This is my first attempt at fanfiction so if any of you have any advice on how I can make this story better, I would really like to hear it, so please review with any helpful suggestions.

Time and Time Again

By Chris Allen

Chapter One

"Hmm…Ok, I sense a joke here, I just can't seem to put my finger on the punch-line." Harry mused out loud as he took in the scene before him. "You two wouldn't happen to be members of an exotic dancing troupe would you, because I really don't need that image in my head? That, and I seriously doubt you would be very successful." Seeing not one, but TWO Lord Voldemorts standing across from him, which would have frightened most people to the point of soiling themselves, didn't seem to do much to Harry except push all of his current problems out of his mind for the time being. This certainly wasn't a situation where one would normally be so sarcastic but he didn't seem to have the ability to keep his mouth shut. The Ministry and the Order of the Phoenix were called to the scene mere minutes later when a large magical blast reduced the once meticulously pruned park in Surry to a smoking crater.

The following days were an absolute nightmare for all parties involved as they tried to figure out what had caused the explosion. When it was discovered that Harry Potter was missing and his two guards found stunned and bound, those in the loop became completely frantic. After the first twenty four hours Professor Dumbledore had no choice but to inform the Ministry of Harry's absence to gain their support in finding him and very few got any sleep after that as just about every Ministry employee was working extended shifts, analyzing the blast area for any clues, tracking down and Obliviating any muggles who may have witnessed whatever magic had caused it and working with the Prime Minister's office to come up with an acceptable cover story for the muggle investigators. Not to mention the massive manhunt that was underway to find their lost hero.

As a precaution, Dumbeldore moved Harry's friends and their families to Grimmauld Place incase Voldemort chose to target them next. A fact that the Grangers were very unhappy about. While they supported their daughter's choice to attend Hogwarts and tried to console her as she grieved for whatever fate her friend had met, they were by no means happy that the magical world had such an impact on their lives. While they were upset that Hermione had kept many of the worst aspects of her world a secret from them, they were furious that Dumbledore and his lot would simply ignore such issues when dealing with the parents of muggleborn students who were considering sending their children to Hogwarts, like they didn't have the right to know the dangers their children would be in.

Of the Weasleys, only Molly was up and about, bustling around the house, cooking or cleaning one thing or another but like her daughter and Hermione, she was in tears almost constantly and when she wasn't, it wouldn't take much to set her off again. Ron, Neville, even the twins were very downcast and depressed as they waited to hear any news, which pissed them off quite a bit since no one would tell them anything.. In fact, only Luna Lovegood didn't seem to be so down. Like nothing going on around her had any effect what so ever.

Like the Ministry, the Order was in complete chaos and tempers were more than a little short since they had to work around the new Minister, Rufus Scrimgeour, who seemed to think that this was his moment to shine and tried to cut Dumbeldore out of the investigation altogether. One of their biggest stumbling blocks was the fact that Snape was clearly no longer trusted among the other Death Eaters. Shortly before the attack on Harry, Snape had been summoned and then detained. He had barely escaped with his life the following day and spent considerable time under Madam Pomfrey's care. While she was able to fix him up well enough, he was walking with a bit of a limp and was still rather pale, even for him. Unfortunately, the magic within his Dark Mark had been severed, a rather painful process he admitted, so he was no longer able to know if Voldemort was summoning his Death Eaters, a rather useful bit of information to have since during the first war these mass summonings usually took place right before an attack.

The forth day, things changed, however. All of Harry's friends were sitting silently in Hermione and Ginny's room when Mrs. Weasley bustled and informed them that Professor Dumbledore had flooed and requested that they be present at that evenings meeting. This surprised them all, especially the twins, who had been trying to join the Order ever since they dropped out of Hogwarts months before. Choosing not to question it, they all got up and followed Mrs. Weasley out of the door, wincing slightly as the heard the painting of Sirius' mother begin waling once again.

