Troy and gabriella have been friend forever. They've beent here for each other at all of the worst and best times, but now Gabriella has a boyfriend and Troy has every other girl in school asking him out. They're both convinced that they're just friends but their friends think otherwise, will anything happen between them... duh, but it might take a while, read on please.

Okay, I wrote this cause i know there are plenty of stories about Gabriella and Troy being best friends, but it seems like in all of them they have this scary friend relationship where they can kiss and stuff and it doesn't matter cause they still think that they're just friends... no way! I mean does that actually happen in real life... probably, but not in mine so it doesn't count. Get ready for a whole lot of tension, lol, I love writing scenes with sexual tension cause the charaters are so stupid... anyway read on and enjoy, this chappy is actually K-rated, but I decided to make it K+ for later on.

Disclaimer- I just realsied how cool it would be if celebrities read fanfics about themselves... like, if I was a celebrity (ie, i'm not) I've always said that i'd read my wikipedia page and edit it and stuff and then the mods would be all like 'you don't have the right to edit this page, you don't know that this person is dating this person' or whatever and I'd be like 'yeah right, I AM Jg Rox, of course she's dating Zac Efron', sounds good doesn't it... but sadly I'm not a celebrity or dating Zac Efron, in fact I haven't even met him and if I haven't met him that would imply that I have nothing whatspever to do with High School musical cause how pissed would you be if you owned it and hadn't even met Zac Efron... i'd be pretty pissed... so no, i don't own High School Musical... or Zac Efron... and i haven't even made myself a wikipedia page yet... or written fanfic on myself... but oneday i will do all of those things... except for the minor age difference cause on my profile page i think i said i was five... hmmmm...

Fiftieth Time Lucky?


Gabriella lay back in her chair, watching Troy and his father play basketball with mild interest. Troy managed to steal the ball from his father, but lost it again almost immediately, he watched as his father dribbled the ball to the hop and shot, easily getting it through the net.

"Come on, Troy!" the young father encouraged his son. "If you focus a little you'll get better." Troy shrugged and sat down in middle of the court sulking. He glanced at Gabriella for help but she was smirking into her can of coke.

"It's not my fault if you're good at everything!" Troy yelled at her angrily, she stopped smirking and got out of her seat. Sitting next to him on the ground, she grabbed the ball that his dad had left on the court and tossed it to him. Troy caught it easily and stood as she motioned for him to throw it back. He did and she caught it.

"Good, now pretend that you're throwing it at the square on the backboard there." She pointed at the hoop and Troy looked incredulously at her.

"Fiftieth time lucky?" He asked sarcastically. She shrugged and watched him shoot, the ball bounced off the backboard and rolled around the ring of the basket. The two seven year olds watched as it kept on circling the hole in the middle of the ring. As if in slow motion, the ball leant a little to the right and fel through the hoop, bouncing noisily on the ground in front of the children. They were silent for a moment, staring at the spot where the ball had just hit the ground. Suddenly they both cheered and hugged each other and danced around the concrete basketball court, falling onto the ground laughing after a while.

"See, I said you could do it!" Gabriella teased. Troy smiled at her and sat up.

"Cool, now I can join the school team, maybe they'll put me in the D's, is that good?" Gabriella giggled.

"Troy, the D's are the second worst team, you just got the ball in the basket, you'll easily make the C's, maybe even the B's." She said excitedly, Troy smiled at her as she sat up too.

"Thank you for teaching me how to shoot Gabriella." Troy said as sincerely as a seven year old could.

"My pleasure." Gabriella said back, both having neither idea what the point f thanking people was but doing it anyway.

"Gabi!" Mrs. Bolton's yell came out from the kitchen window. "Your mum wants to speak to you!" Gabriella stood and ran inside, Troy watching her leave with a confused expression. She disappeared inside and he fell back onto the ground, amazed at how easily it had been for him to get the ball in the basket with her help. He sighed, what would he ever do without his best friend.

--End Flashback--

Gabriella Montez dodged a second paper aeroplane before stopping at her locker. She put her bag down and carefully pulled off the poster advertising the next basketball game, as if she cared, and quickly opened the stiff metal door. She tiredly hoisted her heavy bag into her locker, unpacking the books onto their allocated shelves automatically. As she continued unpacking her bag she glanced at all of the photos in her locker, one of her standing with her mum and dad in front of their new house when she was 4, one of her and her dad decorating a Christmas tree when she was 6, all of friends crowding around the piñata at her 12th Birthday party and then one of her and Troy when they were 8, holding hands at her fathers funeral.

