Dino Thunder revised by tkrocks219

Disclaimer: This story contains slash.


4 adults stood at the front steps of Reefside High School, ready to live the quiet life they had already settle at 1992 and 1993 Valencia road in order to attain that life. Let's start with the introductions, The first of the four was Drs. Tommy Oliver and Kimberly Hart both 35 years old and barely out of grad school both teaching general science and biology. It was interesting to note that as of the present time Tommy had donned more ranger colors than every team combined (green morphin, white tiger, white falcon ninjetti, zeo ranger 5 red, and red turbo ranger). He also led the red rangers in a battle to scrap Serpentera on the moon. Now Kimberley Hart Pan Global gold medalist decided to give up professional gymnastics to get her masters in Biology and she and Tommy earned their PhD's in paleontology together at UCLA. Now the other three, Billy Cranston, Justin Stewart, and Jason Lee Scott also went to UCLA but with a different purpose getting their degrees in Biochemistry as well as Computer Engineering. Now Justin was exceptional getting his PhD at the age of 22.

Chapter One:

Tommy's Science Class:

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is Dr. Thomas Oliver and I'm your new science teacher." He said

"Hello Dr. Oliver my name is Cassidy Cornel from the school news station, and I would like to ask you a few questions." Cassidy the gossip said

"OK sure shoot away and if it get's way personal I'll just not comment." Tommy said being made aware by certain students how she loved to dig up dirt on people.

"First of you seem a bit young to be a Dr in paleontology, much less a science teacher." "And secondly are you by any chance single or are you seeing someone?" Cassidy inquired.

"First off Miss Cornel my personal life is none of your business, yes I am engaged to be married to Miss Kimberly Anne Hart the advance placement biology teacher and gymnastics coach who teaches three doors down." Tommy said giving her a look to drop the subject.

"Yeah Cassidy stop bugging the poor man, he's here to teach and probably make some new friends, not be interrogated by you or Devin who seem to enjoy other peoples discomfort." a young woman in yellow said with a concerned look.

"Ok fine but one more observation; are you by any chance in connection with Drs. Jason Lee Scott, Justin Stewart, and William "Billy" Cranston?" "It just seems too coincidental that you all moved here at the same time." Cassidy finished and went back to her seat.

"Yes I am we gained our high school, college, and grad school degrees at Angel Grove High School and then moved on to UCLA." Tommy said finally giving her an exasperated look.

Thus appeasing Cassidy's inquiry the day went on without a hitch, except for the fact that Tommy and Kim were sent to head detention for 3 teens Kira Ford, Ethan James, and Conner McKnight. The headed to the local museum where Tommy and Kim told them to find something prehistoric and he would call off detention for the rest of the week.

The teen began to walk around the woods until they fell into a pit. There they spotted a portion in the cave that looked as if it could be shifted. Conner being the curious one shifted the walls to reveal a chamber which had in the center of the room a pedestal with an open box containing 3 gems. Conner walked up and instinctively grabbed the red gem as Ethan grabbed the blue, and Kira grabbed the yellow.

"Well guys, these look prehistoric to me, I hope Dr. O and Dr. H think so because I don't want to miss more soccer practice." Conner said

"Yeah and I don't want to miss another band rehearsal." Kira stated

"Well ok your right I am president of the computer club and I missed a committee meeting already." Ethan said as they grabbed the stones and found a way out of the cave.

But their relief was short lived as these dinosaur type robotic goons came out of the woodwork and attacked the three teens. They fought them as best as they could.

"Man look at this I have super speed, and its way awesome." Conner said as he ran and played chase with the goons.

Soon enough as some goons pinned Kira down she let out a piercing scream that shocked everything and everyone in its path.

"Wow what the heck was that it was freaky but really cool." Kira said

"Yeah I have thick armor like skin and it is enabling me to finish of the rest of these goons." Ethan said

As soon as they were exhausted and through they made their way out of the woods to find Tommy and Kimberly, they definitely had many things to tell the good Drs.

Meanwhile Tommy and Kim were snooping around the museum where the doors said "Property of Mercer Industries" which left the couple puzzled since Anton Mercer was lost in the explosion that they along with Billy, Justin, and Jason were in.

"This is odd handsome, I know for a fact that Anton is dead and so this being his property could only mean he is alive." Kim said as she held onto Tommy's hand

Soon enough the T-Rex at the front entrance came to life and began to attack them. The couple dashed back to Tommy's jeep and began to drive away as fast as they could.

"Good job handsome like locking the door is going to help us not become dinosaur food." Kim said

So they drove as fast as they could back to 1992 Valencia Road and as far away from the scene as they could. What they didn't know was that their research was about to come back to them in the form of their three students.