Thanks to all of my readers for your support! Thanks to jashaw for beta-ing this chapter.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter Three - Acceptance

Here I lay, in the dark, staring at the wall. My mind was racing and I tried to calm myself by listening closely to the even breathing of my sweet baby girl that was coming through the baby monitor.

Lying next to me was the love of my life -- my soul mate. His breathing was slow and steady. But the lack of snoring told me he had not found the peaceful slumber both of us needed after our horribly trying day.

I heard him roll over and turned to meet him. The moonlight coming through the window was just enough for me to see his beautiful, dark eyes filled with worry. I wanted to simply get lost in them and comfort his pain away. He kissed my forehead softly.

"Ellie," his voice cracked as he said my name.

"We'll get through this," I assured him.

He pulled me into his strong embrace and I again, melted at his touch. He ran his fingers through my hair.

"What are we going to do?"

"Nothing," I said softly.

"Nothing?" His body tensed around mine. "Are you crazy?" he growled.

"I would move heaven and earth to protect my family, you know that, right?"

"Um hum," he mumbled. But his response sounded more like a question than that he actually believed it.

"Jonathan," I spoke quietly, "I don't believe Quil would ever do anything to hurt Claire."

"I don't believe he'd hurt her," he agreed. "But… I can't get over the age difference. It's just plain creepy. I mean, really, Ellie. In 16 years, when she's of legal age, he's going to be older than you and I are now." He bristled against me and goosebumps covered my skin. I hadn't looked at it that way. I shuddered against him. "I just don't want Claire to be taking care of a man who's ready to die when she still has so much life to live."

"You and I can't make that decision for her," I reminded him. "Quil said that she will have the choice someday. We just have to trust she'll follow her heart instead of some warped sense of obligation."

"I will not allow her to marry a man she doesn't love," he growled. The ever protective father coming out in him.

"Nor will I," I assured him, pressing my lips to his. "I can't imagine being stuck in a loveless marriage."

He buried his head into my neck and left a trail of kisses up to my lips. He wrapped his arms around me, securing my body to his. I laid my ear against his warm chest and listened to his heartbeat. I drew circles with my finger against his skin.

I hoped that someday my daughter would understand the love and adoration I felt for her father. I wanted nothing more than for her to feel loved and protected by her husband. When Jonathan looked at me, I felt like the most beautiful woman in the world. This too was a desire I had for her. More than that, though, it was something she deserved.

When his breathing steadied and the snoring began, the sound lulled me into the peaceful slumber that had been eluding me for so many hours.


It had been weeks since we'd seen Quil, but that didn't mean he wasn't present. He was ever present in my thoughts. Since that first night, Jon and I had kept our thoughts on the subject to ourselves.

Today, however, I was afraid that all of that was going to change. Emily had called and invited us to the Easter dinner in La Push. It was some sort of tradition and they were excited to have us join.

The phone rang a little over a week ago and I hurried to answer it, rubbing my wet hands on a dish rag. "Hello?"

"Elinore, it's Emily."

"Oh, hi." Ever since all of this had occurred, my relationship with my sister had been slightly stressed. I hated the resentment I felt toward her and knew I was being utterly ridiculous.

"We're having… There's going to be… I'd love…" her sweet voice was shaking. The strain between us was having its toll on her as well it seemed.

"Emily, it's okay," I assured her. "Please just spit it out."

"We'd love for you to come to the annual Easter dinner here in La Push," she whispered, the words rushing out in a jumble.

"That sounds really nice. What can I bring?" I slapped my palm to my forehead, wanting to take back my stupidity. Taking our baby girl into the wolf's den was not at all a pleasant thought. I gulped at the knot growing in my throat.

"If it's not too much trouble, could you make one of your pecan pies?"


"I'm so glad you decided to accept the invitation. I've missed you."

"I've missed you too," I conceded.

She was on the verge of giddy when she spoke again, "It's at noon on Easter Sunday at the Clearwater's."

"Can we just meet you at your house and ride over together?" I asked, not wanting to arrive before my sister -- my only ally in La Push.

"That would be fine. Just be here about 11:30."

"See you then," I sighed. Moments later, Jonathan strolled through the door, wiping his hands on a shop cloth and whistling that happy little tune that always gave away his good mood. "Hi," I muttered, hoping he didn't hear the anxiety in my voice. No such luck.

"What's wrong?"

"Emily called."


