Chapter1- can I go?

"JAZZ LIE BACK DOWN!!" Ratchet yelled

"But am fine doc!" he protested

"I JUST fixed you; you shall stay HERE until further noticed." He ordered

"But I 'ered about this Concert t'nite, I wanna go!" he exclaimed

"NO!" Ratchet shot back and exited the room. Jazz grumbled then turned on his Comm. link

'Jazz t' Bee... com in Bee!' he yelled and Bumblebee almost offlined out of shock at hearing his voice again

'J-Jazz?' he asked un-believingly

'The one an only. Listen a need ya elp.' Jazz stated sounding desperate

'What do you need lieutenant?' Bee asked

'A way outta tis fraggin med-bay!' he exclaimed

'...Ratchet is gonna kill me for this but, 54708437125378.' He spoke

'Wha's tat?' Jazz asked confused

'Code for the system, if you spell out the last five numbers from a human communication device... it spells Alert.' He spoke sounding like he was grinning

'Thanks Bee, I owe ya one.' He smiled

'Happy to help, Bee out.' And it cut off. Jazz stood up and wobbled a bit but caught himself as he sneaked over to the door and punched the code, true to Bumblebees words, the door slid open and he was out.

'FREEEDOOOMMM!!!' he thought and transformed into the awesome Pontiac Solstice then sneaked his way out the base. Ratchet had arrived back with a data pad in his hand and noticed the doors open

"... Oh SLAG!!!" he cursed and turned on his tracking sensors... too bad Jazz was out of range. A few hours after a band was setting up

"Do ya have the toys?" a girl asked, the girl seemed around 29 years of age with black hair streaked with green and bright green eyes, she wore a black top with fish-net under top and a pair of black baggy pants, her accessories included a spiky wrist band, a pair of red shades and big black boots.

"They're not toys Anya!" a younger girl exclaimed with annoyance she was around 25, her hair was long, wavy and dark blue, her bright blue eyes shone with a mischievous yet angry glint, she wore a long sleeved red top with a strap black one over it and dark blue jeans with brown timberland boots covered in paint and varnish. "They're beautiful instruments, and you just go and smash em up like a glass bottle against a wall!" she growled

"Fine-fine; the instruments." Anya stated with sarcasm as er younger sister threw up her hands in annoyance and stormed off. She came back minutes later with five guitars, a keyboard, a set of drums and a base Guitar. "You out-did yourself sis." Anya smirked

"I'M the artist behind the instruments, YOU just play them, now get ya hiney out there before I loose my patience." And she pushed Anya onto the stage as the guys in the bad laughed. Jazz had turned his hologram –which wasn't fully functional so he only had use of his feet, arms and hands- and stood at the front. The younger girl walked into the crowd and stood a few feet away from him obviously not enjoying it. Anya came out on stage with a red and black guitar in her hands

"ARE YOU READY TO ROCK!!?" she yelled and everyone except Jazz and the girl cheered "ok... that was pathetic... COME YET ME HEAR YA YELL!!!" she screamed and everyone cheered louder "that's more like it!" she exclaimed grinning as the girl seethed with anger

"Oh she is NOT gonna ruin my baby!" she growled "YOU RUIN MY GUITAR AND YOU'RE DEAD MEAT!!" she yelled and Anya winked at her as Jazz looked at her and immediately frowned, her energy signature... wasn't of a normal human... it was that of an Autobot. The Concert ruled... everybody had either lost their voices from cheering or had sore throats

"Ok, you've been starin at me all through the bloody concert, what's up?" the girl asked Jazz and he turned to face her, almost immediately her face heated up, she never got a real glance at him thanks to the lights and now... boy was she glad she did, dark skin, bright almost glowing electrical blue eyes hidden behind silver shades, Brown long-ish hair that had a side parting, athletically built and drop dead gorgeous

"Yo was shoutin a lot." He answered and she raised an eyebrow

"Yeah, my sister smashed my guitar, whada ya expect a party?" she asked

"She's your sister?" he asked confused

"Yep... not really related though, her parents found me when I was 17... why am I telling you this?" she asked herself

"I dunno... do you have a car?" he asked

"Of course." She answered "why? Ya not gonna steal it are ya?" she asked menacingly

"No, I got ma own vehicle." He grinned

"Mine's out there in the parkin lot, next to the sweet Pontiac." She smirked and he grinned

"And that would be mine." He spoke and she grinned


"Wait... yours is a Toyota FT-HS Hybrid?" he asked and she nodded "Concept car?" he asked and she grinned

"I get the latest and greatest cause of ma work... always wanted a Solstice though... never really afford one." She spoke depressed and quickly switched to anger as Anya walked over

"Hiya sis."

"I'm gonna murder you!" she yelled angrily and went to strangle Anya but Jazz held her back

"That's no way to treat your sister Leila." Anya frowned

"Yo name's Leila?" Jazz asked her and she nodded

"Who are you?" Anya asked

"Jazz." He answered, unfortunately he didn't posses all his strength at the moment and Leila was strong... very strong actually and almost managed to get out of his grip

"LET GO OR I'LL KICK YA!" she yelled and he let go quickly making sure she wouldn't kick through him "YOU, buy me all the material, all the strings, all the teeny tiny pieces and GLUE them together for me." She growled at Anya

"Why?" she asked confused

"YOU BROKE MY BABY!!" Leila yelled

"Yo make those?" Jazz asked and Leila turned around to face him

"Yeah, my talent is wasted on those fools, ugh and I don't even get paid!" she ranted as Jazz stared at her sensing... something, like a spark.

