SDF – MOON – ½

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon, Ranma, Macross / Robotech. This is a fictional story only, and it is the work of a fan to the others. I made it without malice or evil intent. The characters here displayed belong to their creators and owners.

Note: this is an alternate universe story, were a new timeline will arise thanks to a phenomenon that will bring Ranma, Akane, Usagi from their universes onto the Macross universe. Also since I lack a bit of Macross material I'll be using the Robotech names but will stick to the Macross Timeline.

Chapter 1 – Folding Universes

It was the failed wedding moment, Ranma's danger sense kicked into overdrive as he scooped Akane up and jumped with her through the window, unfortunately the explosive cooking threw by Shampoo and Ukyo had fallen upon Happosai's bag of silk darlings, resulting in an explosion that destroyed all of them.

"NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Happosai screamed as he saw his darlings going up in a blaze of glory. Then his gaze turned to the one that always is thought as the responsible for everything

"Ranma… For what happen to my darlings, death is a blessing that you won't have." Happosai yelled instants before he threw a blazing crystal at Ranma; at the same time that he did that Kodachi's roses struck the pair, which released a powerful paralysis gas. With the two unable to move away the crystal that Happosai threw at them hit it's mark and both Ranma and Akane were engulfed by a white light dome.

As if this weren't enough Gosugunki saw this as an opportunity to get rid of Ranma, but since he didn't saw Akane on Ranma's arms he start to read an ancient scroll that he found out. When the scroll was shinning like the sun he threw it at Ranma.

The young couple that was in pain for what the crystal was doing now screamed their soul out in sheer agony and pain, it was so intense that even tough warriors like Ranma would have died, but they didn't as the spell inside the crystal was meant to keep the victim alive for days before it would have dissipated naturally. Everyone become shocked by this turn of events and many were obliged to cover their ears, wince and close their eyes at the soul wrecking screams of agony that came from Ranma and Akane. Slowly the two powers started to mix with Ranma's blazing battle aura that he had sprang to the max in the hopes of at last saving Akane from harm. Ranma's ki plus the mystical energies of the crystal and the scroll started to disrupt the fabric of time and space, creating an unstable vortex, that in the interval of a nanosecond teleport the couple away before blowing up.

When the explosion subsided and the dust/smoke had been cleared only a red pigtail and Akane's bouquet was left and it fell on Kuno's feet. Seeing what was left of his "beloved maidens", the felling of sorrow started to fill up Kuno's heart, which shocked him to the core and for once in his life he become lucid for a few moments; that's when he heard both Gosugunki and Happosai laugh and boasting yells. When he finally saw the true enemy of his 'beloved', his blood boiled and hate took the place of sorrow on his heart. Firming his resolve Kuno started to unsheathe his katana and with a yell filled with rage he jump charged the murders of his beloveds.

At the same time in another universe Sailor Moon had just lost her powers, reverting her form from Sailor Moon to Usagi, her enemy used this to her advantage and created a dimensional rift that was sucking Usagi into it, and all of this was happening in front of the rest of the Sailor Senshis; On an distant place and dimension Sailor Pluto was watching this through the gates of time, and she was about to start the procedures to bring Chibi-Usa from the future when a tsunami like effect hit her and the Time Gates, which in turn locked the Time Gates, barring Pluto from viewing the many possible events, as well as denying her the ability to travel through the Time Stream.

"W-w-what happened?" said a shocked Pluto who tried every single procedure that she knew or could tough to unlock the Time Gates but it refused to obey her commands. She tried to teleport to the ancient Pluto castle using the Silver Millennium old teleport pads, but found herself stuck on that dimension. "I-It can't be…all was planned and secured, what could have happened to change everything?" wondered a lone senshi.

Back at the present Usagi had just vanished into the Cardian glowing portal, when an energy discharge from out of nowhere hit the energy disk on the ground, shortly before it vanished.

The extra energy had overloaded the small portal, and the feedback was enough to fry it up, killing it and releasing the other senshis. Even though they were in their weakest state so far, they rushed to were their fallen leader once stood and in vain cried her name or punched the ground.

