He had never been more embarrassed in his life. Why did that happen just then, when his life was just starting to turn around and people were finally starting to accept him?

His face buried in his hands, Naruto Uzumaki heaved a sigh. He could feel all eyes on him, especially after what he had done, and especially since he did it with Sasuke Uchiha, that elite boy in the majority of the female popularity.

It was an accident; he didn't mean to. He just… fell into it, literally. Tenderly he touched the newly forming bruise on his cheek and winced slightly at the shot of dull pain that rushed throughout that bruise. Those girls didn't need to make such a big fuss over him – he's just a boy, after all… or was he? Naruto began to find his mind racing as Iruka-sensei was lecturing the large classroom full of teenage rookie ninjas.

He jumped as something poked him hard in the side. Spinning around, he saw that it was none other than that pony-tailed blonde Ino Yamanaka. She had an angry expression plastered onto her smooth face, glaring at Uzumaki with intense dislike and jealousy. She looked back at Iruka-sensei, who had addressed her with a question.

Naruto adverted his gaze back to Iruka, his eyes watching and his ears listening, but not seeing or hearing. He glanced to his left, trying to see what Sasuke was doing. His face was pink and his gaze was fixed on Iruka, who was talking about being placed in squads. Naruto's stomach plummeted to the earth – he hoped he wasn't paired with anyone who treated him like dirt…

As Iruka started reading off names, Naruto's mind trailed back to that humiliating moment. Not even a half hour ago, before class had started and everyone was bubbling with excitement, Naruto was entering that classroom.

He remembered seeing half a dozen girls fighting to sit next to the raven-haired Uchiha, and he remembered going up to Uchiha to figure out what girls liked about him so much. He knew it within himself, it was true, and he was denying the truth to even himself. He hated to admit it, but that Uchiha was attractive – in each and every way. He was thinking this to himself, squatting on the desk that Sasuke was sitting at, peering at him and pretending to be irritated. Then someone bumped into him – and then… he just fell into that first kiss.

Oh, that kiss was bliss. Even though it was extremely unexpected, uncalled for, a total accident, and lasted not even five seconds, he loved every second of it. He didn't know why; he just knew that, if he had the chance to do it again, he would.

He heard his name being called by Iruka-sensei. He was assigned squad seven, and, to his sheer delight, so was Sasuke. He glanced at Sasuke again to see his reaction, and saw the raven-hair flush brilliantly pink. He also discovered that Sakura Haruno was assigned to their team, and Naruto's stomach fell to the floor again. He didn't want the competition.

Wait – what was he thinking? A boy and a boy just isn't supposed to be… True, Naruto had some feelings for him, but he knew that Sasuke seemed to resent the blonde kitsune. And, although Naruto used to have feelings for Sakura, he decided that she just wasn't going to fess up – in fact, she made it crystal clear that she disliked him. So he simply decided to give up on chasing after her.

Naruto could hear cheers from Sakura and complaints from other girls. Naruto hid his face, a smile carved on his lips, hidden from the rest of the class as he secretly celebrated inside his consciousness while maintaining the reaction of an irritable and reluctant teen.

Uzumaki was pleased to not hear Sasuke complaining. Well, not about being with Naruto, anyway. He didn't really think the idea of having Sakura on his team was the best thing.

"Iruka-sensei, I don't think this will work out."

Iruka stopped reading off the list of squads and fixed his gaze on the Uchiha. After a moment's pause, he resumed reading the list again, taking no notice of Sasuke's complaint.


"Isn't this great, Sasuke?! I'm on your team!! We get to do missions together and work together and… cha!! It's gonna be great!!"

Sakura was practically jumping up and down for joy. Naruto had his hands in his pockets and Sasuke was shaking his head, embarrassed by Sakura's actions. Naruto, who was excited as well but tried to keep his cool, 'assumed' that there was no more need for him to be there, and started walking towards his lonely home.

"Hey! Uzumaki!!"

Surprised, the kitsune swiveled around to see Sasuke calling him.

"What do you want, Sasuke?" He was trying to keep his voice at a calm level as Sasuke caught up with him, leaving Sakura disappointed in the dust.

"I want to have a quick word with you… can we go somewhere more private? It's very important."

"Sure… we can go to my place; I live alone, so nobody would intrude there."

The boys started walking towards the blonde's home, ignoring the desperate calls from Sakura.

After ten minutes of walking silently and the tension growing between them, Naruto broke the silence.

"So… what do you want to talk about?"

Sasuke looked at him, his eyes… softer… somehow. They didn't look at him with distaste or disgust anymore. "Naruto… I'll explain everything when we get there. Are we almost at your place?" He had a gentle smile on his handsome face.