As they descended the stairs, the reason for the painting's outburst became clear. Standing just inside the front door was an older man, probably in his late sixties or early seventies, with dark graying hair wearing nondescript black robes and had a highly polished black cane caped with a silver skull held underneath his arm. He currently had a woman they couldn't recognize bent over backwards slightly as he snogged her senseless.

"MINERVA!" Mrs. Weasley shouted in shock. The two broke apart slowly and looked at the irate den mother curiously and those behind her were disgusted to find that the woman involved was non other than their Deputy Headmistress. Ron himself looked to be sick, though he couldn't take his eyes off the burn scar that marred much of the upper portion of the right side of the man's face. "Really, a woman your age putting herself on display like that, its shameful."

"I must disagree, Molly." The man spoke up with a grin. "It is perfectly healthy. And the wonderful fact that we enjoy greater health than muggles ensures that we shall have a very active and fulfilling sex life for many years to come." That was too much for Ron as he ran back up the stairs, making a beeline straight for the bathroom. It was only their pride that kept the twins and Ginny from following Ron's example and Hermione was looking at her favorite teacher, the woman she tried to model herself after, as if she had never seen her before.

"Holy shit!" She muttered to herself but apparently it wasn't quiet enough as several people turned to her in surprise. That was not the kind of thing you would expect to hear from her. "Oh, um, sorry, pardon my French."

"Pardon your French?" The unknown man repeated the common phrase curiously as though he had never heard it before. "Why, are you French? If that is the case, child, I'm afraid you can't be pardoned, that is simply unforgivable. The French, you see, are a worthless lot. They lost most of their balls after Napoleon was defeated. Although, even we must pay respect to the deeds of the past. So we must bow down and give them our supreme thanks for popularizing oral sex." He explained seriously while giving them all, especially the six teenagers present, a meaningful look, as if that was some great pearl of wisdom. Every female present blushed while the twins were trying to determine if this man was deliberately saying these things to provoke their obvious reactions or if he was simply cracked in the head. Either way, a conversation with him would surely be fascinating.

"Well, My Dear, I'm sure that Albus will be along momentarily, so it is probably best that we adjourn to the kitchen. The fact that he is actually seeking my aid leaves no doubt that the matter is most urgent." The two linked arms and proceeded through the door while everyone looked on with gob smacked expressions as the stern transfiguration professor giggled slightly.

"Who was that man? I've seen him at Hogwarts a few times but I just assumed he was from the Ministry or a member of the Board of Governors." Hermione choked out after a few moments. That display certainly didn't look like any kind of working relationship, well, not a respectable one, at any rate.

"That was Jacob Fields, Professor McGonagall's husband." Luna answered in her usual airy tone. Everyone turned to look at her in surprise with the exception of Mrs. Weasley who was still looking towards the kitchen door with a look of supreme disapproval on her face.

"The man is a menace. Really, the old rogue has the maturity level of a five year old." The Weasley matriarch nearly growled.

"He may very well be our new hero." Fred spoke up in awe, George nodded in complete agreement.

"But, but what was wrong with Professor McGonagall, she wasn't acting like herself?" Hermione asked frantically, wanting to know if someone had drugged her role model or if she were sick.

"Hermione," Neville sighed in annoyance. "You have only ever seen McGonagall at Hogwarts, and possibly here, when she was acting in a position of authority, did it never cross your mind that she may be a little more relaxed when she isn't working?"

"But she's always at Hogwarts!" The future Head Girl protested. "I just assumed that all the professors lived there, at least during the school year."

"No, only Dumbledore, Snape and Madam Pomfrey live there throughout the entire term, the rest usually only spend about three nights a week there on a rotating basis. Probably spends the rest with whatever family they have." George spoke up, remembering studying the Marauder's Map in detail regularly until they passed it on to Harry. In their, um, field of study, it was smart to know the patterns the Hogwarts staff used at night. Only a fool would go about their mischief with the assumption that they only had to avoid Filch and his cat."

"Merlin, that was awful." Ron groaned as he rejoined the group. He had lived the last five years of his life very happy in the knowledge that people like McGonagall did not get up to anything remotely considered 'intimate', that illusion has now been shattered forever and his peace of mind was none the better for it.