"We've been invited down to La Push for their annual Easter dinner."


I stared at him, avoiding the argument I knew was coming.

"You said no, right?"


"Oh, Ellie," he groaned.

I bit on my lip. "I know. I just really miss her."

"I know," he pulled me into an embrace that comforted my anxiety away. "I'm sorry you're in such a tough position."

What? He's sorry? That didn't at all go as I expected.


Jon held Claire tightly in his arms as we approached the group. People were everywhere. The most noticeable were the large teenage boys, I could only assume shared Quil's secret.

We were only a few feet away from the car when Claire shrieked, "Quil!" Her little arms whipping her daddy across the face as he struggled to hold on to her.

Quil was standing across the yard, his eyes already focused on her angelic face. He looked at Jon silently asking for permission to approach us. Jon nodded slightly and he bounded over to meet us.

"Claire! How's my girl?" he spoke so soft and sweet to her.

She continued to fight against the steel grip of her father. He tried everything within his power to discourage her wanting this boy. Ultimately, though, he passed her over to Quil. Claire's giggles growing softer as they returned to the group Quil had been with before.

"Is this going to be the story of our lives?" Jon grumbled under his breath. "He shows up and…"

"Welcome," an older woman I recognized as Mrs. Clearwater came out of the house. "We're so glad you could join us."

"Thank you for the invitation," I replied in a manner that would have made my mother proud. "Can I help with anything?"

"Just relax. We're almost ready."

The amount of food strewn along the tables was incredible. I'd never seen so much.

"Have you ever seen so much food?" Jon whispered, ducking his head toward my ear.

I shook my head back and forth in response.

Above the noise, a loud bell rang signaling that everything was ready. People hurried from every corner of the yard. Quil ran toward us with Claire riding on his shoulder, squealing in delight.

"Okay, sweet girl, it's time to eat." He slid her carefully from his shoulders and into a chair. He pulled the chair out next to her, but paused staring into Jon's face.

A composed mask met his questioning glance. I shot a scowl at Jon and smiled at Quil, nodding.

Quil sat next to Claire and I watched as the day progressed into late afternoon and finally evening. Quil never left Claire's side, helping her with whatever she needed. While his friends played football, horseshoes and other various games, he took Claire for piggyback rides and even held her tenderly when she fell asleep on his shoulder.

At one point, she was giggling so hard, she fell down when he was pretending to chase her and she kept evading his touch. She enjoyed being with him -- and he with her. I scrutinized his every action, searching for the clues that something sinister was in his heart. But never found anything that even came close.

Jon and I sat in the camp chairs around the huge bonfire and he squeezed my hand. I looked up into his eyes for the first time in hours. "Are you ready to go home?"

"Yeah, will you get Claire?"

I followed his gaze over to where Quil was holding Claire in his lap, reading her stories. "I'd rather not."


"No," he sighed. "I just don't want to hear her scream when I take her from him."

I laughed, "Okay. Let's say our goodbyes and then I'll get her just before we head to the car."

"Deal," he chuckled, kissing my forehead.

We walked over to Emily and Sam first. "Thank you so much for the invitation. We had a great time," I muttered, realizing it wasn't a lie.

"I'm so glad you decided to come," Emily said, pulling me into a hug. "I've missed you."

"I know. I've missed you too."

She kept a hold on my hand and lifted her gaze to my little girl. "I think they had a good time too."

"Yeah," I resigned. "I don't think she's ever laughed like that." I turned back to face Sam and he stuck out his hand. I pulled him into a hug, pressing my cheek to his chest. "Thanks, Sam."

"Um, you're welcome." I pulled away and took my place by Jonathan's side. "But for what?"

"For giving me the time to process this whole thing. For letting me see what it's all about."

Jon wrapped her arm around my shoulder and I knew he, too, had come to grips with what had transpired. His chuckle warmed my heart, "Let's just keep this between us though. We'd hate for Quil to be too comfortable around me just yet."

Laughter consumed our little group. A sweet voice beckoned to Jon, "Daddy." We turned to see Claire toddling over to us with Quil a few steps behind.

"I figured it would be easier on her if she left me, instead of the other way around."

"Thank you," I smiled, lifting her into my arms. "Say bye bye to Quil, love."

"Bye bye."

She waved until he was no longer visible and drifted into a peaceful sleep for the ride home.

"Are you really okay with all of this?" Jonathan whispered.

"Yes. Are you?"

"I think so."