Disclaimer: This is a fictional story that may use characters that belongs to other people, such as, Rumiko Takahasi and Naoko Takeuchi. The Robotech/Macross elements have their own owners and this is a fictional story only. It is made from a fan to the others, without malice or evil intent.

Chapter 10 – Deadalus Maneuver – Part 1 – The Calm before the storm

At the Saotome's building later that evening Rick and Minmey were told the whole truth about their friends history by the whole gang and as predicted by Sailor Eclipse (Ranko Saotome), their world sense of logic took a major beating, as they found out first hand that magic DOES EXIST, as well as heroes and alternate realities.

"Wow… what a story, and if I didn't saw what you guys did, I wouldn't believe it, not to mention that what happened to you guys do fall in the too much farfetched category for us not to believe that it is the truth. **chuckles** No wonder I and Minmey felt something odd about you guys." Rick said

"**Chuckles** Yeah! We were an odd bunch with chaotic events happening left and right at each corner of our lives path. **chuckles** I still believe that I got cursed with chaos somehow". Ranma said

"That might not be that far off the truth my prince. But to be sure of it I would need to do a fire reading and as you can see, fire especially wooden base fire it's already a rare commodity." Rei said

"That's another thing that keeps bugging me. Are you guys really the reincarnation of an ancient kingdom?" Minmey asked

"**giggles** Even us freaked about it when we first were confronted by this fact. But after some time and with our memories of past life getting cleared as time went on we got used to it." Ami explained

"Mom you do know that to us that did get born here on this dimension and time, it'll get some time in getting used to it. Plus I must ask does this power run in our veins as well?" Maximilian Jenius, Ami son asked

"Yes son it does, and it's rare for it to manifest on the man, as it's easier for it to manifest on the girls, so you might now show it, but it will help you with your endurance, health, dexterity, etc… Though your sister might be able to fully utilize it, so when she return home after her shift is over I'll test her. Also if you and her ever does marry and have a daughter then your girl will have the mercurian powers." Ami explained

"Then like mom here, I do have powers over fire and am probably the next Senshi of Mars." Usagi Hibiki asked

Rei smile at her daughter before rising her arm and calling her henshin pen before handing it to her daughter. As soon as Usagi Hibiki get a hold of it a gust of wind blew by her and a red aura surround her for a few seconds. Then as if hearing a inner voice she nods before handing the pen back. "Thanks mom, but now is not the time yet. Perhaps when we get to Mars on the way back to Earth we can properly set my ascension ceremony."

Rei smiled got up and hug her daughter saying "You made me so proud sweetheart, and I know that the legacy of Mars won't end with me or you."

"Do we have similar powers mom?" Akane Ono asked

"No little one, we do not. That's something that my sister gained while she was away, even though I, your father, and many others new that magic existed and had our own share of misadventures because of it. But that's in the past, we should concentrate on the here and now and the war against these aliens." Kasumi said

"She's right, and we must do it quickly since the captain informed me that the last attack took a good amount of pilots, and he was more then happy when I asked to turn my squad from a second class demonstration squad to a fully equipped, front line one." Minako said

"And I'll make sure that … god forbid … you get wounded, that I'll be assigned as your nurse and Tofu-kun here as your physician." Kasumi said

"You guys can count me to be your jets maintainer, and I'll make sure that they'll remain in top shape, as well as have an auto eject system to throw you out of them shortly before the finish shot." Ryoga replied

"Husband if you can accomplish it and give me and the girls one more assurance that Usagi won't be harmed, I'll have one mere reason to love you and make sure that that the rest of our lives will be a happier one.."

At that moment the elevator to their sector pinged and from it come Sara and Ryu carrying ration bags for everyone. Seeing this Usagi got up and went to help when suddenly she tripped and was about to fall flat on her face when her train kicked and she attempted to roll, unfortunately her foot hit a valve that released a water spray from the irrigation system.

The water hit Ryoga that was a few steps behind her, trigging his Junseikyo curse, but instead of a piglet he was turned into what could be better described as an ORC, with the head of a boar, body of a man with green skin. (Just like the ORCs of the old Dungeons & Dragons cartoon).

"What a heck happened to your curse Ryoga?" Ranma asked

"Let's just said that I did receive it as part of my punishment … I did become the guinea pig of a … eccentric scientist. This is the result, and let me tell you that dear wife here almost roasted me when she found out." Ryoga replied dejectedly.