After the group had composed themselves, they ventured into the kitchen to find it mostly full of the people they believed to be the 'inner circle' of the Order. Moody, Shacklebolt and Tonks were standing in one corner talking in whispers, though Tonks was quite animated, making it clear that she was upset, something the two more seasoned wizards were able to hide. Remus, Mr. Weasley and his two oldest sons, Charlie and Bill, were sitting at the table silently, all looking quite depressed. Though Bill and Charlie didn't know Harry nearly as well as their younger siblings, he was well liked and they had begun to think of him as an honorary Weasley.

Snape, Hestia Jones and Emmeline Vance and a few others were scattered about, each looking to be in different stages of exhaustion. In fact, the only people who looked to be in top condition, as well as in a good mood, were McGonagall and her husband who were sitting close together, Minerva giggling softly while 'Jacob' whispered something into her ear, earning a light slap on the shoulder. Most present shot a glare or two at the couple, not particularly finding anything about the current situation funny.

With a burst of green flame, Albus Dumbledore stepped out of the fireplace, with his brother, Aberforth, right behind him. Everyone quickly quieted down and looked at their leader in surprise as he cast several wards over the room immediately after he arrived. There were already several silencing and locking spells in place so they couldn't understand why he would add more. The more experienced of the group noticed that he wasn't trying to keep any eavesdroppers out, rather he wanted to keep them in.

"Now, most of you know each other, but for those of you who are unfamiliar with him, this is Jacob Fields from the Department of Mysteries, he is also Minerva's husband of over fifty years." Dumbledore began, earning the indicated couple several shocked looks, to which they smiled slightly. Dumbledore gave them a penetrating glare but Jacob merely raised an eyebrow in response. "Before we get to the heart of the matter, we will hear Kingsley's report."

"Well, the investigation is going pretty slow for the time being," The Senior Auror began after shaking himself for a moment. After replacing Cornelius Fudge as Minister, Rufus Scrimgeour reassigned Shacklebolt to security for the muggle Prime Minister but was now forced to work double duty for both governments due to Harry's disappearance. "Thus far, we have been unable to find any eyewitnesses to this explosion or the events leading up to it. Due to some traces of magic detected, it is thought that wards were in place to keep everyone away but were later destroyed by the blast which, apart from the physical damage, also distorted much of the magical signatures present, leaving any definite identification of the spells used in the area impossible. At this point in time, we are working under the assumption that Mr. Potter is alive somewhere due to the lack of any trace of human remains with the exception of a few samples of blood. The blast, itself, left a magical signature I am unfamiliar with but before we could run any more sophisticated tests, the Department of Mysteries claimed jurisdiction over the sight and confiscated all of our samples. The sight has since been wiped clean of all magic." The slight drop in the man's tone was the only indication that the situation aggravated him to no end. As he finished, many turned to Jacob Fields, waiting for whatever he may say.

"Is this why you asked me to be here, Albus?" He asked in an amused tone. "You know perfectly well that my colleagues and I don't answer to the Aurors, the Wizengamot or even to the Minister, himself. This event, and any investigations into it, is a department matter. One which you have no authority over." Just about everyone in the room was glaring at the man in anger because of his casual attitude about the situation. This was Harry Potter they were talking about, for Merlin's sake, and this man seemed to think that it didn't matter. Worst of all, to many of them, was that McGonagall seemed to find the situation funny.

"I am well aware of your department's autonomy." Dumbledore nearly growled in anger. "You are here to answer questions on why you and Minerva were seen at Mr. Potter's place of residence just four hours before he disappeared."

"Really, Albus," McGonagall huffed in annoyance. It was strange for all to see her act much like a petulant teenager. "What we do is of no concern of yours."

"How true, sweetheart. While he may be your superior, he has absolutely no control over your actions outside of a working environment and, well, even while I was his student, he had no control over me. However, Albus, if you must know, I was there to get an idea of where Mr. Potter's guards would be stationed so that I could neutralize them later. I suspect Minerva tagged along so that she could see him one last time while he was still pretty." Jacob explained with a grin, earning him another slap on the shoulder from his smiling wife.

