Title: Black Terror

By: Metamorcy

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue so why bother

All of the chapters have been edited and fixed. The spelling and grammar errors have mostly been checked so if you'd like, you can read the new and improved version. I hope it's better than last time.

Chapter 10: Burn

Years later…

Lloyd, or should he be called Death by his codename now, glanced around the field he was currently walking in. He was so bored. There was nothing to do. He had just finished his work, the mission he was given to complete. His ruby red eyes turned to the village that was on fire, the flames burning wood and flesh alike. The smell made him grin, he was so happy to have a chance to kill but he was now sad that it was over. He stood still for a moment, watching and taking in his destruction. He could hear the faint cries of people screaming before they got engulfed by the flames.

He snickered at their misery and laughed, his voice carrying over the raging inferno and the sounding of cracking. Buildings made of wood, collapsed, black and white ashes flew up to mix with the air and smoke seemed to blacken the light blue sky. The sun was completely covered, only little pieces were able to get through but that little light made the smoke so creepy and threatening. A dark shadow overcastted the village and the haze of blackness surrounded everything. The wind blew gently, tossing the fire to the next house and then to the next. The fields of corn and wheat and anything else they had been growing got caught. It went up slowly since the water that had been collected around it seemed to act like some kind of barrier but that didn't last long as it soon dried up and the leaves started to turn black and red from the ambers and fall down. Parts of them flew into the air, carried off, only to catching something else on fire when it landed. Animals nearby, drawn by the bright light, observed in the distance, but none were willing to come any closer. The scent of death admitting from the person was too frightening for their minds and soon ran away into the forest. Lloyd glanced around his area and sat down on one of the stumps nearby and folded his legs. He leaned over as he saw a few people managing to escape from the fiery doom. Many of them were woman and children, all crying and screeching bloody murder. Lloyd chuckled darkly and licked his lips at the thought of their screams. But he didn't have to do anything, though, just watch. Why work when there was someone else to do it for you?

A flash of green passed him and the wind created from it made his scarf and hair ruffle. He examined to group of people than the killer he had sent. Sync, his good friend, who also had the same enjoyment for this sort of thing, always came with him. Luc as well but he tended to stay in the back and observe. It was more of his thing and Lloyd didn't mind, he never mined. He needed someone level-headed in the heat of battle to restrain him and Sync when they lost control. His ears could hear the sound of flesh getting sliced, the sounds of bones cracking, and limbs dropping to the ground. Lloyd made his lips curve upward. Sync was already having fun with the escapees.

"Aren't you going to join in?" Luc asked from behind, his arms folded across his chest and stared ahead. He walked closer and sat down next to his friend, his shoulder against the other.

"No, I'll let Sync have fun. I already played the village myself and I'm already tired." Lloyd combed his blood-soaked hair back with his gloved fingers, dyeing his hands dark red. A few droplets of crimson fell down his neck, down his pale skin. "Plus, I already had my fill of fun for the day. Why don't you join in? You look like need might need some killing."

"Maybe later when I feel like it but right now, let's just have Sync do it." The green-haired man muttered, leaning closer to Lloyd. He could smell the strong scent of blood and earth mixed together and it was such a lovely aroma. He breathed it in and licked his lips with them twitching to a half smile. "You did quite a number. How many did you kill this time?"

"Depending on what method I used." Lloyd chuckled. "I killed 154 brutally. I basically dissected them and left their family members to find them. It was so much fun, I love hearing their screams of despair. And then another 189 people with my magic and watched them get torn apart, it was amusing just how far the human body can stretch before ripping apart." Lloyd laughed at this, throwing his head back for a moment. "Then the next 368 all got burned alive, no one was killed until they could feel the fire eating through their skin and feel it melt away! And now the rest, the last 33, are getting killed by Sync."

"So about 744 people." Luc grumbled. "That's very little compared to our usual number."

"Yeah, but who cares. I just like the enjoyment and I know deep down I know you do too." Lloyd's red eyes turned to his friend with a manically expression. Luc returned it but his was less crazy but that didn't hide the glint in his eyes. The Black Terror stood up and headed down the cliff to join Sync, who had already finished off everyone, Luc wasn't far behind. "Now, let's get this celebration started. I've been dying for a blood bath."

Luc chuckled, laughing with his good friend.

Sync turned to them, covered in blood and grinned, slowly heading towards them.

"Yes, this will be fun…" Lloyd whispered to himself before meeting Sync.

Short, yes, I know but I just wanted to put this up here for some odd reason. It had been bugging me for a few days so yeah. Here you go.

Also if you want to see more of this Lloyd, there a fanfic of mine called 'Interference' where he gets sent to the beginning of the journey with a younger version but different (the normal one) of him.

Thanks for all your support!