
By Lomeinie

Rating: G (angst warning)

Spoilers: All the way through Doomsday.

Summary: For as long as she lived, Rose Tyler couldn't stand the sight of bare walls.

Disclaimers: I don't own Rose or any bit of Doctor Who and since I've made zilch from this fic I expected not to be sued.


Three years after she had been stranded on this parallel Earth, away from the Doctor and the only life she had ever really wanted, Rose Tyler set out to make a life of her own away from her family. She had taken a mid level job with Torchwood, and even though Pete had offered to help her find a suitable flat. Rose had turned his offered help down because she preferred cozy instead of the spacious luxury his wealth offered.

So Rose moved into a flat that was cozy and yet a big larger than the one she'd shared with her mum in Powell Estates. It came already furnished with all the basics, and all it would need was for Rose to move her personal things in. In her time here on this Earth, Rose hadn't acquired much in the way of material possessions as she just couldn't bring herself to replace the things she'd left behind on the TARDIS.

On the night she moved in, she'd noted the bare walls as she put away her her clothes. For as long as she lived, Rose Tyler couldn't stand the sight of bare walls because they represented everything she'd lost that day. The problem was not what to do about them but finding the time to do something since her job at Torchwood kept her busy.

In the end she decided the one bare wall that'd have to go first would be her bedroom wall since she'd be spending the majority of her time in there. On one of her rare days off, she had recruited Mickey into helping her put up wallpaper on the wall along with a few shelves. Mickey had remarked he didn't know why they'd bothered with the shelves but Rose knew it was because she just couldn't bear to look at an empty wall.