It was a windy day in Spargus City where Jak and Daxter were sent to find an ancient artifact in the Wasteland.

"Aggghhh...Jak, why do we have to deal with this crap today?! If I am late for my masseuse I am so not going to be one potty trained ottsel today!" Daxter screamed in Jak's ear.

"How about you let me take care of it and you can just leave and then I can order and deliver food for you to!" Jak said in a sarcastic cheery tone.

"Really? Can you get Mexican-"Daxter was interrupted by Jak's laughter.

"Yeah right Daxter, because I would love nothing more than to be your little slave. Now quit your bitching and lets do this or else I am going to be one pissed off Jak!"

"Jeeze. Take a freaking chill pill!" Daxter muttered under his breath. When Jak entered the Spargus City garage, Jak grabbed his chest like his heart was aching.

"What's wrong, Jak?" Daxter asked quizzically.

"Just...Painful memories you know. I...uhhh...let's just get this over with." Daxter knew who Jak was talking about, Damas. It has been about 2 years since he died and Jak can't help thinking it was all his fault. His only means of family just vanished when he died and a little bit of Jak as well.

Driving into the desert for the first time in a while there was an awkward silence between Jak and Daxter.

"So...uh...How is everything with Tess?" Jak hesitated.

"It's great. Thanks for asking. So...uh...sorry to hear about you and Keira. It must be hard on you." Daxter said.

"Yeah whatever. We're just friends now, but breaking up wasn't easy as it sounded." About a week ago Keira and Jak had thought it best to just become friends again because they always fought about nothing for no particular reason.

Jak had stopped the vehicle in front of a cave. Going in there, there were a couple metalheads and Jak gave them a little surprise. As they walked deeper into the cave they saw an artifact that looked sort of like a mirror on top of a ledge.

"That's it! Now all we need to do is find a way to get up there." As Jak walked towards it, he heard a woman yell, "What the hell do you think your doing!"

"Huh?" Jak and Daxter said in unison and turned around.

It was a women who looked about the age of 17. She was about '5"6", had blond hair with black hair underneath adding more added sexiness to her beautiful face. She had piercing bluish-silver eyes that Jak stared into and thought he had seen those eyes before. She was wearing 3 quarter sleeved dark blue crop top and she was wearing shorts similar to Tess's.

"Who are you!" she yelled pointing a gun in there direction. Daxter being the flirt he was said this," Hey candy-pants!" She looked very confused at him. " Yeah that's right! I'm talking to you sweet cheeks! Hows about we get out of this place to mine and we can stare at each other...naked." She walked up to him and gave him a firm smack on the cheek. " OWWW! JAK DO SOMETHING!!" Daxter whined in that annoying tone he always did.

" Wait...Jak. Like the Jak?" The woman questioned. " Your impressed now aren't you?" Daxter said with a smart ass grin.

" Who wants to know?" Jak started to stare at her but refrained him from doing so. " It's me Jak! Don't you remember me? Sandover village? I was seven and you were nine? Its me Autumn!" She said looking as she were about to cry. Jak suddenly remembered and had a flashback.

"Hey Jak! Wanna go Yakow tipping?" Autumn asked Jak who replied with a nod. "Wait up for me!" Daxter yelled at not wanting to be left behind.

Jak and Autumn were alone to fast for Daxter. " Jak I...need to tell you something." Jak nodded staring up into her eyes. "I think I like you." She said giving him a little peck on the cheek. They now were both blushing until a strange portal appeared. "What is that?" She yelled. Jak just shrugged terrified as her. It started to pull Autumn in, but Jak held onto her, him secured by a pole. Jak wasn't srong enough though and it managed to pull her in. 10 years ago and Jak remebered perfectly.

"Yeah. I rememeber now." Jak said snapping out of his flashback. The only thing that puzzled Jak was why is she here now? And why did she get sucked into that portal?