This was the first fanfic I ever posted. It was pretty much abandoned for the past few years, but due to the amount of requests I've received to get off my lazy ass and finish it, I am doing just that. But first, I feel I must edit these old chapters as they annoy me to no end.

Main pairing: CreedTrain

Train was on the roof, lounging peacefully in the sun. He wasn't exactly sure what kind of building he was on, but he guessed it to be an apartment due to the muffled sounds of everyday life. His sensitive ears picked up sounds of adults arguing, children playing, dishes clanking together…

As he gazed out toward the setting sun, he heard quiet footsteps approaching. He grabbed Hades, the gun given to him by Chronos, jumped up and aimed, all in one fluid movement. He frowned for a second, annoyed that he was slower than usual because he wasn't accustomed to the new gun yet. He had just gotten it a few days before, when he had joined the Chrono Numbers. The orichalcum barrel glinted in the sun as Train focused on the intruder.

It was a tall, skinny, feminine-looking man, who appeared to be about the same age as Train. He was smiling slightly, watching the eraser.

"Who the hell are you?!" he growled, narrowing his eyes into a death glare.

The stranger laughed lightly. "The stories about you are true after all, my dear Black Cat. You are truly befitting of your name."

Train's eyes widened slightly before quickly returning to his glare. "Answer the question," he demanded.

The angry gunman took a few cautious steps forward while watching the stranger's movements carefully. If he went for a weapon, he would get a bullet lodged in this skull so fast that he would know the real meaning of the name Black Cat.

When Train didn't get his answer, he took a few more steps, pressing Hades' barrel against the other man's forehead.

"Answer now, or I will erase you." Train's cold voice seemed to make the rest of the world stand still, as though it was waiting. Waiting for either the stranger's answer or his blood.

The stranger's smile grew, seeming pleased that he was being threatened.

"What's wrong with this guy?! There is a gun pointed at his head, he could very well die in the next few seconds, and he's smiling?! It seems that I have a tendency to attract all sorts of weirdos…"

"I am Creed Diskenth," he said as if that would explain anything, anything at all.

"Finally, an answer! I was starting to think that I'd actually have to shoot him just to find out if he was capable of forming any kind of sound."

"I am also a Chronos Eraser…"

"Well, that explains everything," he said to himself, sarcasm evident even in the silent words of his mind.

"….although I don't have the distinction of being one of the elite Chronos Numbers, unlike you," he continued.

"I wonder why… Maybe because you're insane?" He wasn't sure if he meant to say that out loud or not, but didn't really see how it mattered one way or another.

Creed laughed again. "Actually, they used the word 'unstable'… I thought that you had no idea who I was...?"

"I don't… It was a guess…." He bravely fought the urge to roll his eyes.

"Oh well. I'm sure that we'll get to know each other very well."

Creed reached to touch Train's face. But his attempt was foiled when Train sighed and finally lowered his gun, taking a step back.

"I have a mission I must complete," the gunman said as he returned Hades to its holster. He ran to the edge of the roof and proceeded to jump off, landing on a nearby building. He paused for a second and yelled, "Good bye, Diskenth." Then he continued toward his target, whispering to himself, "…hopefully our paths won't cross again."

Apparently, I didn't know what spell check was two years ago. Forgive me.