Because I hit 100 reviews… here comes an epilogue!
Thank you .-x
Mrs. Weasley was busy bustling around the kitchen. Everything had to be perfect.
"Dear, the house looks fine. I don't know why you are making such a big deal out of this." Mr. Weasley sighed while reading the paper at the kitchen table.
"We have to make a good impression! This is a very important day for them!" Mrs. Weasley snapped.
Mr. Weasley just sighed, folded his paper in half and stood up.
"I am going to go work in the shed for a bit, to get out of your way."
"You better not still be working on that motorbike Arthur…"
"No no….nothing like that Molly…" he mumbled disappearing out the back door.
He passed by Harry and Luna, "Hello you two!" he waved happily, "I think you have the right idea… I would stay out of the kitchen if I were you."
"We will keep that in mind." Harry laughed as Mr. Weasley went into the shed.
"Why is Mrs. Weasley so nervous about tonight Harry?" Luna asked.
"I think since the whole Hermione-Ginny fiasco, she's just wanted to make things right."
"She shouldn't worry so much, lets go look for some wrakspurts before they get here." She smiled grabbing his hand and leading him away from the house.
Harry looked up at the house, seeing Ginny through her window pacing around her old room. He sighed happily and let Luna lead him towards the vegetable patch.
Ginny looked out her old window, seeing the sun beginning to set and Harry and Luna tromping about the vegetable garden. It also looked as if her father had accidentally set fire to a part of their shed, and her mum was running out there yelling. All Ginny could hear however were certain words like, "Responsibility", "Illegal" and the loudest of all, "Horses Ass".
"Why are they not here yet?" Ginny asked Hermione.
Hermione was lying down on Ginny's old bed, flipping through the pages of Witch Weekly. "Honestly Gin, you seem as nervous as your mother."
"Ouch." Smirked Ginny walking over towards the bed to see what Hermione was looking at.
"Are you looking at that again?"
"Yes I am, I can't get enough of the fact that my girlfriend is in a magazine."
"It's not even that good of a picture…"
"Of course it is, you look good in any picture. But when you are in a quidditch uniform…" Hermione smiled devilishly.
Ginny leaned down inches away from her, talking quietly.
"You know, the only reason I think you are glad I tried out for the harpies is because of the uniform."
"Well its definitely one perk, that's true." Hermione said capturing Ginny in a kiss.
And as Ginny lowered her self down towards Hermione, they heard a loud knock at the door.
Ginny groaned, "That'll be Ron, always knowing how to ruin a good moment."
Hermione laughed and proceeded to get up and drag Ginny out of the room.
"Ron!" Mrs. Weasley cried happily, "You're here!"
"Hey Mum! Hey everyone!" he said as they rushed in to see him, "You all know Hannah right? Hannah Abbot?"
"Of course we know her, stupid git!" George smiled happily, "Come on in, we were about to eat without you."
They filed into the dinning room, talking loudly and excitedly sitting down at the table.
The food was passed around and everyone was enjoying the wonderful meal.
Ginny was whispering something in Hermione's ear, and she turned away blushing slightly and giggling.
Ron looked around the table at everyone having fun, and then back at Hannah beaming at him, apparently having a good time as well. He squeezed her hand under the table and kissed her on the cheek. He glanced back across the table and saw Ginny staring at him, smiling. He looked at her for a moment, chuckled, and then gave her a wink and a small smile.
Ginny smiled back, knowing that everything was going to be ok between them.
She looked at her father, he had an amazed look in his eye as Hermione told him about a satellite, and knew that there was no place on earth that she would rather be in this moment.
"I love you." She whispered in Hermione's ear once she was finished talking to her father.
"I love you too." Hermione smiled back, "But I'll love you even more once we get you back in that quidditch uniform…"
This time, it was Ginny's turn to blush.