Sometime later Usagi woke up by hearing someone calling for her; seconds later when she had become fully awake and aware of the environment around her, she saw that she was in some sort of limbo with two other girls floating nearby, one of them did have red hair and strangely wearing a tattered and burned smoking, similar to the ones that her beloved Tuxedo Mask always wore. The other girl looked a lot like her friend Ami, the second girl also wore burned and tattered clothes, which exposed her athletic figure, allowing Usagi to noticed that this second girl's muscles were more defined, her breasts were more developed then Ami's, may be a size or a size and a half, with a darker shade of blue hair, that was also in an different style then the one Amy wore. She tried to move and reach for the two girls, at that precisely moment she heard an feminine voice calling for her; She turned around and soon found the source of the voice, it was Queen Serenity, her last incarnation mother.

Suddenly the environment around her changed and also her clothes had suffered a transformation, going from her schoolgirl uniform to her princess gown; looking ahead of her she saw Serenity a few steps from her.

"Well come my daughters, it has been a long time." the Queen said.

"M-mother is that you?" asked the princess

"Yes sweetheart it's me, but it seems that your sister is sleeping over again could you do me a favor and wake her up?" The Queen asked

"S-Sister… Since when do I have a sister?" asked princess serenity looking around. Soon she spotted those girls and as she went to their position she saw the moon symbol on the red hair forehead.

But when Princess Serenity kneel down and touched the red head, thousands upon thousands of memories flood her, both from the Silver Millennium, as well as Ranma's memories. She tried to pull her hand away but for some reason she couldn't do it, as it appeared as if her hand was glued to the red hair one's shoulder. Then both of their symbols start to glow, and then a silver light beam was emitted from their foreheads and seconds later they connected in the air.

Few by few Ranma's cloth morph into a gown, the flashes emitted from the bond link forming between Ranma and Usagi awoke Akane. She wince in pain as her body arches allover "R-Ranma…" muttered Akane as she struggled to move and help the only person outside of her family that had truly fished her heart. Few by few she got over to their position and was about to touch Ranma when a voice interrupted her.

"Please don't interrupt the process Akane Tendo" said Queen Serenity

"W…who…" Akane asked

"I am Queen Serenity better said I was, I'm only a ghost now. But I beg you don't interrupt what my daughter is doing as she's helping her sister regain what has been lost to her." Queen Serenity explained

"Sis…ter…Ranma….don…ave…sister" Akane struggled do said it through her pain

"Ranma… Who's Ranma?" Asked the Queen

"My….fian…cee…he…an…red….same person." Akane said

"What do you mean?" asked the Queen

"Jun…sei…kyo" Akane answered shocking Serenity to the core.

"Oh great lord of creation!!!" Serenity said seconds before firing her moon own beam from her forehead to Akane's forehead, the bean didn't have any trouble at all to get inside Akane's mind and through it Serenity started to see Akane's whole life. Then after learning Akane's version of the events, Serenity quickly turned her Moon Beam over to the other two girls and joined the mental bond.

"What have I done? Quickly Akane get inside the bean if you wish to save Ranma" Serenity yelled

Using a strength born from panic and despair as well as something that from the bottommost part of her soul urged her to save Ranma, Akane manage to put her head between the three beams. Next thing she knew was that she was screaming as she went through a sea of memories and she was desperately holding onto Ranma's soul, using her stubbornness strength as well as her true felling for Ranma, to avoid being drown with Ranma on this sea of power and memories. At the same time Queen Serenity tried to convince her daughters to stop.


Please Akane wake up, I never got the chance to say that I love you….


Sis I can't understand what did you saw on that stuck up Endymion….


Mommy please wake up mommy… MOMMY!!!!!


Pop please not the pit again, please pop don't throw me… NOOOOO!!!!!


You got to promise me that you won't reveal my curse to NO ONE!!


.Please Tuxedo Mask you got to remember…..






Memories, power, knowledge, and many others started to fill Akane up, as it started to re-wrote her DNA, to compress her soul into a star seed, connected the new star seed with a celestial body, strengthening the ancient bond with another soul that was also converted into a star seed, light, fire, heat, and radiation started do dance around Akane's star seed, caressing it, enveloping it, and then as with every star in the universe, an explosion of power marked its birth.


