it in

In this here today gone tomorrow world we're livin' in

Don't blink

Just like that you're six years old and you're taking naps and you

Wake up and you're twenty-five and your high school sweetheart becomes your wife

Don't blink

You just might miss your babies growing like mine did

Turning into moms and dads next thing you know your better half

Of fifty years is there in bed

And you're praying God takes you instead

Trust me friend a hundred years goes faster you think

Don't blinkNaw, don't blink

Chandler weighed up his options, he could carry on like he was, wasting his life, sitting outside the circle watching as Joey invited endless women into his bed, or he could take a risk, besides even if Joey didn't want him that way, surely he valued him too much as a friend to just give up on him.

"Don't blink, don't blink" Chandler whispered the words over and over again, he hadn't noticed the object of his desires come quietly into the apartment halfway through the news report, neither had he notice him coming quietly up behind him. He jumped at the gentle hand on his shoulder, stood and turned to face Joey.

"Hey Joe, you're home early"

"Yeah, I didn't get the part."

"Aw, man you really wanted it as well"

"Yeah, but there's something I've wanted more, for much longer."

"What? Is it another part? Do you want me to help you with a script, because I can if." Joey cut Chandler off.

"Chandler shut up and kiss me." Chandler stared blankly at Joey.

"It's quite simple Chandler, look like this." And Joey pulled Chandler into a deep kiss, Chandler melted into Joey's arms, and immediately felt like he'd come home, explanations could come later, but first…

"Joey, will you do something for me?"

"Anything, babe?" Chandler thought that the word sounded strange, but nice, he could get used to being 'babe'.

"Never blink."