"Umm… yeah. About five more minutes of a walk…" Naruto looked away, feeling slightly nervous now. Sasuke had never looked at him like that – not in a million years would he ever… or would he? Naruto shook his head, trying to shake the thought out of his mind, forgetting momentarily that Sasuke was accompanying him.

"What are you shaking your head for?" Sasuke peered at Naruto inquisitively.

"Oh… Nothing, Sasuke." The kitsune smiled sheepishly at the raven-haired boy, trying his best to not show any anxiety.

Five minutes or so later, Naruto was fiddling with his house key. He didn't know why he had so many keys on one key chain; he made a mental note to remove the unused keys later on that night.

Sasuke, standing behind him, was becoming impatient. He didn't like having to wait for extended periods of time, not when it came to things as important as this. He glanced around the narrow hallway, examining the miscellaneous nicks and cracks in the paint on the walls. He heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the doorknob click to the unlocked position.

"Okay, here we go." Naruto opened his front door and allowed Sasuke inside first, locking the door behind himself so nobody else would bother them. "you're going to have to pardon the mess; I haven't had a chance to clean up recently…"

Sasuke scanned the living quarters that belonged to Uzumaki. It was very cozy: knick-knacks were placed on small shelves on the walls, two comfortable-looking chairs set in front of a coffee table garnished the living room, and other pieces of furniture was placed here and there throughout the room.

Curious, Sasuke ventured further, and found Naruto's single bedroom. His twin bed was unmade, there was a nightstand with a clock and a picture frame on it and other various items, and a dresser as well as a hamper. Surprisingly enough, the house was moderately tidy, and seemed good enough for Sasuke's standards.

Uchiha glanced behind him into the living room to see Naruto sitting in one f the chairs, waiting for him. A smirk on his face, Sasuke beckoned the blonde to approach him in the hallway with a single finger. Timidly, Naruto got up and went to investigate.

"Naruto… about what happened at the beginning of class…"

The kitsune flushed red. "I'm sorry about that – it was a total accident. Someone bumped into me and… and—"

He couldn't finish his sentence. Naruto's cerulean eyes opened wide with surprise as Sasuke leaned forward and quieted him by pressing his soft lips against his own. Somehow he found himself pinned against the wall, with Sasuke's arms preventing him from getting away.

Naruto melted on the inside. He did not object to Sasuke's surprising action – in fact, he went along with it. He felt the Uchiha press his muscular yet slim body against his own, sandwiching him between the warm body and the cool wall. His hands were being pinned against the wall with Sasuke's own hands now as they played with each other, hardly pausing for breath.

Naruto's spine sent shivers as he felt something warm and wet against his bottom lip. He realized that it was the elite's tongue, trying to worm its way inside. Almost eagerly, he allowed the raven-haired boy inside, submitting to his actions without protest.

Sasuke dominated their game. Naruto tried to gain dominance, but, seeing as the Uchiha had that nature, he didn't allow the blonde to be in control. Naruto tried wriggling his hands free from the other's firm grasp, and he succeeded, although he was unsure if Sasuke was allowing him to do so or if he really did prevail.

Naruto wrapped his arms around Sasuke, placing his hands on the small of his back. He gripped the boy's shirt firmly as they played in each other's mouths, both boys becoming more and more aroused with each passing moment.


Sasuke couldn't believe it. He had finally gotten the blonde alone, in his own home, and now – well, he dreamed for a long time of this moment. He didn't want it to end, and that's one reason why he wouldn't give up his dominance. However, he did allow the kitsune a little freedom. After all, he did let his hands go, right? Now things should get a little more interesting.

Sasuke's skin tingled when the kitsune grabbed his shirt. He felt his soft warm fingers slowly pulling up his shirt, trying to reveal his flawless pale flesh, and Sasuke did not retaliate. Instead, he pulled away from Naruto's addicting taste and he tore his own shirt off. He assisted Naruto in taking off his orange shirt, to reveal a tight black muscle shirt that showed off his lean body. Sasuke smirked as he placed his hands on the blonde's sides and went in for another kiss.

In an instant, Sasuke found himself on the floor. Slightly dazed and confused, the Uchiha gazed up into Naruto's gorgeous blue eyes. It took him a moment to realize that he wasn't in control anymore – and he had no idea what the kitsune might do.

Naruto leaned down and started nibbling Sasuke's collarbone. He breathed in Naruto's scent as he gave him little pleasures, running his fingers through the blonde's surprisingly thick and silky hair. He didn't want the boy to stop, and he started making little noises as he nipped his tender skin.

"Don't you… dare stop, Uzumaki…"

Naruto, encouraged by this, began eating at his neck with more ferocity and passion than he was before. Sasuke gasped, and gripped tightly to the blonde's shoulders, refusing to let him go.