Akane yelled the transformation phrase and as she was in the middle of the three royal powers beams it reacted to her and transformation and finished Akane conversion from an earthling into a lunarian. The power that rewrote her DNA completely, had changed not just hers DNA but Ranma's and Usagi's DNA as well, that in the case of the later two teens, it rearranged the DNA sequence that was responsible for making Ranma and Usagi brother and sister.

It gave Ranma one more gift, as it came to terms with Junseikyo own will and power, and it split Ranma's male and female forms, then golden and silver lines of power arose from both male and female forms and bond each other as well as Akane and Usagi.

When the transformations were over Ranma was wearing a prince body armor like Endymion's own black royal body armor, but white with gold trims, instead of black with gray trims; Ranko is wearing a royal gown but with green parts and gold trim, princess Serenity was wearing her pure silver gown as well, and Akane was wearing a senshi Fuku, better said Sailor Moon Fuku, but with gold instead of blue and Light yellow in the place of red.

Her hair had grow to the same point that once was when she first met with Ranma, then it went up in the odango-style, were the hair jewels appear. Everyone fell to the ground exhausted including the queen that didn't noticed, when bits of flesh, blood and hair flew from the teen girls and into her spirit body, once in place the cells merged together and started to use the energy excess to feed the blood cells, allowing them to grow, divide, multiply and few by few Serenity gained consistence and a body.

An untold amount of time later they awoke in a dark place, with metal for floor and a few chains hanging from the ceiling a few hundred feet above them. They had barely come to their senses when they heard an explosion followed by a gust of wind that abruptly stopped shortly before something struck the chains above them.

Looking up they saw a small red and white plane with the canopy up-side down and two teenagers looking at them. "Err…could you help us get down from here?" ask the girl aboard the plane.

(AN: Usagi, Ranma, Akane, Ranko and Serenity are de-transformed)

"Sure, just open the canopy a bit and use it as a slider, will get you when you get down here." Answered Akane as she looked at Ranma and instantly he knew what to do. He got in position and nod with his head. The boy aboard the plane nods to him, and slowly lowered the canopy.

The girl let go of the boy and slid down the canopy and into Ranma's arm. He put her down and then get ready to catch the boy. Soon both teens are on the ground with Ranma, Akane, and both Serenities.

"Thank you for helping us down. I'm Minmey. Lynn Minmey and his name is Rick, Rick Hunter."

"Nice to meet you I'm Ranma. Ranma Saotome this is my sister Ranko and she is my Fiancée Akane, over there are my other sister Usagi and our mother Serenity."

"It's nice to meet you all. Do you by chance know the way out of this ship?" asked Rick

'Ship?' Ranma, Usagi, Ranko, Akane and Serenity had thought at the same time. "I'm afraid that we do not know young man, you see we were on my home one instant and on the next we were awaking here short before we heard an explosion and you and your friend getting here." Serenity answered

"Oh! I see, must have been that weird light that come from this ship, one moment we were flying away from it, then suddenly there was this light and everything went chaotic for a minute or two, then we were floating in the outer space right outside this ship."

"Then how did you get here? An airplane can't function on the space vacuum" asked Akane looking at the plane.

"You are right a common air plane engine cannot work on vacuum, but my solid fuel rocket can, and since the plane has six mini rockets around the turbine, I used them to maneuver and to get as close as possible to the ship, that's when I saw an enemy pod hitting the hull of the ship and creating an hole, I used the chance and here we are."

"Then something must've sealed the hole or we'd be dead now" said Ranko.

"You said that the ship emitted an light and for a few moments everything was chaotic until you found your selves floating in the space vacuum." Said Serenity deeply in thought

"Yes ma'am that's what happened. Do you have any idea of what happened?"

"They possibly executed an warp maneuver, and your plane was within the ship warp field. Tell me were you flying near the upper limit of the atmosphere?" Serenity asked

"No ma'am we were about 15,000 feet's off the ground" Rick answered

"What? And they Succeed?" ask an shocked Serenity

"Mom?" ask Usagi

"The amount of matter around the ship would overload the warp system. If it didn't blow up then it did drag everything in the proximity with it. With the overload systems and excess of mass the ship must've overshot their intent point by a huge margin. And looks like we'll be stranded here since an overload like that has probably melted the warp core, if not turned it into energy" Serenity explained

"Mom how do you know so much about this?" ask Ranko

"Dear I was an active participant of the research teams. Not to mention discussing many science topics with many scientist and …Ami's mother…." A lone tear run down Serenity cheek, but she quickly disperse it but not quick engulf for Ranma and Ranko not to notice.