"WHAT HAVE THE TWO OF YOU DONE?" Dumbledore thundered as he jumped to his feet with his wand raised. Many others, Remus, the Weasleys and Tonks, most notably, looked to be fully prepared to follow his example. Instantly Jacob's carefree demeanor disappeared as he looked up into Dumbledore's eyes with a hard look on his face.

"Do you really want to test yourself against me, Albus?" He snarled as he slowly stood up himself. The combined power of the waves of magic given off by the two men was nearly suffocating to all others in the room. It was actually quite shocking. What was more surprising to those watching, however, was that it was clear that Dumbeldore was having second thoughts about his chosen course of action, though he didn't lower his wand.

"If you want to know what transpired in that park, you have all the information you need to figure it out for yourself. You arrived on the scene before anyone else and unlike Mr. Shacklebolt here, I'm sure you at least partially recognized the magic in the area. Now, take that information and think." Jacob order in a strong voice, earning many confused looks but Albus did as he said

While the magic in the area was rare and widely unknown, it was slightly familiar to him, magic that was strictly controlled by the Department of Mysteries. In all the years that he had known the other man, he had rarely known Jacob to speak without carefully choosing his words so while he may have thought he had only one piece of the puzzle, he apparently had the whole thing, he just had to arrange it in the right order. Unfortunately, with magic such as this, order was never a constant. With this thought in mind, his eyes snapped back into focus and stared at Jacob intently, thinking of everything he knew of him.

The only sound heard beyond the clattering of Dumbledore's hitting the floor, was the gasp that escaped his lips as his eyes went wide. He stumbled backwards and collapsed into his chair, never taking his eyes off the man in front of him. He had suspected Jacob's role in the Department of Mysteries when Minerva was able to easily procure a Time-Turner for Ms. Granger in her third year. It would seem those suspicions were now confirmed. But what were the department's motives here?

"You gave Mr. Potter a Time-Turner!" The Hogwarts Headmaster accused. "Why?"

"Well, there could be any number of reasons, couldn't there?" Jacob chuckled. "I could have sent him into the past to right some grievous wrong. He could be taking as much time as needed to advance in the training you should have already given him, he could be relaxing in some peaceful future setting…"

"Or he could be standing right in front of you talking about other things he could be doing." Luna broke in with a small smile. Everyone looking at her as if she were insane but Jacob seemed to have an annoyed look about him.

"Thank you for spoiling the surprise, Miss Lovegood." Minerva snapped while glaring at the young witch.

"You have to excuse Minerva, she hasn't had enough sugar today and she's been looking forward to this for a long time. We had a bet on how long it would take you to figure it out on your own. I'm really disappointed in you, Albus. You had all the information you needed, not to mention all the hints I had dropped over the years but you still couldn't put two and two together. Very disappointed indeed." Jacob sighed before turning to Luna. "And you, you should know better than to interrupt when the grown ups are talking…"

"Well I was getting impatient." The Ravenclaw defended herself. "I'm really sorry, Harry."

"You see, you just did it again. You may be too old to go stand in the corner but no one is too old for a spanking." He suddenly stopped with a surprised look on his face before turning to his wife. "That sounded a bit creepy, didn't it?"

"Yes, it did." Minerva agreed.

"Oh well, one of the perks of age, I can claim senility, unless I'm talking about giving you a spanking, then it should be alright." He nodded happily with his conclusion making Minerva blush slightly while everyone else seemed to be in varying stages of shock for one reason or another.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS GOING ON?" Mrs. Weasley's bellowing voice seemed to give everyone the shock they needed to get their minds back to the here and now, and then the questions started flying. Unfortunately everyone seemed to want to make their voices heard at once and everyone just asked variations of the same two or three questions. Jacob continued to show his amusement but Minerva was getting irritable.