Sasuke could feel himself growing more and more aroused with each passing moment, wanting more of Naruto's affection and kisses. He lifted his hips smoothly upwards, pressing himself against Naruto, feeling each other's excitement taking place.

After a few more minutes of pleasure, Naruto sat up, smiling. His eyes were so shiny, and he had never looked more happy in his life.

"Sasuke-kun… If you want me to stop… then I can—"

For the second time that day, Naruto was cut off by Sasuke. He had sat up, pinned Naruto sitting against the wall, and had started kissing him again, playing with the kitsune's bottom lip and his tongue.

Sasuke wanted more. He took the kitsune's face in his soft warm hands and pulled him closer, deepening that wonderful kiss. He could tell that Naruto was smiling.

Oh, that boy tasted so good. Naruto grew hungrier and hungrier for the raven-haired boy with each passing second. He ran his fingers through Sasuke's thick dark hair, relishing the touch of Sasuke's tender skin against his own soft tanned skin. Sasuke made gentle sounds of pleasure, which, in turn, seemed to excite the blonde boy even further.

To the passionate boys' exasperation, someone knocking at the door interrupted their game. Unsure what to do and hesitant, Naruto reluctantly got up to see who the hell was disturbing him. To his mild surprise and irritation, it was Sakura.

Sakura's eyebrows were raised in curiosity when she saw the shirtless blonde answer the door. However, she did not question him. Instead, she asked a different question, rather than the one etched all over her face.

"Hey, Naruto. Umm. What was it that Sasuke wanted to ask you? I was just wondering…" She looked at the ground and fidgeted nervously, her face turning as pink as her hair.

Naruto sighed. Is this all that she wanted to know?

"I can't tell you, Sakura, Sasuke wanted me to not tell anyone." Naruto cleared his throat, shifting his weight in impatience.

"Oh… okay. Speaking of Sasuke, is he still here?"

Naruto shook his head. "No, he left about ten minutes ago. I don't know where he went; try looking for him at his own house."

"I just tried there. I want to know if Sasuke could… never mind. Are you sure he's not here, Naruto…?" She peered at him.

Naruto could feel his face going pink as well. "No, Sakura, I don't have any reason to lie to you about Sasuke's whereabouts. I don't know… I think he said something about getting some ramen and then training or something or another."

Sakura, clearly defeated, bid Naruto farewell and ran off, her face set. Sighing in relief, Naruto closed and locked his door shut.

"What a nuisance. Kind of a pity that she's on our team… Sasuke? Where did you go?"

Naruto looked around his dim living room, since the blinds were closed and had not been drawn earlier when he came home. He could not find Sasuke in the living room, so he tried his bedroom.

Next thing he knew, Naruto was pounced and found himself on the floor. He found his eyes gazing into Sasuke's dark shiny eyes and seemed to loose himself in those bottomless windows.

"Hey, Sasuke… where did you go?"

Sasuke played with a bit of Naruto's silky hair. "Waited for the right moment," he murmured, smiling at Naruto and bending down for another one of those addicting kisses.

Naruto wrapped his arms around Sasuke's neck, pulling him closer as they lay there on Naruto's bedroom floor. The blonde's tongue touched Sasuke's lip, asking silently for entry, and the Uchiha gave him full access.

A few moments later Sasuke pulled away and started licking the kitsune's soft tanned neck. Naruto smiled and chuckled at the pleasing touch of the boy's warm and wet tongue against his own skin. He played with Sasuke's hair, running his slender fingers through the mass of dark thick silk.

Once again, to their utter irritation, someone knocked at the door. Sighing very loudly, Naruto answered the door, grabbing his black tank top on the way and pulling it on, a step that he had forgotten to take when Sakura was at the door.

Naruto rolled his eyes as he opened the front door again. Not surprisingly, it was Ino this time.

"What do you want, Ino?" Naruto asked in a slightly irritated voice.

"Was Sakura here earlier?"


"Well, she's looking for Sasuke, and she sent me here to look for him again… I don't even know why I'm helping her, but I'm doing because I want to find Sasuke before she does."

Naruto rolled his eyes. That's totally what he would expect from Ino. She was always competing with Sakura. Sighing, Naruto leaned against his doorway panel, hands in his pocket and his foot tapping every other second.

"I'm sorry, Ino, I don't know where Sasuke went. If I did know, I would tell you…" Naruto glanced back into his dim living room. He knew that Sasuke was smart enough to hide somewhere in case someone came in.

"Is there anything else you needed, Ino?" Naruto asked gruffly.

Furrowing her brow, she shook her head. "No, but if you could look for Sasuke later on for me I'd be absolutely delighted. Thanks." And, with that, she left.