Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon.
Hey Guys! Hugest apologies for not updating asap. I know, it's been a really long time since I updated, but I promise I did not forget about this story. I just want it to be good, that's all. Anyways,
xoxSerenityxox: Glad you're liking this story and I promise to continue it.
Sunshine: thanks. I hope this is as related to real life as well, since it's based off a true story and all. And I hope people will read and review and learn all the same. Let me know if I showed my main character this chapter.
Dertupio: I'm glad you'll enjoy reading a diff pov. No worries, the story continues. I love SM fanfics as well.lol.
skyee668: I'm glad you think it's good.
NeoQueenSerena: Thanks. I hope I can live up to that potential. I like things that people can relate to.
To everyone else, thanks for reading and please reveiw.
Ok, now the story.
BEEP BEEP BEEP! Her alarm rang right in her ear, and a loud groan erupted from a lump in the bed. "You've got to be kidding me!" Serena complained to her alarm clock. She quickly hit the snooze button and turned to face the wall, determined to get a little more sleep.
An annoying beat on the floor followed by a clearing of the throat, made Serena groan aloud. "Serena, get up! You'll be late for school, again," Serena's mother said forcefully. And irritatingly to her daughter's point of view.
"Ok, ok, I'm up," Serena replied, sitting up in her bed. Serena's mother looked satisfied, turned on her heel and left Serena to get ready for school.
Serena plopped back down into her bed, too tired to move. Five more minutes, she told herself.
"SERENA TUSKINO!!!" Her mother exclaimed in utter shock and annoyance. Serena bolted out of bed in surprise and stared at the clock. Twenty minutes had passed. "You said you were getting up." Her mother turned on her heel yet again and stalked out of her daughter's room.
"I'm going mom, I'm going," Serena replied with a tired frown. She turned to her pile of clothing which lay in a heap on her floor, tossed things aside, until she found something satisfying to wear. She pulled it on, dragged her feet to her bathroom, where she immediately put up her hair in its typical hairstyle. Then she managed to go down the stairs to the kitchen and eat a bowl of cereal. She did not want to go to school today.
"…and Serena, dear, I need you to call me when you get back from your trip," her mother continued, as if Serena had been listening the whole time.
"Oh yeah, that," Sere replied, mentally kicking herself for forgetting about her trip—even though she had packed the night before! Note to self, don't forget suitcase. "Sure thing, mom."
"Good. Now let me check on your brother to make sure he's awake and he'll take you to school."
Serena grumbled her consent and set herself to finishing her breakfast. A groggy blonde haired, blue eyed boy entered the kitchen in his boxers. "Sere, we're leaving in five minutes."
She didn't bother arguing with him that he was still in his boxers. She just nodded and ran back upstairs to wash her face. Five minutes later, a beautiful blonde emerged from the Tuskino's house—oh wait, that's Serena. She loaded her stuff in the trunk and waited for her brother to take her toward destiny.
Serena hated buses. They were evil. They are always stuffy and there are too many people screaming at the top of their lungs. She turned toward the window of the bus and blasted her ipod, in the vain attempt to drown out the voices. Her friend, Michelle, drifted off toward people—real people that actually socialized, unlike socially awkward Serena. Sere wished she was one of those people that could fall asleep on the bus, but that would just not work. Instead, she was saddled with annoying people who had no concept of shutting up. She was going to kill. Finally, after agonizing hours—though she spoke with someone briefly—they arrived at the hotel and unloaded into chaos. Well, that's what it felt like. Everyone was scrambling around, pushing and shoving, trying to figure out which room they were assigned. They received room assignments and piled into the elevators. Girls were on one floor and boys were on another. Unloading took less than a second, but within that second, Serena's so called friends/roommates ditched her. Dammit, not again. Serena grumbled to herself and mentally repeated how much she hated life and how much she did not want to be here. It would be another one of those damn trips where she felt left out and alone. Her friends would ditch her and she'd have a miserable time. But no one would know how she felt. No one ever knew how she felt.
She went in search for her two best friends, Lita and Amy and found them immediately to her huge relief. Lita was a tall, wonderful woman, a little shy around the edges, passionate about certain subjects, and was one of those people you wouldn't think twice about in confiding to (meaning you'd do it in a heartbeat). Amy was shorter, about an inch or two taller than Serena, with a freakishly smart brain, but she wouldn't admit it—and didn't acknowledge that she even had much brains, had a sharp personality—one that you would not want to get near her when she was pissed, but was overall really sweet and had a huge heart. Both were very good socially, though they all seemed to be a group in denial of their social abilities. They were a group in denial of anything about themselves. It was quite funny if it weren't so serious. They descended down to the main level and merged with both Amy and Serena's friends—Lita went to a different school so she didn't really have too many friends who went on this trip. They immediately saw Amar, Michelle and a bunch others all congregated in one place. Sere, Lita and Amy drifted toward them and joined the group, though in Serena's case she was grumbling with resentment. She would be bored yet again and she couldn't do much about it. Oh, and there was another blonde edition to this group. And it was one that made Serena gasp internally. It was Sapphire.
She hadn't seen him since the last group gathering like this. He was best friends with Amar. Last group gathering they had flirted and Serena had liked the attention. She also had liked him. Or so she thought. But he didn't pay any different attention to her! It was like that winter gathering had never happened, and that she was just like everyone else! She knew that at that winter gathering, he had felt something too, or else, why had he even spoken with her in the first place?! She went on with a fake smile, though inside, she was steaming at him for being so inconsiderate. Couldn't he see she was still attracted?
But he just smiled and continued on as if nothing had happened. As if nothing had ever happened. She didn't notice the sly glance he cast her way as the group settled down on the couches and chairs to trade jokes and tales.
"I'll see you guys later," Serena said to her friends, tired of the whole day. She hated having to pretend to be carefree, but that was better than having people come up to you and ask you what's wrong. Anything was better than people's pretend sympathies. The fake smiles they gave and the pretense that they were there to hear your problems was just too much for Serena. They didn't want to hear your problems, they wanted to gloat and feel superior that someone else's life sucked more then theirs. Serena was not going to give anyone that satisfaction.
"Are you sure?" Lita asked.
"Yeah, I'm just really tired. I'll catch up with you later, k?"
"Alright," Amy agreed, though it was a little reluctantly.
Serena flashed them a smile and continued to her room. Why? Why was the question on the tip of her tongue. She wanted to know why Sapphire had totally ignored her and not given her any special attention. She wanted to know why she even agreed to come on this forsaken trip. She wanted to know what possessed her for being so incredibly stupid. She blamed guys for being dense, but maybe she was just as dense. That was not good.
But a real question would be why did she care so much. And why did people ditch her. She knew no one hated her, or at least none of her friends did, but that was about it. Maybe it was the fact that Serena was a very intense person who, once she set her mind to it, was very focused and one tracked. Or maybe it was the fact that she snapped at anyone who came near her that just pissed her off. Or maybe it was the fact that there was no use in small talk. Who could continue small talk when there was nothing to talk about? It's like speaking to a wall hoping it'll somehow communicate back. Not bloody likely and certainly a waste of time.
Of course, it wouldn't matter. Nothing did. Just smile and pretend everything's all right. She closed her eyes with the hopes she would fall asleep. But sleep was just as elusive as the answers to her problems.
The next chapter will contain more SereSap stuff, but it's not that kind of story. No worries, you'll see in due time. I promise to be much better at updates as long as I get reviews.
So, review review review and feel guilty if you don't. Besides, I would really like feedback and stuff. I need to know if you all like it or not.
Can't wait to hear from you all!
Your's truly,