"Hmm... oh frag! Ratch's gonna kill me." Jazz groaned

"Who's Ratch?" Leila asked

"Medic from hell, I was injured an well... I shuden't be ere, so I'll catch ya later." He grinned and was about to walk away but Leila stopped him

"You seem Familiar... somehow... I don't know how but you just do... have I met you before?" she asked cautiously

"I don't know... you tell me." He winked and she blushed "ere, phone tis number an ask for Jazz if ya remember... they'll know who ya talkin 'bout." He grinned and wrote down a number then gave it to her.

"Ok." She smiled and he walked off and disappeared down the road in the Pontiac

"Oooh, someone's got an admirer." Anya teased

"Shut it guitar wreaker, I ain't talkin to ya." She growled and stormed off. When she got home she pressed a button on her answering machine to check her messages

'Four new messages: -beep- Leila will you please answer the phone, I said I was sorry! –Beep- come on girl, how many time do I have to say it, I never wanted her to do that! –Beep- LEILA ANSWER THE DAMN PHONE! -Beep- ugh I give up, if you change your mind... you know my number... –beep- no more new messages' and it cut off

"Ugh why can't he leave me alone the cheatin bastard?" She ranted and pressed delete. She found the number in her pocket and wondered whether or not to call the strange man from the concert, he did say 'if she remembered'... but she didn't. "How can I remember him but not know where from?!" she asked herself out-loud. Meanwhile

"YOU SON OF A GLITCH!" Ratchet yelled seething with anger

"Sorry Ratch, but I think I found a Cybertronian femme..." Jazz mumbled as he swung his legs back and forth on the recharge bed.

"What?!" Ratchet yelped

"At the concert there was this girl called Leila... her body was radiating spark energy." He frowned as Ratchet's face gained a 'wtf?' look

"Are you sure she's the femme and not her vehicle?" he asked

"I don't know Ratch, what I do know is I was holding her back from killing her sister because she ruined her guitar... and the spark energy practically powered my own systems." Jazz stressed

"That sounds vaguely familiar." Ratchet frowned

"I know... the only one that ever actually did that was... Moonbeam." Jazz frowned "but she died in the youth centres..." he spoke dejectedly

"Maybe you ought to go see her; it may clear things up a little." Ratchet grinned

"Yo givin me permission t'leave 'gain?" Jazz asked confused

"If it stops you moping about then sure you have my per-" he was cut off by the door opening and Optimus walking in with a phone in his hand

"It's for you Jazz." He smirked and Jazz took the phone and ran out. He put it to his audio receptors and listened

"Hi?" he asked

"Hi... could you come over to my house, I need to ask you a few questions... i'm stumped on where I know ya from." She spoke dejectedly

"Jus one question... yo like kids?" he asked and he could tell she was frowning

"Completely random question, but yeah I do; I remember being a nurse at one point but I can't remember when." She answered and he grinned 'SHE'S ALIVE!!' he yelled internally

"I'll be round in... half an hour... where do you live?" he asked confused

"A few miles away from Hoover Dam, small house on a hill." She answered

"Oh I seen tha one a while back." He grinned remembering when the Autobots zoomed passed chasing Barricade.

"Well I'll seya soon then." She smiled and he hung up "oh god what if he's some sort of psycho?" she panicked and heard a scratching noise "oh crud Blitz!" she yelped and leaped over the couch to let the poor dog out of the kitchen. The big black and white fluffy dog jumped up at her and licked her face happy to see her.

"Blitz, get off I have a visitor coming round and I don't want your fur all over me." She giggled and he jumped off her cocking his head to the side and whined "Ok ok food." She smiled and filled his bowl with dog biscuits, meat, pasta and Veggies... perfect for a growing Alaskan Malamute. A few minutes later there was a knock at the door, she jumped over the couch again and opened it after almost stumbling on the rug.

"You called?" Jazz grinned

"Yeah, now watch out for the dog, he doesn't know you." She smiled and let him in. Blitz immediately trotted over wondering who the newcomer was

"...That's your dog?" he asked shocked

"Yeah... big buggar ain't he." She grinned

"The mos I've seen ov a dog is a lil Chihuahua... annoying lil rat." He growled at the memory of it 'lubricating' on his foot earlier in the day

"Ugh I hate the lil yappers, they need a constant mussel." She frowned and stroked Blitz "i'm more of the big dog type." She smirked then sat down and gestured him to sit on the couch, which he did. "So... question time." She smirked slyly

"First I have a question for you... how much of your past do you remember?" he asked suspiciously

"Bits an pieces, I remember having a husband or something like that... I remember working as a nurse/helper in a youth centre, I remember there being a big explosion... then... nothing." She answered

"Husband? Like Marriage?" he asked and she nodded

"I think; either that or a very close boyfriend." She shrugged as Blitz jumped up and led on her lap "any more questions?" she asked

"Yeah... before the medic said sumthin... it got me thinkin... have you ev'r 'eard of Moonbeam?" he asked and she frowned slightly

"I remember the name... but that's all." She shrugged and his eyes widened, it WAS her.