Superdigidude: Alright I jus finished watching the new heroes n im gonna take the advice of 1 of my reviewers and try to change things up...

Peter shielded his eyes from the light with his hand. When the light subsided he looked and realized he was in a city. He looked around and saw banners covered many of the buildings.

"Vote Petrelli"

One read. He felt the name should mean something to him but nothing registered in his mind. Then he recognized a young man with long hair that covered half his face. It was himself, or was it? He couldn't remember, but gut instinct told him that is what he used to look like.

"Nathan" his self called out. A man in a suit turned around to face him.

"What is it?" asked Nathan.

"I did it again" he said in a lowered tone. This Nathan character he had some sort of relation with him, figured Peter.

"Now you listen to me, you cannot fly, its best you just forget whatever you think you did" said Nathan before stepping into a limo.

Was he mental or could he really fly? Peter had no idea which was true. This vision wasn't much help, he still didn't know who he was. Now he needed to find this Nathan man, he could tell him. Suddenly there was another blind light and Peter had to shield his eyes...

"Claire, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the library to research our lab project" said West as he walked up next to Claire after class.

"Uh, sure when do you wanna go?" she asked.

"Claire, West, my best friends" said Dave before West could answer. "Well not really you West, but Claire how is it goin?"

"Wow Dave you got over here fast" said West with an expressionless face. "Isn't your class across the school?"

Dave shot him a glare before responding. "Well I couldn't let you seduce Claire now could I?"

"Alright boys let's calm down" said Claire sensing the tension. "Whoa!!" Dave and West watched as Claire fell forward. Dave went to catch her at super speed but he hesitated and was too late. Claire smashed into the pavement and broke her nose.

"Shit" cursed Claire as she tried to fix her nose.

"Are you alright?" asked West as he turned Claire over. Dave and he stared in amazement as Claire's nose was perfectly fine. What Claire didn't realize was she still had blood on her face that just sealed up.

"Awesome" said Dave.

"I told you she was like us" said West almost in a whisper.

Then it hit Claire what they had just seen. "Wait I can explain" she said hurriedly.

"No need" said Dave. Before West could say anything Claire and Dave were gone in the blink of an eye.

"Bitch" cursed West as he headed off.

Dave came to a halt in Sydney, Australia.

"Whoa" said Claire in amazement. She got out of Dave's arms and looked around. She saw the famous Sydney landmark and new it was real.

"You're not alone" said Dave. He had the urge to expose West but decided against it.

"I never would've guessed" said Claire. "Is that how you saved me on the first day?"

"Yup" Dave replied. "But apparently you wouldn't have gotten hurt." He joked. "So anywhere in particular you wanna go?"

Reading, Pennsylvania

A smoldering trial of fire surrounded a row of homes. In the distance a man in a red hood was walking away as sirens pulled up.

"Hey, buddy, did you see what happen here?" asked a man you came up as he dialed 911.

The hooded man simply stared at him before his whole body became lit with fire and he took off into the night sky...

New York, New York

Nathan Petrelli looked into the sky. He had recently shaven but that didn't change things. His brother was gone, well that's what everyone told him. He couldn't lose hope though it was the last piece of sanity he had left. As he searched the sky that four months ago he had flown into he saw a fiery streak fly across the sky.

It couldn't be, but it had to be some sort of sign. Standing up Nathan prepared to lift off. Could he still? Within seconds he was in the air following this thing that left an easy enough trail. Whoever this was they hadn't noticed Nathan yet because he continued flying, where he was going.

Suddenly the man turned around and fired a fire ball towards Nathan causing him to move abruptly. Smiling, satisfied, he continued on his journey losing his tail.

Nathan opened his eyes to see the man or thing was gone. With no other choice he headed back to New York...

The fire man arrived at a smile house in the middle of a jungle. He noticed the door was open and entered with caution. Looking around he saw a dead woman on the floor. It was a shame, but had to be done eventually.

"Good, soon he will recover" spoke the man. "And vengeance will be mine."

Hawaii Islands

"I never knew going to Hawaii could be so..." Claire thought of the right word.

"Beautiful" said Dave.

"Exciting actually" corrected Claire.

"I was talking about you" said Dave and before Claire could do or say anything he leaned in and kissed her. Claire wrapped her arms around him before they broke the kiss.

"Wow" said Claire.

"Yea" agreed Dave.

"You know we gotta get back" said Claire reluctantly.

"Really?" protested Dave.

"Really" said Claire with a grin. Dave picked her up bridal style and zoomed off back to California.

Unknown Location

Peter opened his eyes to an unexpected sight. A young woman with blonde hair, staring directly at him.

"Peter" she said.

Peter didn't answer. He looked at her then looked around and realized she must be talking to him.

"You don't remember anything do you?" she questioned.

Peter shook his head before replying. "Who are you?"

"I was sent here to find you, and bring you in" she answered. "But I'm not going to"

"What?" asked Peter curious as to why she was supposed to bring him in and why she wasn't going to.

"I'm like you" she said and raised her arm. Peter watched in amazement as sparks flew from her hand.

"Whoa, I can't do anything like that" said Peter in disbelief.

"Yes, you can Peter" she said moving towards him. "And I'm going to help you remember." With that there was another flash of blinding light and the two were taken away.