The Closed Curtain

The game was over.

He could not deny it anymore. Even through rage and bitterness of losing, some fragile thougth made itself into his mind.

" You are just psychotic murderer. That is all what you are. Nothing more."

Light sighed. Even now, when his life faded away among blood which flowed freely from his veins, he heard Near's calm words in his ears.

Was he right? It didn't matter. Soon, very soon, he would be dead. Free from chains of this world.

Light let his eyelids slide down. The cold and hard stairs under his back disapeared. World turned foggy mass of black and grey clouds.

And suddenly, there was L.

He just stood there, hands in his pockets like usually. Dark eyes were gazing thoughtfully at the others, like seeking answers to the questions never made.

" You are here."

It wasn't just a statement. It was a clear challenge hunging up in the air, waiting for Light's answer. Ordering him to attack and defend at the same time. Calling him to play little game, never ending game between masterminds.

No more.

" I am truly sorry, Ryuuzaki. It seems like playtime is now over. Your little friends defeated me.

Kira, the crazy mass murderer, is dead now."

" Is that what they said to you? I am disappointed. Near should understand better."

L reached his hand and touched lightly Light's cheek.

" Do you regret?"

Now Light was looking back right to the others eyes. L's fingers still resting against his cheek, he landed his hand atop of other's pale wrist

"Nothing. I tried to make a new world. World without murderers and thieves. That was my dream, that is a dream of millons of people. But unlike me, they can do nothing. I had a power, and I used it. You would do same, or would you? Would you have burned the notebook, and watched your change slipe away?"

"The possibility of me doing so is... very low"

L scrathched his head. " Even now, Light, game still goes on. It is not somethihg you or me could stop. It has just changed form and area."

Small smile rose up to Light's lips. "Performance has ended", he whispered softly,"but behind the closed curtains, characters still live their lives."

"Seems that we share the same thoughts."

Light wrapped his arms around the other. "Say", he whispered to L's ear, "were you waiting for me?"

L shivered, leaning to other's embrace. "Yes. You are my only friend, and I don't want to go alone."

"Shall we go then?"


"And L."


"You are my only friend, too"