"SILENCE!" She shouted as she stood up. She was only a little annoyed at their failure to keep themselves composed, after all, this wasn't a normal situation. However, she was a bit angry that their shouting was ruining her good mood. Everyone, even Dumbledore, was cowed by the intense glare she leveled at all of them and immediately sat down again, some even muttering apologies.

"H… Harry, is that really you?" It was actually quite amusing how squeaky Dumbledore's voice sounded.

"Yes, indeed it is!" Jacob confirmed with a large grin. "Though I would prefer if you would still call me Jacob. After more than fifty years, answering to Harry just seems wrong."

"You're married to McGonagall?" Ron nearly shouted, his face pale and eyes wide, remembering the things this man was saying when he first arrived. "She's, she's old!" Seeing the identical raised eyebrows coming from the couple, and knowing Minerva's temper about such lack of tact, Albus quickly cleared his throat quite loudly, drawing all attention to him.

"I think its best that we move on, for instance, if you are really Harry, why did you wait four days after your initial disappearance to let us know, how does Ms. Lovegood seem to know about this and most importantly, what happened in Surry?"

"Well, to your first question, I didn't make contact with you because I was busy. That blast attracted an awful lot of attention and cleanup was a nightmare. Also, studying its effects was actually quite fascinating. We never had an occurrence like that before where we had a human factor involved, the eggheads in research were very excited."

"The entire department knows your true identity?" Arthur Weasley asked in surprise.

"No, only a few teams within Research and Development that have been working on this since '42. They studied my initial arrival in that year pretty thoroughly but couldn't make any definite conclusions without studying the aftereffects of my departure as well."

"I don't understand. What is so interesting about this? They've been using Time-Turners for years." Ginny asked in confusion. Many others nodded their agreement and the few that understood shook their heads slightly at their ignorance. It was pretty obvious.

"Ms. Weasley, Time-Turners are only capable of moving a few hours, six at most." Remus spoke up while looking at 'Harry' in confusion. "Harry, or Jacob, traveled over fifty years."

"Precisely! So you can imagine that the last few days have been very hectic. While it probably would have been best to inform you of what had happened before now, on top of the research that is being conducted, I do have a job of my own that I have to see to."

"What do you do within the department?" Albus asked. He suspected that he had worked in research himself, specifically those developing Time-Turners but his previous statement seemed to lead away from that.

"As I have told you in the past, Albus, while some of my work is rather general, my status is classified, and it will remain so. Now, Luna knows because she visited Minerva in her office in Hogwarts about four months ago while I was also there. She seemed to know who I was immediately. I tried to use a memory charm but the damn thing didn't work so after securing a number of oaths and a magically binding nondisclosure contract, I gave her the rough details.

"Onto the more important issue. Shortly before the incident I returned to Privet Drive and stunned your guards because I don't remember them interfering when I was in my younger self's positionso it left three possibilities. Either they weren't there, unlikely but possible. They were killed beforehand, highly likely given the circumstances, or they were otherwise detained. I think being left stunned and bound in the bushes is much preferable to death, don't you agree? Now, this whole mess started when I, rather, my younger self, decided to take a walk…"

Four Days Ago

"Hmm…Ok, I sense a joke here, I just can't seem to put my finger on the punch-line." Harry mused out loud as he took in the scene before him. "You two wouldn't happen to be members of an exotic dancing troupe would you, because I really don't need that image in my head? That, and I seriously doubt you would be very successful." Seeing not one, but TWO Lord Voldemorts standing across from him, which would have frightened most people to the point of soiling themselves, didn't seem to do much to Harry except push all of his current problems out of his mind for the time being. This certainly wasn't a situation where one would normally be so sarcastic but he didn't seem to have the ability to keep his mouth shut.

"You would do…" Both Voldemorts started at once but then stopped for a moment. The one on the right gave the other a slight wave, as if telling him 'you have the floor'. This did nothing to quell the humor Harry was feeling at the moment. Despite the identical massive waves of magic he could literally feel the two men giving off, it was probably the most ridiculous thing he had ever seen in his life. While his 'twin' had given him leave to proceed alone, the moment for a witty and threatening rebuke was long past so the Dark Lord merely moved on.