"Well if it's any consolation to you Ryoga, I do think that is an improvement from your old curse. Since now you can defend your self in your cursed form" Akane said

"Some time I regret not tuning into a piglet anymore, since with that form I was just a small animal, now… I'm a freak."

"Not to me you're not. I already told you Ryo-kun, I love you and it doesn't matter your form, you're still Ryoga Hibiki, beloved husband and father of our beautiful girl Usagi" Rei said as she hugged and kissed her husband

And with that after Usagi literally begged Rei for forgiveness which was promptly accepted with a small side remark about how you took granted what truly matter as Minako, Rei and Ami hugged Usagi, and BEGGING for her not to change, to always be their Usagi, the Klutz, crybaby, airhead Usagi, in a tearful group hug.

After it the group started up dinner, and comment on what happened that day. Sara like Usagi Hibiki proved that she was also a senshi, but like Usagi, she postponed her first transformation to when she might really need it.

On seeing it first hand that magic does exist, thanks to his "Brother/cousin" transforming in front of him and his mother, and also seeing the blue aura around Sara, Ryu just asked Rei. "Can you please develop a charm to buffer the chaos curse of my family?"

"Hmmm… not a bad idea but even with it there will be times that the stored energy must be released, and that can be disastrous in the long run." Rei explained

"Oh well I had to ask. Sara-chan as soon as we get to Earth would you mind so much in marrying me?" Ryu asked.

"You know I'd be delight to do it you dummy." Sara replied

"Serenity-sama do you know how can I possibly sign up to this group of magic warriors?" Ryu asked

"Before I tell you if there is a chance for you to do it, I wish to know why you do want to join them." Serenity said

"I have know Sara all my life, and got a crush on her that evolved into something more. So I wish to remain by her side, be it in happiness or sadness, Health or Sickness, and I don't know how long your powers will keep her alive, but it'll be for more then 400 years, which is the maximal amount of time that my body as it is now can last without activating my Jurayan powers." Ryu said

"W-what did you just said" A completely serious Serenity asked

"**sigh** I knew this moment would come." Nodoka muttered before her son could answer, which attracted the attention of everyone. Then she reach inside her robes and pulled a small wooden handle that after a bit of concentration on Nodoka's part it launched forward an energy blade with a snap-hiss sound.

"**GROWL** TSUNAMI! **GROWL** … Ok, according with Ranma's memory he doesn't know anything about his ancestry, so care to elaborate how much is this Tsunami action or is it the work of above powers?"

"Mom what is going on? Why are you so angry?" Usagi asked

"It's a personal mater between Tsunami the Jurayan goddess, suffice to say that that it was like the rivalry between Ranma and Ryoga, but it started with a common love interest between us. Anyway now she got one over me, and for more that I wish to keep fighting her, now I own a ***GROWL*** debt to… her for bringing me back to you and your siblings."

"Yep definitely he same rivalry we did have bacon breath".

"***chuckle*** Sure it is bastard, ***chuckles*** Rei-chan you were right about missing what really made your life interesting until it's taken from you. I missed you and our rivalry Ranma"

"Whenever you wish to bacon breath, I'm ready to spar".

"**throat clearing** back at the topic at hand… I'm the daughter of Katsuhito Masaki, who's the son of Azusa Masaki current emperor of Jurai, aunt of Tenchi Masaki who's the next in line to the throne of Jurai. On the days between the failed wedding and our trip to another dimension, I contacted my father once a clue to Ranma's survival and exile appeared. That's when I learned more about the current events of the planet Jurai, as well as truly becoming one with my heritage." Nodoka explained.

"What is that mom?" Ryu asked.

"Earth in my home dimension and also by the looks of things this Earth is not alone in the universe; with sentient advanced lifer forms. On my home dimension, I'm 2/3rds human and 1/3rd Jurayan, which is an human like race of beings that posses long life span and a special inner power called light hawk wing that grant us an blade like this as well as the ability to survive in the outer space vacuum, among other things." Nodoka explained

"Nodoka-san you said long life span, how much is that in relation ship to a normal human?" Sara asked.