"Y…you mean that we're stuck here? I mean I saw the whole Macross island bellow the SDF…" Rick started to say when a shocked Minmey interrupted him

"OH GOD! NO! My family!" Said Minmey falling to her knees in shock

"Don't worry Minmey I'm sure that the shelters are air tight, and soon the military will get them out and on this ship." Rick said as he put his hands on her shoulders.

"Do you really think that?" said Minmey with tears threatening to fall

"I believe so. I know Roy and I'm sure that if there is a possibility to rescue them he won't think twice, in doing it" Rick replied

"Oh Rick" said Minmey as she desperately hold him.

While Minmey sob her heart out Ranma and company get together to discuss things. "What the heck happened? How did we end up here and how am I seeing things from two different perspectives? Not to mention that I got a bunch of weird memories." Ranma said in whispering tone

"The last thing that I do remember it's you holding me; then Kodachi's roses and Happosai crystal hit us as well as some other thing. Then there is this moment like a dream were Usagi was in her princess form doing something to your girl form, next thing I know it's holding you for dear life and then waking up here with all this memories as well." Comment Akane also in a whisper.

"I don't exactly know how you did came from your universe to my daughter's universe, but whatever brought you, had made you collide with my daughter. When that did happen the silver power that was asleep inside her woke up and I finally found my long lost elder daughter that has disappeared on the earth." Explained the queen

"I was wondering about that, since when I had a sister, until I saw the moon symbol on her… I mean your female half and touch you. Next thing I knew it's yours and hers memories invading my mind Ranma, then I started to try and awake her memories thinking that you were the evil man that drowned her on that spring." Usagi said

"That's when Akane tried to interrupt the process, I didn't understand why until she said the word Junseikyo, that's when I looked into her memories before looking at Ranma's, when I found out that you Ranma were an innocent boy who somehow rescued my daughter's soul from that accursed place I knew that I needed to stop my other daughter. The only thing I knew that could save you Ranma was true love, that's why I told Akane to get inside the beam." Serenity explained

"I remember it mom, when she interfered and her memories got mixed with ours we started to understood, then I really looked inside his memories and found out an innocent child that lived through hell, by the reincarnation of the man that killed me. When I saw how honorable he turn out to be, even with the lack of wisdom I knew that I need to make something not just to him, to her as well." Ranko said her part

"Sis told me her plan and I agreed. I was determined to use the last of my power when I noticed that we got three power sources of lunarian power. That was me, mom and sis. So I decided to use it to will the silver crystal in splitting sis and Ranma physically." Usagi explained

"While you did that I decided to reward them by making them lunarians, and to turn them into scouts."

"But mom all of the planets already has a senshi." Commented Usagi

"Indeed they do but the sun doesn't, and the sun is powerful enough to power-up two individuals." Serenity said.

"Ok that explain what happened to my mind, but how did we end up here? And why are you back among the living?" asked Ranma

"That I can't tell you, simply because I do not know. I can hypothesize that the huge amount of Mana and Ki released went up through our link and that somehow fed my star seed with enough energy for me to resurrect. But as to how we came here…well I suppose that whatever spell sent you away from your universe mixed with the one that sent Usagi to me and lost it's anchor and as result throw us into another universe."

"One that I think I know it" said Akane.

Ranma and Ranko looked at her then nodded to her, then at each other. Usagi saw this and asked "You two know this as well don't you?"

"We do sis, it was one of the few animes I liked to watch." Said Ranma

"Animes….wait I think that I saw it too on my universe. Is it one with planes that turn into robots and a bunch of eggs on legs robots for enemies?" asked Usagi

"Hey! That's exactly how the alien pod looks like." Rick said as he and Minmey approached them.

"Did you by chance was aboard one plane that turned into a robot?" Ranko asked

"Yeah he was, he smashed through the upper level of my uncle's restaurant. Later he saved me from being smashed by one of those eggs on legs." Minmey replied

This confirmed thinks for Ranma, Akane, Ranko and Usagi. They were on the Robotech version of the Macross universe.

To be continued.