"As you can see, Potter, even one of your considerable luck has no hope of escaping me this time." Harry could do nothing but sigh at the overly cliché lines dark wizards of all walks of life thought to be clever. Though he couldn't fault the man's intelligence or resourcefulness. His Death Eaters had always been more a hindrance than anything else when dealing with Harry, so what does he do? He brings himself along, literally. Though he couldn't really tell how he did it. Clone himself, use a time-turner or some other method, he didn't know, or care for that matter. But he did feel a great deal of pride, that one such as Voldemort would go to such lengths to dispose of him.

"You went through all this trouble just for little old me? I'll tell you, Tom, you sure know how to make a guy feel special. But the question is, where did this other you come from?"

"To satisfy your curiosity, Potter," The Dark Lord on the right spoke up, looking at Harry with something akin to amusement. With his serpentine features, however, he didn't carry it off very well. "I am from two years into your future. I had just disposed of that Scottish tart, McGonagall, when I found an interesting time-turner her father and husband had developed and here I am." Dark Lord Number two sneered as he withdrew his wand. While thoughts of one of his favorite professors being killed would normally have caused some emotional reaction from him, he was currently only thinking of one thing.

'MCGONAGALL WAS MARRIED!' He just couldn't wrap his mind around it. It just didn't seem right on any level of thought. Pushing that thought aside for the time being, he tried to think of anything he could do to get out of this situation. While he certainly didn't have much love for life at the time being, he wasn't too fond of the prospect of death either. Unfortunately, all he had with at the moment was his wand and the Marauder's Map in his back pocket. He had taken to carrying it around with him, sort of a reminder of both his father and Sirius. His father's invisibility cloak would certainly have been more useful when it came to such an encounter but having the cloak with him at all times would have drawn unwanted attention. He was now wishing he had chosen differently, everyone in the neighborhood already thought him to be a criminal, who cared if they saw him with a strange looking piece of fabric. With this in mind, Harry did the logical thing, and for once he didn't have to have Hermione tell him what it was, he ran like hell.

After making it about twenty feet, he looked back and was surprised that his enemy, either of them, was pursuing him. They were just watching him go. This should have been an indicator of what was to come but he just knew that running was by far preferable to facing two of the slimy bastards. He turned his head back to the landscape in front of him just in time to slam face first into some invisible shield. White light flashed before his eyes as he felt his nose break on the solid face of the shield. The area he came into contact with glowed with a light blue light for just a fraction of a second before flaring, violently throwing him backwards.

The impact on colliding with the ground left Harry remembering that invisible wall with fond memories. He wasn't sure how far back he was thrown or how high but he did know that even when getting knocked off his broom during Quiditch practice, he never hit the ground quite so hard. The air exploded out of his chest with such force he momentarily thought that his lungs had gone with it. Though it was absolutely no consolation, the ground was actually quite soft, ensuring any head injuries probably wouldn't be too severe. With what he almost certainly had looking forward to in the immediate future he was one step away from preying for some form of brain damage. Unfortunately, all he had was a massive headache and a wave of dizziness and nausea and probably a slight concussion.

"Harry, Harry, Harry. When will you learn?" Opening his eyes, he saw the blurred images of the two Dark Lords standing above him. Reaching up to put his glasses back on straight. He did his best to glare back at the man, men, but sadly, it didn't have much of an effect. He was lying flat on his back with a busted nose, after all. How intimidating could he be?

"No sarcastic reply, Potter. Surely you can come up with something. Or perhaps now would be the time for some of that famous Gryffindor bravery?"

"PISS OFF!" Looking back, that probably wasn't a smart thing to say but considering who he was dealing with, it probably wouldn't matter one bit what he said.

"Dear, dear, we can't have that, now can we?"

"Certainly not."

