It was a rhythmic pattern. Fairly simple but extremely important.

Step, jump, land, step, jump, land.

She had to be silent, but quick at the same time. A bothersome duo, but the key ingredient to a successful venture.

Lift, hop, go and stop, lift, hop, go and stop.

A blonde picked up pace, scanning the ground below her in a frenzied manner. Her mission within a mission was to focus on getting a leafy green plant to save her friend and comrade's life. One dull kunai in hand, scratching the barks of the aged trees. She was intent of finishing her side mission at all costs.

So maybe that was why she nearly lost her footing with an unexpected sight. She quickly made her down through the trees, panting from the tiring time spent in the tops of the green leaves. Her long blonde hair trailing behind her; she made her way over to a crudely made camouflaged hideout.

" Gai-sensei? What happened to you?" the teen asked in genuine fright. It takes a lot to wrestle down the ever boasting taijustu master.

The old man smiled. His dark eyes fuzzy and unfocused. " My dear Ino. Though I have not been able to train you myself personally, I don't doubt your great abilities. Your generation is a great one. The greatest, in fact. And if anyone can handle anything, it most definitely is you, Ino."

The other merely nodded, not following where his ramble was going.

" But the point is, Yamanaka, Lee was my pupil, I could almost call him my son. That is why when I felt his pain, it became my own. And when he died, a part of me also withered away. I grew sloppy, curse it all, and I too, will soon die." tears formed in the man's eyes and Ino bit her upper lip, telling him to continue. " I imagined my loss to be a victorious one. Not killed by a cheap blow. Ino, dear child, I ask for you to remember me proudly and never forget to let the power of youth burn within you."

The blond saw within the corners of her eyes a tear falling. She also heard the slight ting of a liquid splash against cool steel. But what she cared the most about was the feeling she received when the slightest shiver traveled through her body and her blood froze when a cold voice softly uttered two words, " You're next."

Naruto silently cupped his hands into the rushing water of the stream. Once a fair amount of liquid formed in his hands he splashed the cool content on his face. The traitor band removed from his right eye and resting around his neck.

With a loud thump he fell on his back and dipped his bare feet into the water. His left one closed, he scanned his surroundings with his demon eye.

His vision was a bit sharper, stronger, and he could see past to where the forest was near ending and the beginning of a dry desert. From what he had heard, a great demon roamed that place, the great demon being a Jinchuuriki no doubt about. He almost grinned from anticipation.

Gaara of the Sand was another bijuu, Shukaku was another jinchuuriki. The boy had extraordinary powers, and the beast within the blonde would have to make sure that extraordinary power was gone. He couldn't wait.

But no matter the excitement from the mere thought of a fun battle, Uzumaki had to close both eyes from annoyance. He was becoming weaker. If a simple boy like the one with the weird haircut could touch him, that means anyone competent enough with the flimsiest of ninja tools could. And during the battle he realized this, a fit of hysteria washing over him as the pain and blood trickled down his middle. The wound long gone now, though, but the remaining hole of tattered clothing reminding him.

He growled lowly somewhere in his throat, and slowly opened both eyes. As expected he quickly closed back one at random, and gazed up at the blue expense above him and the painful headaches began.

Déjà vu hitting him hard, and he pushed the thoughts of the girl and boy out of his mind. Waves of the past pounding on his mind over and over again. It was a mistake ever going to Konoha, and the teen just realized it.

Ino Yamanaka. The name sounding so familiar to him, and he almost lost his temper with figuring her past out. That only triggered another fit. Why was he trying to figure her out so much?

With a heavy sigh he sat back up and thought. To find out more about her, he was going to take a trip into his past. So, selecting a few memories he focused his attention to where and when he first got his eye.

" She gonna be alright, Sakura?" a brunette asked her teammate.

Said girl replied doubtfully, " Of course, Ten-Ten. She's a strong girl. She'll make it."

" What's wrong with her, exactly? I mean, all you said was that she's dying, right? You never said how or what's causing it." the other pressed.

Sakura shook her head, " That's the problem. No matter what or how much I've seen, I never saw this kind of thing before. Hell, I don't even know if it's an infection, or whatever. Trust me, if I could tell you; I would. Sadly I can't, and that's what I'm afraid of the most."

The brunette nodded in despair for her two friends.

" So, there's nothing else we can do for Hinata?"

" No, all we can really do is wait for Ino to show up with the plant I asked for. Which basically means that our pig headed comrade has the life of an innocent girl in her hands." Sakura's frown creased into a sad smile. " Why don't you go to sleep, huh? We had a long day. Get some rest; she'll be alright, I'll look after her for the time being."

" Yeah, thanks Sakura. Wake me up sometime and I'll take over watching her." Ten-Ten scratched the back of her head. " If, uh, Ino doesn't come in time, what will happen?"

" I'm not even sure that plant will cure her, Ten-Ten, but if she's not quick enough, well, I thought it'd be obvious. If Ino Yamanaka does not come back within a day's time; she'll die, of course."

" Jiraya, I do always wished for your appearance to be...subtle," a pale man lightly slapped his forehead.

" Eh? What do you mean 'subtle'?" Jiraya growled. " You don't call me subtle? You're the one with white skin. Honestly man, how do you become that pale without some horrible disease?"

The snake fanatic gave a toothy grin, " Well, aren't we defensive."

Suddenly the two men were lying face down onto the hard dirt path.

" You two stop arguing and get going. Did you forget we have a dangerous Jinchuuriki somewhere?" the Godaime nagged.

" Honestly old hag, what is wrong with you? Have you not a single funny bone in your body? We're aware of that."

Tsuade rolled her eyes. " Well, when you two are done eating dirt and ready for a man's job, you can come back to me."

Jiraya bolted upright, " Hey, that's not funny!"

The other two both laughed.

" Well, now who's the one without a funny bone in their body?"

The old man grumbled and began to make his way out of the village gates. " See you when you're that much older, old hag." he waved her off.

" Be damn careful, he's a dangerous one, that Jinchuuriki."

She watched as the two Sanin began their hunt for the traitor.

" He has a name, Tsunade," Jiraya called just as he was out of distance, " remember it: Naruto Uzumaki."

A/N: Hey folks :)

So what? It's been like...a year since I updated this chapter? Ha, well sorry for the long wait guys and had some stuff come up; but I never forgot about this story!

And now that I'm re-reading it it's like...embarrassing for me to even put it up here and call it a story. My writing has definitely changed, but if for the better...who knows?

Blaaah, I need to fix those up...slowly :) And now I have to thank all my reviewers(that's right, if you review you get mentioned...sorta...I can't remember the names 'cause they were kinda from a year ago). Since I re-read those, this story is going in a completely new direction. I'm talking 360 degree turn o.o but the Ino/Amy fight is still...:closes mouth: whoops.

So anyways, I'm rambling :)(I have an obsession with smilies :D) and I'll get to updating 'The Difference Between a Hero and a Monster' like real soon. You have no idea how much time I spent on this because of a large writer's block...

See you people during the next chapter :D(please don't get bored of this).