(If you read something similar to this a few days ago, please don't report me for plagiarism. This is me starting over on that story. Thanks.)
Faster, Harder, Deeper
They're falling into love. MWPP, SBRL, SSRL, slight AU. Cliches with a twist.
One, a little more than friends.
It's chilly outside this morning, and all Sirius wants to do is climb into the hot, steamy shower. Only, the door is locked.
"Oi," he shouts, knocking at the door. "It's my turn for a shower."
"Sorry," says Remus as he unlocks the door and lets it swing open. "The shower's free. I'm just getting ready for classes." He turns back to the mirror and continues to work at his hair with his fingers.
"What's up, Re? You've been in here for ages," Sirius wanted to know. Remus does not wear cologne, but something about his scent today makes Sirius' heart beat harder. "You don't have a date or anything, do you mate?"
"How do I look?" Remus evades, turning around so that Sirius can see him fully.
"She won't be able to keep her claws off you," he grins, keeping resentment away from his voice and his eyes from straying too far down. No one would, not when even Sirius Black has to shove his hands in his pockets to keep from grabbing his friend and… touching him.
Remus nods a little and squeezes past Sirius as he mumbles about seeing him at breakfast. Sirius tenseswhen their arms brush and he wonders if Remus felt the spark too.
The others are halfway through breakfast when Sirius reaches the Great Hall. He sits on James' other side and watches Remus discreetly. It's driving him crazy, the way Clarisse Carby leans in to playfully bat at Remus' shoulder, and Remus lets her, grinning flirtatiously as he continues with his joke. Clarisse was just flirting with Sirius a couple days ago, and why would Remus want a slag like that?
But what really gets him is when Clarisse invites him to walk with her friends to class and he goes, flirting with not just Clarisse, but all the girls, and they titter like canaries. Sirius refuses their invitation to walk with them, so James and Peter do the same. Remus looks curious for a moment but shrugs it off. "What is that?" Sirius snaps when he is out of earshot.
"What, is ickle Siri-poo afraid of losing his Idol status?" James coos. Peter joins in his laughter.
Sirius is furious. "Since when does Moony flirt with girls? Since when do girls flirt with him?"
James clears his throat uncomfortably. "Well, if you haven't noticed, Moony is rather good looking."
"Yes," Sirius bites out, "I've noticed." James and Peter exchange glances, but Sirius doesn't care. "Why now? Why not before?"
"Because he's even hotter today," James explains.
Peter pipes up, "You can practically smell the sexy on him!"
Sirius doesn't know what the other two are talking about. He's no more attracted to Remus than usual.
Remus excuses himself to the dorms as soon as they step through the portrait hole, which surprises Sirius. He assumed Remus would continue flirting, maybe kiss a girl or two, but he doesn't. So Sirius follows him up the stairs.
"You're ignoring me," Sirius accuses as he shuts the door behind them.
"No I'm not," Remus says as he loosens his tie.
"Weird, eh?" Remus smirks, and Sirius has trouble breathing. He has trouble breathing because Remus lunges at him, smashing their lips together and moving his lips enthusiastically, thrusting his tongue into Sirius' mouth and making the pureblood moan.
"Oh," he says when Remus pulls away.
"Pheremones," Remus explains quickly, "Heat. Always sometime between when the new moon sets and the full moon rises. It'll start one day and won't stop until I get laid. You don't know what hell it is."
Sirius can see Remus moving to get up, so he grabs Remus' wrist. "I can help you," Sirius offers.
"I don't want to use you," Remus says, but Sirius has his other hand down the boy's pants and the last word comes out as a moan.
"Remus, I know you. You won't sleep with a bird unless she's your girlfriend and you won't get a girlfriend unless you like her and she knows and you've had a couple dates. And I know you're not likely to get a girlfriend, because you'll feel like you're using her. So please, Remus, do us all a favor and sleep with me." He doesn't even let Remus answer before he kisses Remus again and pulls him back on to his bed.
Remus resists at first, but the resistance doesn't last long. Soon he's tugging at Sirius' robes and tugging down his pants. Sirius is sweating and so turned on by the time Remus strips off his own clothing and closes the bed hangings around them.
--The experience is as quick as Remus can make it. As soon as it's over, Remus murmurs a cleaning spell and a thanks before he darts off to the showers.
Sirius rolls over in his bed and smells Remus everywhere and wants to cry. Everything hurts. His heart. His asshole. He hears Remus pad back into the room and stop by his bed. Sirius wonders what Remus is thinking. Is he watching Sirius as he sleeps? Ha. He wishes.
"Hullo Moony," he murmurs. He's not looking. He isn't going to.
"I'm sorry, Padfoot. I didn't want to use you like that."
Sirius laughs lightly. "It's no big deal. What are friends for?"
Remus shrugs without a word. "I have to go finish that Charms assignment now."
"Okay," Sirius says.
"See you at dinner." The door closes softly behind Remus.
Sirius rolls onto his back and really does cry.
A little less than lovers.