"Crucio!" Two voices hissed as one. To his credit, Harry managed to hold in his screams, for about one second. The first time he had experienced the Cruciatus Curse in the graveyard after Voldemort's rebirth, he felt as if his veins had been pumped full of acid while a hundred knives cut deep into his skin over and over. With two men of Voldemort's power casting at once, it was beyond description. At the moment, he was actually envious of Frank and Alice Longbottom and longed to meet their same fate.

"Not yet, Harry, not yet!" Strange that someone as sadistic as Voldemort was even capable of imitating anything remotely considered a soothing tone of voice. "Its strange, Potter, is it not, that after all the trouble you have caused me over the years that this would be your end? Here in this little park in a pitiful muggle village. Where is Dumbledore and his vaunted protections when you really need them? I see you don't even have your wand with you, are you in some small way actually looking for your death?" He asked as he knelt down and lightly brushed the hair away from Harry's eyes.

'Wand? My wand?' Harry managed to think through the pain that was still wracking his body. If he was physically capable of doing so, he might have laughed at the man's ridiculous assumption. Just because he didn't draw it as soon as he saw him didn't mean that he didn't have it. It was just a rare occasion where he actually used his head. Running in that situation was actually a very intelligent thing to do. Then again, his track record for such things doesn't exactly lean towards intelligence so it was probably a natural thing for Voldemort to believe given the circumstances. Rolling over onto his stomach, to help alleviate some of his pain as much as conceal his movements, he managed to pull his knees up under him but remained hunched over.

"It seems young Potter still has some fight left in him, after all." Voldemort announced, causing both to chuckle. Harry didn't know, or care, which one was talking, he was only hoping that he could do this right. He figured he would probably only get one shot. If he was thinking clearly, he would probably attempt to hit the younger of the two since logic would suggest that if the younger Voldemort was killed or even injured, something might happen to the older, but he was in to much pain to think about the intricacies of time travel at the moment. He was just hoping that whatever wards were up over the place was tied into one of them and if he did enough damage they might come down, giving him a very small, but existent, chance to escape.

Remembering how both Snape and Voldemort was able to enter his mind so easily, he quickly turned all his thought to the pain in his chest. Thanks to Snape's rather sink or swim strategy in teaching him, Harry didn't really know what the hell he was supposed to do but was encouraged that Voldemort made no move to stop him. Unfortunately, turning all thought to his chest seemed to make the pain increase dramatically and he temporarily forgot what he was supposed to be doing in the first place. Voldemort was gloating about something but he couldn't really be bothered to pay attention, he figured if he was going to do anything, he was going to have to do it now.

With a shaking hand, he reached into his left sleeve and grasped the handle of his wand that was held to his arm with a piece of one of Dudley's old belts. The wand was halfway out of his makeshift holster when Voldemort got fed up with being ignored and rewarded him with another Cruciatus Curse while it still hurt like hell, he found that compared to being hit with two at once, this was almost bearable. This time, he didn't bother to try to hold in his screams but instead used it as he rolled over onto his back and threw up his wand.

"CONFRINGO" While his broken nose and the blood draining down his throat would surely alter his pronunciation, it seemed the force in which he cast the blasting curse and the overwhelming intent behind it was enough to produce at least a relatively strong curse. He almost groaned in resignation when his spell missed Voldemort's chest by mere inches but that faded quickly to be replaced with almost sadistic glee. He had forgotten about the other Dark Lord. He didn't hear the spell hit but he certainly heard the unholy scream of both pain and rage.

"DAMN YOU, POTTER!" No spell the only standing Dark Lord could cast would be able to wipe the smile off Harry's face. He only got a brief look at the downed wizard before he saw the orange glow of a bludgeoning curse streaking towards him. He had neither the time or the energy to move out of the way but fortunately it was only a glancing blow. Unfortunately, he was thrown backwards four feet and came to a sudden stop when a wheelbarrow size rock got in his way causing him to bite back a scream when he felt at least two ribs break with a wet pop. His smile returned though when he looked up to see Voldemort kneeling over his injured twin. Probably the only time in his life where he should concern for someone, and this was certainly for selfish reasons. If it was the younger of the two that was injured, what would happen to him if he died and if it was the older, he could be looking at his own death in some similar fashion at some time in the future. No matter what time they come from, Voldemort's greatest fear will always be death and to see it actually happen would probably be the most frightening thing he had ever experienced.