"Hey, Gabs." A voice came from behind her.

"Hey, Taylor." She answered not needing to turn around to recognise her best friend's voice.

"You're running late today." Taylor pointed out.

"I know. Mum was upset 'cause today's the day my dad died."

"Oh… sorry."

"No, it's fine." Gabriella assured her friend. "It was 8 years ago, I'm over the whole crying thing, now I can finally just be happy that I have some good memories of him." Gabriella said truthfully. Taylor nodded seriously and grabbed Gabriella's pencil case as it fell out of her locker and onto the floor. Gabriella muttered a thanks and closed her locker, hurrying down the hallway as the bell went and everyone began shuffling off to their homerooms.

"So, have you decided whether or not you'll join the Decathlon team again?" Taylor asked in a would-be casual voice.

"I'm not sure… I have a lot of stuff going on right now."

"Like what?" Taylor asked incredulously and Gabriella shrugged.

"I don't know, my mum's new boyfriend, my dance and singing classes, my tutoring, my job at the corner store and my boyfriend, not to mention studying for the end of yearlies."

"Oh, yeah. But besides all of that-"

"With all of the spare time I'm going to have for studying for the Decathlon, you might as well get Chad or some other basketball guy to do it instead, they'll probably be better for you in the end… especially Chad…" Gabriella glanced sideways at her friend who was blushing slightly.

"What if I got Troy on the team? Would that be enough incentive for you to join too?" Taylor teased.

"Eww, Tay! Troy is one of my best friends, besides, I have a boyfriend and me liking him would just be… gross." Taylor shrugged and turned into their homeroom, putting her books on her deck before following Gabriella to hers at the back of the room.

"Yeah, but you don't even like Josh. You never have." Gabriella shushed Taylor as her boyfriend entered the room, sidling towards her immediately.

"Maybe not, but he's so sweet to me, and he's a great friend anyway." Gabriella explained in a whisper.

"But you don't like him the same way that he likes you, and that isn't fair on him." Taylor continued, then quickly moved back to her desk when Josh arrived at Gabriella's.

"Hey babe." Josh said, kissing Gabriella lightly on the cheek. She smiled at his kiss; secretly glad that he hadn't tried to kiss her on the lips again, she hadn't enjoyed that at all.

"Hey." She replied, her eyes flicking to the door as the first few members of the basketball team began walking in. Josh followed her eyes and looked at the door just as Troy walked in laughing at something, his dark hair messy and looking as though training had just ended. Troy raised his hand at Gabriella and Josh, who both smiled back, Josh's somewhat forced, and sat in his seat at the front, easily catching the basketball that Chad threw at him.

Josh turned back towards his girlfriend, whose eyes were still fixed on Troy at the front of the room. Josh waited for Gabriella to look back at him, but she didn't and he was forced to edge back to his desk when Ms. Darbus entered the room in her usual sweeping shawls and huge glasses.

Most people continued talking as Ms. Darbus glared at the room in general, the exceptions were Sharpay and Ryan, who were eagerly watching their idol and Gabriella who was still absent-mindedly watching Troy. Ms. Darbus cleared her throat dramatically and the room immediately fell silent. The only sound was that of Chad bouncing his basketball on his desk, which he instantly stopped when Ms. Darbus shot him a glare.

"And today's announcements are as follows-" The teacher began, everyone sliding a little further down in their hard plastic chairs.

I hope that was okay, like i said it's a little different form my normal stories, it's a lot slower, which is good cause toherwise they end up really short. Please review, I like reviews, they make me feel good about myself, they make me feel like I really am a celebrity and really do deserve my own wikipedia page... and to date Zac Efron... which i just decided that I'd be pretty morally opposed to doing if he's still dating Vanessa cos they're cute togther and have they're own coupls name... I wonder what me and Zac Efron would be, I'm open to suggestions for that as well... and me and Orlando Bloom... and me and Chad Michael Murray... and me and- I'll stop now. PLEASE REVIEW