
By Jadecoyote

Rated: T+

Author's note: Your probally all wondering why I failed to continue writing this story until now. Well the truth is how do I end this story? I have long contimplated it until a reviewer sent me a wonderful review and I knew I would have to continue again. If I get stuck again and stop be patient with me. You know how it is.

Lucky sat on the floor of her room she considered a prison cell, holding the rusty spoon in her fingertips with the end of it sharpened. The first thought that came to her mind was using it to stab one of these sons of bitches in the neck and trying to make a run for it. By now though she realized that no matter how many times she attempted to run they would always find her. It was a sickening pain in her stomach that made her groan, toss and turn every night. Instead she carved words into the floorboards, trying to keep herself sane, anything to keep from slipping into the madness. What did they want from her? They kept her here and killed all of her friends, but not her. Her leg was shackled to the bed so she wouldn't make another attempt like before. Since what happened with Nubbins there was no longer a door on her room which actually made things worst then before, especially with Nubbins shuffling by once and a while to glare at her in that perverse sort of way that made her skin want to crawl off her body. When Tommy did come it was later in the day and she lost feeling to her legs by sitting in one spot for hours on end. Lucky's stomach protested as she tried to eat the piece of corn bread, but her lips were chapped and her teeth hurt from lack of care. She looked up when she heard his shuffing steps at the threshold. He was standing stock still looking at her from behind one of his meat masks. When he entered the room she pushed the tray toward him.

"I'm going to die here Tommy...I can't live like this. Some animal made to eat, sleep"she said placing her hand over her mouth, shutting her eyes for a moment. "I am going to die. How can I go on when I am losing the will?"she said dropping her hand to her side letting out a deep breath. Tommy lowered himself to the floor and instead of giving any comfort and answers his big hand came out and started to pick at the food she had offered him. Lucky watched him and knew that she was only given enough food to survive, but kept her too weak to run away. It was then she heard a car. In the distance cows mooed somewhere reminded Lucky how she got to this horriable place. Tommy had also heard the car and got to his feet and bolted out of the room and a moment later his shadow had gone along with his large master.

Downstairs the doors of a car slammed and there were voices. "You don't have to worry we have a phone in the house that you can call someone. You fellas are a long way from any city" the voice of the Sheriff was telling some people Lucky could not see. Oh God! They had no idea what dangers were going to meet them.

The two men Ash and William followed the Sheriff into the house, the heat beating both of their youthful forms as they made their way up the steps of the old house. Ash slid a hand through his jet black hair and raised his eyes staring up at the crumbling structure, a feeling of unnervingness passed over him, but he brushed it aside and looked at his friend and the Sheriff realizing he had stopped dead in his tracks on the porch.

"We don't get many visitors here since the town up and closed up. Where are you boys from?" the Sheiff asked, turning his head to look at them with curiousity. William who was golden haired and broad shouldered, dressed in a button up white shirt and jeans smiled casually. "Boston originally. We are traveling cross country to write a book about side show attractions you see when you are traveling cross country"he said. "Well I don't travel cross country" the Sheriff said. "Well imagine if you did then these would be the places you would see. The kind of shit you wouldn't believe you saw" William continued, walking down the narrow hall with the Sheriff. "Boy I have seen all lot of shit" The Sheriff said.

Ash went to follow when he heard a whimpering coming from upstairs. Against his better judgement he felt the aching desire to check it out. He knew he shouldn't go up there, but he found his hand on the railing. Straining his ears he made his way to the top, ignoring the fact that he is indeed in someone elses house and might get in trouble (or maybe..I dunno KILLED). Finally he comes to the room where Lucy is sitting , chained to the floor.

"Oh my god! Are you okay? What the hell?"he said. Lucy looked at him with a weary expression, her blue eyes taking him in. If she tells him whats going on then he will probally be killed and she will get in trouble. Or she couldn't tell him and he would be killed anyway. Bowing her head she shook it, dirty blond strands falling in her face.

"You should"she said softly. "Your chained to the floor! Are you crazy? Besides I can't leave my car broke down. I was brought here by the Sheriff" he said. Lucy gasped and tried to stand up. "The Sheriff! No..."She cried.

(Yeah I am that much of a bitch I am going to leave it at a cliff hanger. Why? WHY? why? Because! Like a good tv show I am leaving at the best moment and I am feeling inspired again. Note: Yes Ash Williams is a reference to Evil Dead. And I made a quote about the side show attractions as an omage to Rob Zombie's House of 1000 corpses that is an omage to the franchise the movie this fanfic is of. Yes I will continue)