"I can answer that, since I do know the Jurayans quite well. And you don't need to worry little Sara, you and Ryu will live long and remain young for quite a while, same goes to Ami-san, Minako-san, Rei-san, Rei and Ami's children as well. Now Thanks to this small bit of info, I myself plus Ranma, Ranko, Usagi and Akane will be around for the next eon or two." Serenity said nonchalantly.

Many jaws hit the floor at the news, and an old jealously twig on Ukyo's core give signs to still be around, but can't do much as the happiness of being near Ranma again is still too strong. So admitting her defeat and quitting it while she was ahead of the game, Ukyo approach Akane.

"Ok sugar you definitely won and cleared the floor leaving me; with that I'm put in second place, as I can't possibly try and compete with you now. So please do me no us a favor and take good care of him." Ukyo asked.

"That's a promise and an oath that I'll make with you Ukyo. And all that I ask is that as long as you can that you remain in his life as one of the few friends that he has left." Akane asked in return

"Sure thing sugar. I'll do it gladly." Ukyo said smiling.

At their corner Rick and Minmey exchanged looks before unanimously agreeing that perhaps keeping the status quo of being members of the Saotome group might not be so bad at all.

So for the remain trip between Pluto's orbit and Saturn, everyone trained exhaustively, with Rick, Ranma, Akane, and Max being trained as pilots and Minmey and Usagi as a bridge bunnies, thanks to Rei, Ami and Minako insisting in her remaining aboard where it would be a lot safer. Minako and Rei spent many hours in a group therapy sessions with the Saotomes to help them deal with the Neko-ken.

But they instead of trying to nullify the Neko-ken, they attempted the path to incorporate the Neko-ken as part of their Martial Arts. Even though Usagi agreed in not becoming a pilot, she convinced her friends in learning how to fly and operate the Cat's Eye air plane.

So now with the city repairs almost finished and many shops following in the steps of the White Dragon café being reopened, the girls decided to the thing that the scouts didn't do in a huge while, that being a shopping trip throughout the city.

As it always happened with those men who followed the girls into a shopping trip, Ranma, Rick and Max were got the fate of being bag carriers to the girls. Then Ranma's danger sense started to ping.

Ranko curiously looked at her brother before a squeal ahead and to the side of her made look at it and what she saw sparked a memory in her. Then she switched rapidly back and forward looking quickly between the guys, the girls and the shop window.

Then she started to scan around and sure enough she spotted Commander Hayes and the bridge bunnies coming down the street toward their position. So she decided to at last warn Akane.

"Hey Aka-chan." Ranko called

"Yes Ranko-chan, what is it?" Inquired Akane

"Nerima level chaos incident in 5 minutes." Was Ranko answer, which only got the girls confused until Akane noticed the Commander coming down the sidewalk and that Minmey and Usagi were dragging Rick and Ranma into the women clothes shop.

"OH no! not again! Quick Ranko let's get inside and help the guys with the bags, as it was the groceries falling out that triggered the incident on the anime show." Akane said before dashing inside, followed closely by Ranko, and thee minutes later by Commander Hayes and the bridge Bunnies.

Max that remained outside, soon started to hear laugh, then a yelp followed by what appeared to be a slap, shortly before a red face Hayes and some grossed out bridge bunnies getting out of said shop.

Curiously he took a look inside the shop and saw Rick, Ranma and Ranko on the floor with Rick and Ranma picking the groceries off the floor and Ranko using her hand on the face nursing a red print of a hand forming on it. "What happened?" Max asked

"Let's just say that Usagi got another episode of a klutz attack and was about to hit and drop Rick and/or Ranma to the ground were it would lead to a embarrassment position with the bridge crew; so to save me and Rick from an embarrassment, Ranko here managed get them out of what would be a … compromising position but as Ranko said it was a Nerima level chaos incident, so another klutz attack from Usagi managed to push Ranko into Commander Hayes and both fell to the ground in a … a … ***blushing*** … lip lock" Akane said blushing a bit

"OH…. But how did you guess that an incident would occur?" Max asked

"I and my sister were often victims of such incident, so you can call us paranoid, but we developed some sort of danger sense to such incidents". Ranma explained.