Letting out a small sigh, Harry leaned back against the rock and looked around for his wand. While he was fairly sure that he wouldn't stand a chance against the healthy of the two wizards, he wasn't planning on just laying back and accepting his fate. His life might suck but he did have his pride, however small it might be. After taking a moment to look over his immediate area, he found no trace of his wand but he found something else.

Grunting in pain, he leaned over about three feet and picked up the small object, he recognized it as a Time-Turner. It appeared that he had indeed hit the future Voldemort and wherever his curse had hit, it had severed the chain. The one Hermione had used throughout their third year had been a simple silver hourglass suspended in the center of a silver ring. However, this one was gold and had four separate rings around it, each capable of spinning independent of the others. According to Voldemort Number Two, it was an interesting Time-Turner McGonagall's husband and father developed. The one that Hermione had was only capable of moving a few hours at a time, this one was obviously capable of moving years. That clearly told him that this had much more power. The only thing he really knew about the devices, apart from their intended use, was that being anywhere near a heavily damaged one was usually bad for your health.

Looking around and judging that the nearest house was about a hundred yards away and the shield surrounding the park was obviously powerful, he decided to find out for himself what happened when a Time-Turner was broken. He was hoping for an explosion, a big one. That would be a hell of a way to go out, wouldn't it? And taking two Voldemorts with him, what more could he ask for?

He took a moment to think this plan over while he twirled the object in his hand, something he probably shouldn't be doing but he was passed the point of caring. It was only a few seconds later when two noisy gasps caught his attention. Snapping his head back up to see two serpentine faces focused solely on the object dangling from his hand. Harry's jaw dropped open slightly as he saw the wound just under one of the men's left collarbone slowly shrink as it healed. The injured Dark Lord was now sitting up while the other was standing and took two steps forward before stopping once again, never taking his eyes off the Time-Turner in Harry's hand.

'Oh well, here goes nothing.' Harry thought as he brought the object down and slammed it against the rock a few times. To give the designers credit, the first two times didn't seem to do much at all but after the third strike, the thing began pulsing with a with a mustard yellow light, speeding up with every second that passed.

"YOU FOOLISH BOY, DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU HAVE DONE?" Voldemort raged has he drew his wand once again and began waving it in a very complicated manner. Harry wasn't quite sure what he was hoping to accomplish but whatever he was doing didn't seem to have any effect. "GET UP, GODDAMNIT, AND TAKE THIS SHIELD DOWN!" He yelled to his twin. Obviously whatever the shield was had to be taken down with a specific wand movement and incantation and the younger of the two didn't know the correct pattern.

Grunting slightly, Harry threw the damaged Time-Turner towards his two enemies as hard as he could, only succeeding in getting it halfway there, before attempting to crawl away in the opposite direction. He didn't know if it was human survival instinct or some higher power guiding him but all of a sudden the idea of dying in the middle of this neighborhood didn't seem so appealing, no matter what he may accomplish as a result.

"What the devil is going on, why isn't it working?" Looking back, Harry saw the two standing at the shield's edge, both looking particularly frantic at the moment.

"The magic from the Time-Turner is distorting my spells, the shield no longer recognizes our magic."

'Hello.' Harry thought to himself as he cam across his wand as he tried to make his escape. He slipped it back into his jerry rigged holster when a steadily increasing buzzing noise caught his attention. Looking back, he saw the damaged Time-Turner vibrating and mere seconds later a yellowish shock wave shot out in all directions. Harry got as low as he could and covered his head but it didn't seem to do any good as a wave of hot air over took him before he felt an incredible force drive him downwards.

End of Chapter One.

Well, that's it for now. Over the next few days, this chapter may change slightly depending on any constructive criticism I may get so reviews will be appreciated. Thank you for giving this story a chance.