Chapter 11
"Hey Diana! How was your break?" Whittany asked as they walked into the school building.
"Fine." Diana lied. It was best that her friends didn't know about the incident at Vlad's.
The morning after the battle, the Fenton's had packed up and left. There was no need to stay there any longer. Once the RV was packed and everyone was in their seats Diana thought of something.
"Hey Dad," She'd said. "What are we going to do with Vlad?"
Danny smiled. "The Thermos should be a nice new, permanent, home for him don't you think?"
Diana smiled and nodded. She walked over to her seat but tripped. She winced as she stood up. That's gonna leave a bruise, she thought. She looked down to see what it was that made her stumble. Her eyes grew wide. It was the Fenton Thermos, with the cap lying right beside it.
Danny looked back to see what was going on. "Diana? You okay?"
She picked up the Thermos and the cap and showed them to Danny. "Dad, the Thermos is open! Vlad escaped!"
Danny's face willed with horror. He came over to Diana and examined the Fenton Thermos.
Danny sighed. "He did escape."
"What do we do?"
Danny stared at the Thermos for a moment. "Nothing," He said. "There's nothing we can do now. If he ever comes back we'll be ready."
If he ever comes back. Diana hoped that that day would never come. But now she had other things to keep her mind off of Vlad. School was back in session, which would mean work and lots of it. And to top that all off there was still that constant ghost threat that needed taken care of. Yup, everything was back to normal.
Diana looked over at Whittany and Kelly. "So how was your vacation?"
"Boring." Whittany answered.
"Horrible." Kelly replied. "The family came over for Thanksgiving dinner and I had to watch the brats." She was referring to her younger cousins. They were a handful. Diana knew that from personal experience.
"What are you talking about Kels? You did nothing the whole time!" Michael came up behind them.
"Hey, I fed them!"
"Yeah, once. And you fed them popcorn that you were gonna eat until you found out that it was stale!"
Kelly shrugged. "Well I wasn't gonna eat it! And those brats will eat anything."
Michael sighed.
Diana smiled. Yes, everything was exactly how it was supposed to be. Or was she thinking too soon?
Alex ran up to Diana with a shocked expression on his face.
"Diana, you'll never believe this!" Alex said.
Diana just stared at him. "What's wrong?"
"This is insane! Look who I ran into in the hall!" Alex pointed to the two figures approaching them. Just then Diana's ghost sense went off. She looked down the hallway and found the cause of it. Diana stared at them with her mouth wide open.
"No way!" Diana ran up to them. "What are you guys doing here? I demand to know!"
"Calm down Diana, it's cool. We're new students here." Anthony said.
Diana couldn't believe it, Terra and Anthony going to their school? Impossible. Their parents would have never approved of this. Yet here they were. Besides from Terra's change of clothes, they looked exactly the same as they had during the battle with Vlad.
"But why are you here?" Diana asked.
"New experiences," Terra answered. "Home was getting too boring."
"And guess what. I'm the new student counselor!" Anthony said with delight.
Terra pumped her fist in the air with barely any effort. "Woo." She said with very little enthusiasm.
"But you-" Diana paused for a moment, trying to figure out how to phrase "You're ghosts. This is the human world. Get out of here" without getting her friends involved in the conversation. But it was too late for that.
"Hey, who are these two Diana?" Whittany asked. "Do you know them?"
"Uh," Diana searched for the right words. "Yeah. They're…uh…family friends."
"Cool." Michael said.
Diana sighed. Yes, they bought it.
Kelly walked over to Terra and studied her intently. "Ew," She finally said after a few seconds of examining Terra's unusual punk attire. "Who dressed you, a freak circus? And what's with the make up?"
Terra scowled. "I dare you to say that again." She lunged toward Kelly but Anthony caught her arm. She glared at him then stepped back. She continued to glower at Kelly.
Diana looked at Anthony. "So what class do you guys have next?" she asked to get the conversation moving along.
"Biology in room C126." Anthony answered.
"I know where that is," Michael said. "I'll show you guys the way."
Anthony smiled and nodded. Anthony motioned for Terra to come with him then the two ghosts followed Michael down the hall.
"Well we should get to class too." Whittany said. She always had to be on time for every class.
Kelly and Alex followed her to their first class. Diana didn't follow. She was staring out the window, lost in thought. Alex turned around and noticed Diana just lingering behind.
"Diana, you coming?" He asked her.
Diana looked at him. "Yeah. I'll be right there."
She turned back to the window. He could be anywhere, she thought. Vlad's certainly out there. But where? And will he ever plan on returning? Returning for me?