(AN: Yeah I changed this scene a bit and didn't describe it as it should have been described so I opted to one of the characters to tell a resume of it, and I must confess that I'm not too good at plotting or devising such scenes yet. That's why I need beta readers, as well as people to help me with such scenes. Meanwhile use your imagination)

- / - / -

Meanwhile Ami and Serenity were working hard with Sara and her team in devising a way to build a new fold engine, as well as finding a way to adapt their current technology to better utilize the ki and Mana of their "especial" pilots. Though there was something that had been keeping a frown on Ami's brow.

"What's the matter Ami? You've been worried about something for quite a while." Serenity asked

"It' Usagi my lady, I'm at a crossroad here, as for my heart keep telling me to lock her up into an adamantium room to keep her safe, my gut tells me to go out there with her and keep her happy by allowing her to help defend innocents and my mind can't decide which side to take." Ami explained

"Hmmm that's the same problem that I faced when I thought about creating the senshi of the moon back at the silver millennium. Turns out that I should've heard my gut, and in the end it was the existence of Sailor Moon that defeated Metallia. So I suggest you find some sort of middle ground, something that at the same time will kept her safe from harm and will allow her to defend innocents." Serenity answered

"Perhaps you're right Serenity-sama, though for the better of me I can't find something that will appease both needs." Ami said

"Why don't we take a better look at what elements do we have to work with first, and then we can see if they'll work better as a sword or if it will work better as a shield." Serenity suggested, and the last part of it sparked an idea in her.

Quickly she dashed to a computer terminal and started to rapidly type commands after commands, making cross references with many type of data. Then she stopped for a bit in deep thought, then looked around and only saw a puzzled Serenity looking at her, so she took out her mercury computer out of her Sailor Senshi dimensional pocket, and started to call up ancient data about the Senshi's powers

"What are you looking for Ami?" Serenity asked from over Ami's Shoulder

"I'm looking for a way to turn both the Tachyon radiation plus our Senshi's power in some kind of shield to this ship. Problem is that there will be only Three Senshis aboard the ship since the solar Senshis, Venus and Eclipse will be out there fighting the enemy."

"Hmmm if we at last could use Saturn's Silent Wall barrier…. WAIT! We're en route to Saturn are we not?"

"Yes we are. … Do you know of something that might have been left from the Silver Millennium's fall there?" Ami asked

"First thing first, transform and use your Mercy visor and techno mage system to check if the backup mystic network still exists and if it is in working condition." Serenity ordered

"Right away my Queen. MERCURY CRISTAL POWER MAKE UP!" Ami transformed and soon she deployed her visor and started to type away into the Mercury computer

At that moment her daughter got inside the room and saw her mother's transformation and was amazed by what she saw and felt. Then as she approached she noticed the simulation running on the terminal that her mother was using and after reading it she agreed.

"Mom your idea is sound, but the amount of energy that we have won't cover the whole ship, and the articulate junctions that attach either the Prometheus or the Deadalus to the ship won't work all that well as some kind of elbow, to move either 'arms' around to block the incoming fire."

"That's why I'm trying to connect to an ancient network system, that existed millenniums ago, and surprisingly some of it still is in working condition." Mercury replied

"Good, now see if you can spot and activate Saturn's mainframe? Once active look for either the Silence Glaive, Saturn Core Crystals, or Sailor Saturn Star Seed" Serenity said

After a few minutes Mercury answered that she only found a few core crystals no bigger then Tennis Ball

"Hmmm … Sara-san can you and your team devise a way to move a small energy barrier around the ship?"

"With a day or two to assemble the needed computers and devices it is possible, why?"

"Let's just say that thanks to the crystals mentioned by your mother we can transfer the Senshi's power to the systems, augmenting the Tachyon pin point shield, making it move faster around the ship, as well as being bigger and with the ability to withstand and absorb a lot more of damage"

"Hmmm it could work, but I have two questions. How are we going to get the crystals and how are we going to explain it to Dr. Lang and the Captain how we knew and found said crystals?" Sara asked

"Sara-san this ship original tech was originally a from the Silver Millennium age. So if you can access the old systems scans, as I'm sure they have a far more range then the Earth build ones, you can said that you stumbled upon the old systems, and if I'm not mistaken some of the old lunar language is very similar to those symbols of the Incan and Mayan civilization."

"It could work, now we only have one such crystal aboard to demonstrate it to the brass…." Sara said

"***chuckles*** Oh But we do have one Sara-san … and my daughter is carrying it. … kukuku" Serenity amused said

To be continued